Firefly: Reavers on the Rim - Chargen

Step One :: Attributes
Choose which die represents which Attribute. Attributes are Physical/Mental/Social.
Step Two :: Distinctions
Choose Three Distinctions. The list of distinctions from the core book can be found HERE.
There are other distinctions listed in published material.
You may also make up your own distinctions. To do this, use the following guidelines:
- Name your Distinction.
- Choose three Highlighted Skills to go with your distinction. These should make sense as to how they relate to the distinction.
- You automatically get the Trigger Step Back: Roll
instead of
for 1 PP
- Craft Two more Triggers to go with the distinction. These can be re-skinned from existing triggers (or ported over whole cloth), but they should do something similar to an existing trigger.
Choose Two Distinction Triggers from among your three Distinctions to activate
You automatically start play the Trigger Step Back: Roll instead of
for 1 PP on each distinction. Choose two more triggers that are also active at start of play.