Marys Sante is MONUMENT, a field medic/technician/war mage for JEHUTY. After her life fighting for freedom and a better world on Vuor, she decided to continue fighting for peace across the sector.
- Class: Magister (War Mage)
- Level: 2
- XP: 3/6
- Skill Points Unspent:
- Strength 10
- Dexterity 14 (+1)
- Constitution 14 (+1)
- Intelligence 15 (+1)
- Wisdom 8
- Charisma 9
- Background: War Mage Rebel
- Goal: I will keep innocent lives safe by disarming the powerful
- Homeworld: Vuor
- Languages: Novesperanto, one or two languages of Vuor, Gracious (badly)
- Cast Magic-1
- Exert-0
- Fix-0
- Heal-0
- Know Magic-0
- Notice-0
- Pilot-0
- Shoot-0
- Cross-Disciplinary Study-2
- You may pick one spell for each spell level you are capable of casting, and may change each of them once per experience level, assuming you can find a source for the new spell.
- Healer-1
- Gain Heal as a bonus skill. You may attempt to stabilize one mortally-wounded adjacent person per round as an On Turn action. When rolling Heal skill checks, roll 3d6 and drop the lowest die
- Spells per day:
- 1st level - 4/day
- Spells known
- 1st level:
- Field Report (Opens a brief telepathic speech link to a willing target while Deep Focus is held)
- Force Shelter (Conjures a metadimensional tent shelter that also conceals those inside it)
- Void Flow Scan (While Light Focus is maintained, the caster can visually perceive metadimensional energy flows)
- 1st level:
Cybernetics and Innate Abilities
- Name
- Effect
- Melee
- Attack Roll:
- Damage:
- Shock:
- Mods:
- Ranged
- Attack Roll:
- Damage:
- Range:
- Magazine:
- Mods:
- Name: Armored Undersuit
- AC: 13
- Mods:
Other Stats
- HP: 7
- System Strain:
- Base AC: 14
- Base Attack Bonus: +1
- Saves
- Physical: 13
- Mental: 14
- Evasion: 13
- Movement Rate: 10 meters/round
- Encumbrance: None
- Readied: 0/5
- Stowed: 0/10
- Readied (5/5)
- Laser Pistol (1d6 dmg)
- 3 Lazarus Patches
- Compad
- Bioscanner
- Backpack
- Stowed(3/10)
- 1 Lazarus Patch
- Medkit (Encumbrance 2)
- Non-encumbering
- 2 Doses of Lift
- .Armored Undersuit
- 25 Credits
-Main Page: SWN:_Hand_of_Jehuty