Goon Deeps of Sargolis:Narm
a subpage of the Goon Deeps of Sargolis.
Travel Tables (open lands) roll d6 + danger level (1-3), twice per day.
2: A respite.
3: Encounter! Roll on the encounter table.
4: A respite.
5: Discovery! Roll on the encounter table.
6: Weather changes.
7: Discovery! Roll on the discovery table.
8: Encounter! Roll on the encounter table.
9: Discovery! Roll on the discovery table.
Encounters (open lands) roll d6 + danger level
2: merchants; can trade for any two items
3: flooding; add 1 day to travel time
4: road blocked by storm debris; add 1/2 day to travel time on wheels
5: merchants; can trade for any two items
6: 2-7 desperate bandits armed with bows; DS 10 to talk out of robbery, DS 8 to fight
7: 1-3 knights; DS 10 to talk out of "taxation," DS 12 to fight
8: roaming livestock; add 1/2 day to travel time; DS 8 to avoid injury
9: windstorm; add 1 day to travel time; DS 10 to avoid injury
Discoveries (open lands) roll d6 + danger level
2: fortress (friendly); hospitality + repairs
3: village (friendly); can trade for any items or repairs
4: village (friendly); can trade for any items or repairs
5: farmstead (friendly?); hospitality
6: ruins (abandoned?)
7: ruins (abandoned?)
8: fortress (hostile); DS 10 to avoid patrols
9: ruins (hostile)