Trinity:Kotrit Wayveri

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Of all the people that have ever walked the worlds of Trinity, the most vile and well-known is most certainly Kotrit Wayveri.

Born in 97 CY in the Ashkian Empire, Kotrit would rise up to become an incredibly powerful sorcerer. At the age of 16, he began researching more efficient means of raising the dead; at 18, he had completed his studies and summoned forth a swarm of undead to assault and eventually conquer his hometown. He raised the fallen to add to his undead legion, then went west, to the Tower of Illusion on the Lost Isle.

Once there, he unlocked the secrets of epic magic, and raised the continent of Lotharien. Among his new spells was also a spell capable of creating an eternal winter on a small continent; he used this spell to change the northern tip of Ashkar into a barren, frozen wasteland that would come to be known as the Coldlands. The population of the Ashkian Empire sufficiently cowed, he conquered the entire continent with his undead armies.

Kotrit was defeated in 118 CY, when the combined armies of the rest of the world took his legions head-on. Meanwhile, Tarian the Wanderer assembled a small group of experts in the nine Forces and assault Kotrit's stronghold of the Tower of Illusion. There, Tarian confronted Kotrit and destroyed his physical form. Tarian then sealed the tower, which would remain sealed for hundreds of years.

However, Kotrit was not defeated; his spirit remained, trapped in the Tower, even while his armies were decimated in the Ashkian Empire. He studied for several years, and then cast yet another, even more powerful epic spell: in 121 CY the entire southern portion of the world disappeared from memory. Kotrit had seperated the world into two parts, so that he might protect the nation of Wayveri in Sarteri.

The split also had a more sinister effect: Kotrit was able to transfer his essence to one of the dracolich forms held in the dungeons of the castle of the Wayveri family, situated deep within the Lost in Wayveri. However, once he had done so, he was incapable of affecting the other half of the world directly. For two hundred years, he waited for the right moment. When the time was right, in 397 CY, he sought outside assistance in the form of the dark angel Zalera, who managed to trick a band of adventurers into unsealing the Tower of Illusion, which undid Kotrit's magic. The world was whole once again, and Kotrit was free to reign supreme once more.

However, the same adventurers who had opened the Tower proved difficult, and though Kotrit had managed to wrest control of a good portion of the world with his undead minions, he knew he was going to be destroyed. With that knowledge, he sought the help of an unknown being, who transformed Kotrit into a Wanderer.

As the ritual was completed, the adventurers stormed into his castle, and there, in 398 CY, Kotrit was defeated with finality by Admiral X and Friends.