D&D 5E: Fall of the Feywild - Elliona

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Elliona :: Level 5 :: Half-Elf :: Druid

I'd like to be your friend, but if I have to, I'll settle for being your end.


STR 8 -1 Save (-1) || DEX 12 +1 Save (+1) || CON 14 +2 Save (+2)
INT 10 +0 Save (+3) || WIS 18 +4 Save (+7) || CHA 16 +3 Save (+3)

Skills and Feats=


Animal Handling +7
Arcana +3
Insight +7
Nature +3
Perception +7
Persuasion +6
Proficiency Bonus +3


Attribute Increase
+2 Wisdom


Dwarven Trade Tongue, Elvish, Sylvan, High Dwarven, Druidic, Primordial, Outlander


AC 15/17 | HP 38 | HD 5d8
Initiative Modifier +1
Weapon To Hit Damage Range/Reach Weapon To Hit Damage Range/Reach
Scimitar +4 1d6+1 Melee Primal Savagery +7 2d10 Acid Melee
Sling +4 1d4+1 30'/120' Produce Flame +7 2d8 fire 30'
Spell +7 Save vs 15 Various


Spell Slots

L1 4 || L2 3 || L3 2


Primal Savagery
Produce Flame

Memorized (9 slots + circle spells)

Level 1
Beast Bond
Cure Wounds
Detect Magic*
Faerie Fire
Speak with Animals*
Level 2
Beast Sense
Healing Spirit
Pass Without Trace
Level 3
Dispel Magic
*ritual spell

Racial Features

  • Immune to magical sleep
  • Advantage on saves vs Charm
  • +2 Cha, +1 to 2 others
  • +2 Proficient Skills

Class Features

  • Druid spellcasting
    • Know all Druid spells
    • Prepare Level+Wis spells/day
    • Use Druidic Focus for spellcasting
  • Circle of the Land
    • Bonus cantrip known
    • Natural Recovery - Level/2 (round up) spell levels restored after short rest, 1/long
    • Bonus prepared spells
  • Wild Shape - as action assume the shape of a beast
    • CR 1/2 max, no fly; 2 hours, 2× per short rest
    • Gain all its game statistics except Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma
    • Higher of skill and saving throw proficiencies
    • Get beast's HP and HD, revert to own on return
    • Cannot cast spells but can keep concentration
    • Retain class & race features except special senses
    • Choose whether equipment falls to the ground, merges, or stays worn
    • Revert if out of time or unconscious; if KOd by damage, excess damage carries over

Background Features


  • Proficient with Insight, Nature, any 2 languages
  • Shelter of the Faithful: I command the respect of those who share my faith. I can perform the religious ceremonies of my faith. My companions and I can expect free healing and care at an establishment of my faith, though I must provide any material components needed for spells. Those who share my religion will support me at a modest lifestyle.
  • Trait: I seek common ground, empathizing with enemies... but I have my limits.
  • Trait: I see omens everywhere, but even Saena's sight doesn't always let me interpret them clearly.
  • Ideal: Charity. I always try and help those in need.
  • Bond: I owe my life to the Grove that took me in when my parents died.
  • Flaw: Once I pick a goal, I get obsessive.





Saena (As Breastplate)


Explorer's Pack| Item | Item | Item
Item | Item | Item | Item
Item | Item | Item | Item
Item | Item | Item | Item
Item | Item | Item | Item

Magic Items

Saena - Druid vestments, fashioned from the skull and feathers of an ancient roc. Provides protection equivalent to a breastplate, advantage on sight-based Perception checks and allows clear vision into the far distance. Once per long rest, the vestments can be animated via the protective spirit of Saena, which will act as an Animated Shield for 10 rounds. Can shrink to a hawk-skull amulet to be worn when the vestments are inappropriate, but only provides function as a druid focus and the ability to rapidly redeploy.
The great roc Saena was more than a mere bird, and revered as a protector of the pastoral people living where the Sundered Steppes give way to the northern foothills. She would ward off their more aggressive nomadic neighbors, in exchange for carrying off the occasional hecatomb of livestock to feed her slowly-growing chicks. She wielded potent magic of her own, and was more than a match for substantial raiding forces.
One day, a great hero of the nomads came up with a plan, to defeat the guardian not with the might of charging cavalry, but through deceit. He and his blood brothers would pose as injured villagers, using clothes taken from the dead, and attack the roc when she landed to investigate and help. Even with the element of surprise, they mostly perished, and even the 'hero' had to flee without lashing the corpse to his horse, having been so injured that the mob of farmers coming after him posed a threat.
The druid Loxander promised Saena's spirit vengeance as he worked her bones and feathers into the vestment that now bears her name. The spirit is forever watchful after its brief lapse, and can rouse itself in defense of the bearer as she once did for the shepherds. Loxander completed his revenge, and the spirit of the vestments chose to remain with him until he died and passed them along to another.
The veracity of the legend, especially in the details, is murky from time. Druids of the Circle who come from the nomadic tribes have often held that the villagers must have grown tired of her price and imagined that they could raise her chicks to protect them more cheaply. Traditionalists decry this interpretation and others.



Elliona barely remembers her parents; she's vaguely aware that she had a human father and an elf mother, and that they were killed when bandits attacked their trade caravan in the Jade Pass, but she was scarcely a toddler then. A pack of wolves heard the crying child when they came to scavenge the dead, and a young mother among them took pity on the strange, hairless pup with its piteous mewling. She was not with the pack long, as a druid from the Circle of the Grass Sea happened across the pack shortly thereafter, and she was raised among them.

It was clear from a young age that Elli was on her way to joining the druids, as she had a near-magical way with animals already. But it became a certainty when Saena chose her after the death of its last bearer, when she had completed only the earliest of initiations. She had the temperament the heirloom favors - inquisitive, empathetic, but obstinate and uncompromising when finally roused to anger (fortunately, her youthful tantrums gave way to more productive outlets).

Before the Feywild crashed into the mundane world, the druids of the Circle of the Grass Sea had taken upon themselves the less-than-pleasant task of negotiating boundaries with the fey who would cross from their plane. The vulnerable settled pastoral communities of the Sundered Steppe were enticing targets for their traditional raids for infants and other such 'mischief', and the Circle couldn't be everywhere at once, so they negotiated limits to the fey's predations and the terms of reprisal if that was violated. When the Fall began, they assumed it was an outright invasion, and while the embittered elders continue to see it that way - or at least, want to justify wiping out the fey 'invaders' wherever they appear - younger members have been less certain. Elli, after butting heads with her elders a few too many times, has left on a quest to find the truth, trying to learn from what other Circles and other mystical institutions have discovered and maybe find ways for some of the 'immigrants' to peacefully join the world. ...at least, she still holds out hope for that.

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