PotterFAE: Character Template

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Character Name[edit]

"Character Quote"[edit]

High Concept[edit]

Aspect Name Brief description of Aspect

Invoke: Example of when this aspect might be invoked
Compel: Example of when this aspect might be compelled
This aspect sums up your character in a short, punchy phrase, such as The Boy Who Lived, Smartest Girl In The Room or Working Class Wizard.

School Aspect[edit]

Aspect Name Brief description of Aspect

Invoke: Example of when this aspect might be invoked
Compel: Example of when this aspect might be compelled
This sums up not just what house or school your character is, but your relationship to it, such as Reluctant Slytherin or World Famous Beauxbaton Duelist. 

Note: Our story takes place at Hogwarts, but characters may be returning Hogwarts students or may be there on exchange from another wizarding school. Exchange students will still be sorted into one of the four Hogwarts' Houses for the year.

Wizarding World Aspects[edit]

Aspect Name Brief description of Aspect

Invoke: Example of when this aspect might be invoked
Compel: Example of when this aspect might be compelled

Aspect Name Brief description of Aspect

Invoke: Example of when this aspect might be invoked
Compel: Example of when this aspect might be compelled
Each Wizarding World Aspect represents the most noteworthy thing that happened to your character in a previous year. They can lean positive, like, Named Head Boy or they could lean negative like, Lost The Big Quidditch Match Singlehandedly. Even something like My Mother Was A Deatheater can be used for good invokes and compels. First year students should start with one aspect, while returning students should start with 2. 

As returning students, you will each be starting with two Wizarding World Aspects.






Approaches are Careful, Clever, Flashy, Forceful, Quick, and Sneaky. Set one at +3, two at +2, two at +1, and one at +0.


Wood: Wood Type | Core: Core Type | Flexibility: Degree of Flexibility

Wand Stunt:

Stunt Description
Each wand starts with one free stunt. Stunt should be (loosely) relative to the wand's Wood, Core, and Flexibility (see section on Wands on the main wikipage for details).


Pet Name: Description

Pet Stunt:

Stunt Description
Your pet or familiar gets one free stunt appropriate to the type of animal.

Character Stunts[edit]

Stunt 1:

Stunt Description

Stunt 2:

Stunt Description

Stunt 3:

Stunt Description
Each character starts with three free stunts and may buy up to two more in exchange for refresh on a point to point basis.

Stress & Conditions[edit]

Stress Track






Character Background[edit]

In addition to whatever description you choose to put here, your character's background should endeavor to answer the following questions:

What was I doing during the Battle of Hogwarts (two years prior)? Were you at the school at all? Did you participate? What side of the conflict were you on?

What was my focus before the battle? What were your favorite classes/things to learn? What did you see yourself doing after school was finally over?

What is my focus in the aftermath of the battle? It has been two years since the battle. How did it change or temper your answers to the question above? How has it affected how you move forward as a witch or wizard?

Who are my parents/guardians, and what (if any) is their place in the wizarding world? Are you pureblood, *mudblood, or are the details of your ancestry uncertain? Is either of your parents muggleborn? Both? Is their knowledge of the wizarding world a new thing or something they're steeped in? Or have they been made to forget?

*Note: This pejorative term is now officially designated as hate speech and strictly not tolerated in the school.

Extra Curricular Classes[edit]

Choose two classes beyond the Core Curriculum from the following list: Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures, Divination, Muggle Studies, Study of Ancient Runes.

Note: You can also make up an extra-curricular class of your own devising if you prefer and we'll say it's a thing this year.

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