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Back to TROS in the Hammer

NAME: Kronkite Player's Name: Justin
Philosophy: Learn all you can; record all you learn. Faith/Creed: Yesukrishnaity
Gifts: Accuracy (Minor) - ????//

Good Reputation (Minor) - ????

Flaws: Anti-Destiney (Major) - Kronkite will be the destruction of his tribe, the Grinning Blue Moons.
Allies: Enemies:
Background & Notes:
Race: Human Social Class: Peasant
Nationality: the People Concept: Entertainer
Personality: Appearance: 22 year old male. 5'9 tall, 165 lbs. Blue eyes, blonde hair, and light skin. Errol Flynn with a crescent moon circlet on forehead.
Ancient Languages 6 Read and Write 5
Orate 4 Research 6
Etiquette 5 Trade Niarchic (Language) 6
Lingua (Language) 6 Theology 6
Folk Lore 6 Search 6
Ridicule 6 Dancing 5
Intrigue 6 Musical Instrument 6
Juggling 5 Games 5
Acrobatics 7 Acting 4
Disguise 6 Singing 4
Cut and Thrust 4
Bow 2
Strength (ST) 4
Agility (AG) 6
Toughness (TO) 4
Endurance (EN) 3
Health (HT) 4
Will Power (WP) 3
Wit (Wit) 7
Mental Aptitude (MA) 5
Social (Soc) 6
Perception (Per) 2
Reflex 6
Aim 4
Knockdown 5
Knockout 5
Move 6
Passion to be the center of attention 1
Drive to see what is over the next hill 2
Destiny to tell the People's Story 3
Oath destroy the Gezag 1
Passion to avenge my fallen tribesmates 0
Insight Points 20???
Armor Worn
Piece AV CP Mod Other Notes
Pot Helm 5 -1 -1 to PER
Chain Shirt with Sleeves 4 - -
Buckler 4 - -
Weapons Carried
Weapon Length ATN DAM DTN Notes
Saber Medium Cut 6, Thrust 6 Cut 6, Thrust 4 6 -1 DAM to soft armour and -2 DAM to metal armour with Cut
Short Bow Missle 6 5 - 2-4 rounds prep time [Pull arrow: 0 (on ground), 2 (from quiver); knock and draw: 2)]. 2 MP to reduce prep time by one round (Reflex/TN8). Min Str 4. +1 ATN per 30 feet.
Cut and Thrust 10
Bow 6
Offensive Maneuvers
Name Prof Mechanic MoS Cost
Beat Cut and Thrust Only after pause, or at start of bout. Select target location. Assigned CP vs Wpn ATN. Target weapon or shield. Range penalties halved (round down). Defender loses 2 CP per MoS in next exchange. Targeted weapon of shield cannot be used in next exchange. Does not change range. 0
Bind and Strike Cut and Thrust Two weapons, or weapon and shield. Assigned CP vs Wpn ATN or Shield DTN. Opponent loses 1 CP per MoS in next exchange. 0
Cut Cut and Thrust Edged weapon. Select target location. Assigned CP vs Wpn Cut ATN. Can spend only 1 CP prior to rolling to add 1 to damage. Damage. Range becomes aggressor weapon range. 0
Double Strike Cut and Thrust Two weapons. Assign CP to each attack (Bash, Cut, Thrust). Assigned CP vs Wpn ATN, for each weapon. Defender can evade, block/parry with weapon and shield/two weapons if so equipped by splitting CP, block/parry only one attack, or buy initiative. Range penalties apply to each weapon as normal. Damage from each attack. Range becomes aggressor’s choice of weapon ranges. 0
Feint and Thrust Cut and Thrust Edged weapon. Declare Cut as normal (rapier can declare thrust), assigning CP. After defender declares parry defense, declare feint and declare thrust to different but nearby area. Pay activation cost, then add 1 die to attack for each 2 CP spent. Each repeated identical feint against the same defender permanently has +1 CP activation cost. Damage from each attack. Range becomes aggressor’s choice of weapon ranges. 1
Simultaneous Block/Strike Cut and Thrust Two weapons, or weapon and shield. Simultaneous attack. Assign CP to a Block/Parry, and a Cut/Thrust. Each must be at least half as large as the other in CP. Assigned CP vs. Wpn ATN for attack, vs. Wpn/Shield DTN for defense. Damage for attack, reduce attack successes for defense. If defense succeeds, may be aggressor next exchange. 0
Stop Short Cut and Thrust Roll (Aggressor WP vs Defender Per) vs (Defender Ref vs 7+CP spent on maneuver). Counts as attack. Defender cannot defend normally or buy initiative. Each additional attempt versus same defender is +1 CP. Defender loses 1 CP per MoS. Does not carry over to next Round. 0
Thrust Cut and Thrust Pointed weapon.

Mechanic: Select target location. Assigned CP vs Wpn Thrust ATN. Aggressor’s Ref+1 against non-Thrust if initiative tie on simultaneous attack.

Damage. Range becomes aggressor weapon range. 0
NOTE: Several additional maneuvers are available at higher Cut and Thrust proficiency.
Defensive Manuevers
Name Prof Mechanic MoS Cost
Block Cut and Thrust Shield (only Buckler with Cut and Thrust). Assigned CP vs Shield DTN. Reduce attack successes. If successful, can be aggressor in next exchange. 0
Counter Cut and Thrust Any weapon. Assigned CP vs Wpn DTN. Reduce attack successes. If successful, attacker’s successes added to counter-attack roll. Roll 1d10 to determine form of counter-attack on next exchange on Table on page 64. 2
Grapple Cut and Thrust See pgs 58 and 62. See pgs 58 and 62. 2
Parry Polearms Any wpn. Assigned CP vs. Wpn DTN. Reduce attack successes. If successful, can be agressor in next exchange. 0
Full Evasion Any Assigned CP vs. 4. Cannot use if attack on immediately previous exchange. Reduce attack successes. Can be used against multiple attacks in one exchange. If successful, pause in combat, requiring new initiative. If fumble, DL+2. 0
Partial Evasion Any Assigned CP vs. 7. Spend 2 CP if want to take initiative. Reduce attack successes. If spent 2 CP, can be agressor in next exchange. If fumble, DL+2. 0/2
Duck and Weave Any Assigned CP vs. 9. Reduce attack successes. If successful, may be agressor next round and treat opponent as if botched. If fumble, DL+2. 0
Location Chart
Location Body Part Attack Mod AV
I Lower Legs +1 CP vs. Shield 0
II Upper Legs - 4
III Torso - 4
IV Downward/Shoulder - 4
V Vertical/Head - 5
VI Upward/Groin - 4
VII Arms +1 CP 4 (8 on left arm)
Location Body Part Attack Mod AV
VIII Lower Legs -2 CP 0
IX Upper Legs - 4
X Groin - 4
XI Belly - 4
XII Chest - 4
XIII Head/Face -1 CP 5
XIV Arms -1 CP 4 (8 on left arm)
Locale Level Other Effects
Blood Loss

Other Notes, Other Equipment Owned, etc.:

Equipment carried: Backpack, flint/stone.
Languages spoken: Speech, Hunting Code, Trade Niarchic, Lingua

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