Firefly: Can't Take the Sky - Character 8
Kristen Sobaka :: Almost a Doctor
There's no pattern to this universe, no grand design. Just the horror of an indifferent universe and the chaos of people trying to leave some sign that they were here... that they mattered. The only way to make it better at all is just... be kind.
|| Physical || Mental || Social ||
Trained Skills
Untrained Skills
- Craft, Drive, Fight, Fix, Fly, Labor, Move, Perform, Sneak, Survive, Throw, Trick
Bolded Triggers are active.
Ship's Doctor - Sometimes it seems whoever came up with “First, do no harm” never had to deal with the people you have to deal with.
- ☑ Step Back: Roll Instead of for 1 PP
- ☐ Experimental Procedure: If you replace your Operate or Treat Skill with a d4 for your next roll, gain a Big Damn Hero Die equal to that Skill’s normal die rating if your roll is successful.
- ☑ Natural Healer: Spend 1 PP to step back another character’s medical or injury-based Complication.
- Highlighted Skills: Know, Operate, Treat
Caring - You’ve a courage and tenacity in carin’ for others that most folk don’t. You’re the light in their darkness.
- ☑ Step Back: Roll Instead of for 1 PP
- ☑ Heal the Wounded Heart: Spend 1 PP to step back another character’s emotional or relationship-based Complication.
- ☐ Go the Extra Mile: While you are taking care of an incapacitated or grief-stricken character, you or that character may reroll any dice that come up 1s instead of taking Plot Points.
- Highlighted Skills: Focus, Influence, Treat
Veteran of the Unification Wars - It don’t matter which side you fight on, war leaves a mark on your heart n’ soul
- ☑ Step Back: Roll Instead of for 1 PP
- ☐ Fightin' Type: Spend 1 PP to step up or double your Shoot or Fight when you’re outnumbered.
- ☐ War Stories: When you create an Asset or take a Complication related to a wartime flashback, step it up.
- Highlighted Skills: Move, Notice, Shoot
Signature Assets
- Combat Medic Kit A well-stocked kit that is used for combat wounds and and other emergency medicine.
- Combat Medic Pin A metal badge of a caduceus on a book that she earned by passing the Independent Combat Medic training. It is a touchstone for her to remind her of her training and her past, as well as a subtle way of identifying her prior allegiances when convenient.
- A Good Soul Kristen gets along with most folks, being an intentionally kind person with a pretty face.
All people deserve better... even people who would be better with a few extra holes.