Melvin Melville
Voted the Worst Place to Live in America
Melvin "Ol' Mel^2" Melville
- Fixer* - Operator: 4
- Cultural Background: North American (Wherever the jobs were)
- Personality: Stable and Serious
- Clothing style: Businesswear
- Hair: Short and Curly
- Affectation: Mirrorshades
- Values: Money
- People: Everyone is a valuable individual
- Most valued person: He's got a much cooler sister, Marianne, that he looks up to and is always trying to impress.
- Most valued possession: A rare bootleg recording of his favorite band Space Monkey Mafia.
- Int. 8
- Ref. 5
- Dex. 7
- Tech. 4
- Cool. 6
- Will. 5
- Luck. 8
- Move. 5
- Body. 5
- Emp. 8 (-2 Humanity loss)
- Athletics 2
- Brawling 2
- Concentration 2
- Conversation 6
- Education 2
- Evasion 6
- First Aid 2
- Human Perception 6
- Language (Streetslang) 4
- Local Expert (Home) 6
- Perception 2
- Persuasion 4
- Stealth 2
- Bribery 6
- Business 6
- Forgery 6
- Handgun 6
- Pick Lock 4
- Streetwise 6
- Trading 6
Basic Gear
- Heavy Pistol, Damage: 3d6, ROF: 2, Concealable
- Very Heavy Pistol, Damage: 4d6, ROF: 1
- Light Melee Weapon (Combat Knife) Damage: 1d6, ROF: 2, Concealable
- Basic Heavy Pistol Ammunition x100
- Basic VH Pistol Ammunition x 100
- Light Armorjack Body (SP 11)
- Light Armorjack Head (SP 11)
- Agent
- Bug Detector
- Computer
- Disposable Phone x2
- Generic Chic: Contacts, Jewelry
- Leisurewear: Mirrorshades
- Urbanflash: Footwear, Jacket, Bottoms, Top
- Cyberaudio Suite
- Internal Agent
- Subdermal Pocket
- Voice Stress Analyzer
- 16 Humanity Loss
- 400