Firefly: Reavers of the Rim - Character 3
C.Z "Valdosta" Borzonov :: Pilot
Don't ask me no questions, I won't tell no lies.

|| Physical || Mental
|| Social
Trained Skills 

Untrained Skills 
| Craft | Fix
| Focus
| Know
| Labor
| Move
| Perform
| Throw
| Threat
| Trick
Checked SFX are active.
Alliance Marine Pilot - Over Land, Sea, Air and Space
- ☑ SFX, Hinder: Roll
Instead of
for 1 PP
- ☑ SFX, I’ve Never Tried That Before: If you replace your Fly or Operate Skill with a d4 for your next roll, gain a Big Damn Hero Die equal to that Skill’snormal die rating if your roll is successful.
- ☐ SFX, Time for Some Thrillin’ Heroics: Spend 1PP to go first in any battle or combat scene. On your first Action, you may reroll any dice that come up 1 instead of accepting a Plot Point.
Haunted Past - This sort of life has a tendency to catch up with you.
- ☑ SFX, Hinder: Roll
Instead of
for 1 PP
- ☐ SFX, Jack of All Trades: Take or step up a Sins Of My Past Complication to step up Shoot or Trick for the rest of the scene.
- ☐ SFX, Guilt by Association: Gain 1 PP each time your actions cause your fellow Crewmembers to become targets for those chasing you.
The Butcher of Anderson Station - You weren't there, you don't know what happened. True story or not, your name is linked with a famous war action (or atrocity depending on what side you're on).
- ☑ SFX, Hinder: Roll
Instead of
for 1 PP
- ☐ SFX, War Stories: When you create an Asset or take a Complication related to a wartime flashback, step it up.
- ☑ SFX, Don’t Get His Back Up: Step back your Notice die to step up your Shoot die for the scene.
Signature Assets 

Alliance Campaign Distinguished Service Pin
Floyd: Service Carbine since basic training
Hailing from the Georgia system world of Newhope, C.Z Barzonov, child of a settler family, was a happy child, a good worker, an able athlete and a quick study. For a settler, C.Z was oddly fixated on the history and glorious propaganda of the Alliance Core Worlds. He volunteered as soon as he was able, and become a Marine pilot, call sign Valdosta on account of his origins. The glory and the actual experience didn't match up, and after his harrowing experiences during the overwhelming bombardment of Serenity Valley at the end of the war. C.Z found his ardor for the Alliance completely gone. So much so that he terminated his otherwise promising career and headed out to the Rim, trying to outrun the stain he feels. C.Z tries to make amends to the settlers and Browncoats he encounters, but closely guards his past as it'll require more explaining than he cares to lay out there.