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This section describe basic equipment you might need in your adventure. More advanced and detailed equipments can be found in the upcoming Equipment Codex.

  1. Equipment Statistics
  2. Weapons
  3. Armors
  4. Electronics Enhancement
  5. Adventurer's gears
  6. Services

Electronic Enhancement

Electronic enhancements are replacement part for cyborg, robots or mecharmor. While those enhancements share the same characteristics, they are not compatible with each other. A cybernetic arm cannot be installed on a robot, nor on a mecha, for example.



Cybernetic are robotics body parts that are graft to your skin replacing an original organ or improving its function. You need to adapt to cybernetic attachments or suffer damage to your ability skills. You adaptability is determine by your rank in Cybernetic Tolerance skill.

Cybernetic drawbacks: When you take Electricity or Magnetic damage, your cybernetic attachment suffers damage directly to their Core. You must also succeed in a Cybernetic Tolerance check DC 10+damage or take the damage to your Constitution.


Mecharmor are special vehicles resembling a humanoid robot that any character can drive with the Vehicles – Mecharmor skill.

Mecharmor can be enhanced with electronic devices. The number of enhancement that can be installed on a mecharmor is determined by its type.


Robots can upgrade their part to enhance their ability. The number of robotics enhancement a robot can manage is determined by the efficiency of its artificial intelligence. See Multi-Tasking skills for details.


Stone Age

There are no electronic enhancements available for this era.

Bronze/Iron Age

There are no electronic enhancements available for this era.

Middle Ages

There are no electronic enhancements available for this era.

Age of Reason

There are no electronic enhancements available for this era.

Industrial Age

There are no electronic enhancements available for this era.

Information Age

There are no electronic enhancements available for this era.

CyberGenetic Age

Name Material Price Find Weight
Replacement Nanocarbon 7 16 -
Enhancement, Light Nanocarbon 8 19 -
Light Nanocarbon 12 18 -

Space Age

Name Material Price Find Weight
Replacement Femtocarbon 6 13 -
Enhancement, Light Femtocarbon 7 15 -
Enhancement, Medium Femtocarbon 8 18 -
Enhancement, Heavy Femtocarbon 10 21 -
Light Femtocarbon 11 15 -
Medium Femtocarbon 13 18 -
Heavy Femtocarbon 15 21 -

Energy Age

Name Material Price Find Weight
Replacement Femtocarbon 5 10 -
Enhancement, Light Femtocarbon 6 13 -
Enhancement, Medium Femtocarbon 7 15 -
Enhancement, Heavy Femtocarbon 9 18 -
Light Femtocarbon 9 15 -
Medium Femtocarbon 11 18 -
Heavy Femtocarbon 13 21 -


Name Craft DC Craft Time Hardness Hit Point Core
Replacement, Nanocarbon
Light 12 8 hr 5 8 6
Replacement, Femtocarbon
Light 12 8 hr 10 15 11
Enhancement, Nanocarbon
Light 17 16 hr 5 12 11
Enhancement, Femtocarbon
Light 16 16 hr 10 25 12
Medium 18 32 hr 10 25 12
Heavy 20 64 hr 10 25 12
Light 20 100 hours 8 20 18
Light 18 80 hours 10 25 20
Medium 20 150 hours 15 50 25
Heavy 22 200 hours 20 100 30


Electronics enhancement


Cybernetics: The number of Tolerance rank need to adapt to the attachment without damaging your skills. Multiple attachment tolerance ranks needed are cumulative. If you have a medium enhancement and a heavy enhancement, you need 5 ranks in Cybernetic Tolerance.

Robotic: The number of multi-task unit rank need to manage the enhancement without diverting to much computational power.

Mecharmor: The number of slot used on a mecharmor by the enhancement.

Bonus: Maximum skill bonus the electronic attachment gives you. The bonus may be split in any number of skills.

Name Slot Bonus
Replacement, Nanocarbon
Light 1 -
Replacement, Femtocarbon
Light 0 -
Enhancement, Nanocarbon
Light 2 +1 bonus
Enhancement, Femtocarbon
Light 1 +1 bonus
Medium 2 +2 bonus
Heavy 3 +4 bonus

Replacement: Replacement electronics simply replace an original part by one that has the exact same feature and capabilities. Because they look likes a lot like original part, they are easy to adapt to or manage.

Enhancement: Electronics can also enhance your abilities and skills. Each electronic attachment can gives you a bonus to one or more skills. For example a Heavy electronic eye can gives you a +2 bonus on spot and a +2 bonus with range attack.


Strength: Strength skill bonus provided by the Mecharmor.

Dexterity: Dexterity skill bonus provided by the Mecharmor.

Damage Threshold: If you Mecharmor ever sustain a SINGLE attack that deals more than its Damage Threshold in damage, it takes damage directly to its Core. The damage to the Core is equal to the hit damage - its Damage Threshold.

Maneuverability: Penalty to your action when piloting a Mecharmor. This penalty can be totally removed with the Vehicles – Mecharmor skills.

Extension: The numbers of improvement that can be add to a Mecharmor. Each installed extension make the Mecharmor more complex to pilot giving an additional -1 maneuver penalty.

Name Strength Dexterity Damage Threshold Maneuvrability Extension
Light +4 +2 9 -2 1
Light +4 +2 10 -2 1
Medium +8 +4 17 -4 4
Heavy +12 +8 30 -8 8

Light: Light mecharmor generally do not cover all the body and are not very encumbering. They serve only to have extra strength and protection.

Medium: Medium mecharmor totally cover its pilot and greatly enhance its capabilities. It offer better protection but most importantly, it have extension that can enhance some of your skills.

Heavy: The best mecharmor out there offering a lot of protection and a lot of extension for greater versatility.