Firefly: Reavers of the Rim - Character 4

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Matrin Maximus Moody :: Fixer

"I mean, is it really a problem, or is it just lookin' that way cause you're lookin' at it straight-on?"


Physical d8 | Mental d6 | Social d10

Trained Skills

Influence d8

  • Flattery d6

Know d8

  • Criminal Culture d6

Notice d8

Operate d6

Perform d8

Sneak d10

Survive d6

  • Sudden Firefights d6

Trick d10

  • Distractions d6

Untrained Skills d4

Craft d4 | Drive d4 | Fight d4 | Fly d4 | Focus d4 | Labor d4 | Move d4 | Shoot d4 | Throw d4 | Treat d4


Checked SFX are active.

Prodigious Fiction d8 - Is it really a lie if everyone believes it?

☑ SFX, Hinder - Roll d4 Instead of d8 for 1 PP
☐ SFX: Born Liar - Spend 1 PP to roll your Trick skill and add it to your total once per scene.
☑ SFX: Blather - Step up or double Trick for an Action when you just keep talking. Take or step up an Annoying Complication after the roll.

Big Plans d8 - Always working the best angle.

☑ SFX, Hinder - Roll d4 Instead of d8 for 1 PP
☑ SFX: Milk Run - Spend a Plot point to turn a Complication into an Asset [implied: for the next roll].
☐ SFX: Did I Forget to Mention That? - Gain 1 PP when an important detail of your plan “slips your mind.”

Things Just Don't Go Smooth For Ya, Gambler d8 - Life sure seems to be a string of mishaps, mistakes, and misappropriations. But you’re still here, ain’t ya?

☑ SFX, Hinder - Roll d4 Instead of d8 for 1 PP
☐ SFX: Risky Business - If you replace your Skill die in a roll with a d4, you get a Big Damn Hero Die equal to that Skill’s normal die rating if you successfully set or raise the stakes.
☐ SFX: Trouble Magnet - Step up one of your Complications to reroll a die. On your next roll, both 1s and 2s count for Complications.

Signature Assets

Makeup and costumes d8 Let's see if my chest full of solutions can help...

Asset Description


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