TE RelicsRedux/Cast/BrotherMichael

Brother Michael
Brother Michael was born dirt poor and raised in the slums of Avignon on Magna Verita. With only a basic education and not much hope for rising in the world, he joined the Church Police as soon as he was of age. He excelled as a soldier and served with distinction on two crusades. However, it was during the crusade prior to the invasion of Core Earth that he was assigned to help bodyguard an Inquisitor and things began to not feel right. His faith was deeply shaken by the things he witnessed, particularly where what he had always been taught was right did not line up with the practices he saw implemented before his eyes. He began to question the orders of his superiors and, when he refused to stop questioning, he was not only removed from his assignment, but drummed out of the Church Police entirely.
Finding himself on the streets with only his skills and no hope of redemption, he was at a loss of where to turn. However, someone (he has no idea who) quietly passed his name on to the Knights Templar, an underground militant order who had been sanctioned by the Cyberpope decades before and they recruited him in and taught him to follow God and not the Cyberpope. One of his most precious possessions is the hard copy of the Julian Bible they gave him. When the order contacted the Delphi Council in a desperate quest for allies, he joined them and soon found himself fighting not only the Cyberpope, but also the rest of the High Lords.
Game Stats
Cosm: Cyberpapacy (Magic: 14, Social: 18, Spirit: 16, Tech: 26)
Clearance: Alpha (20 XP)
Attributes: Charisma 6, Dexterity 10, Mind 5, Spirit 9, Strength 10
Skills: Dodge 13, faith 12, fire combat 12, intimidation 10, maneuver 11, melee weapons 14, reality 12, stealth 12, unarmed combat 11, willpower 11
Interactions: Intimidation 10, maneuver 11, taunt 6, trick 5
Dodge Defense: 15 (2); Melee: 16 (2); Unarmed: 13 (2)
Move: 10 (30); Tough: 14 (4); Shock: 9; Wounds: 3
Weapons: MAS Herod IV (Damage 15, Ammo 15, Range 10/25/40, -2 hit if SmartGun not used, No trigger lock, Smartgun; Attached Items: MAS SmartGun Attachment, Smart Ammo [not used], Armor Piercing Ammo [not used]), Shield Bash (Strength +1/11, +2 defense vs. fire/heat/energy weapons), Sword of the Spirit (Strength +4/14, Armor Piercing 2, +2 damage vs. supernatural evil, Size Small when not in use)
Armor & Shields: Breastplate of Righteousness (Tough +4), Shield of Faith (Def +2, +2 defense vs. fire/heat/energy weapons)
Gear: Hands-free Comms, Julian Bible (Actual hardcopy of the Julian bible. ), TL PureSight Glasses (See through holograms, interface with smartguns)
Perks: Champion of God (x2) (Gain high-tech armor. Take again for more blessings. Enhancements: Sword of the Spirit, Shield of Faith), Whirlwind (Ignore 2 points of Multi-Target penalty with Melee Weapons)
Possibilities: 3
Wealth: $50