Goon Deeps of Sargolis:Catacombs of Naltis
Danger Level (DL) and Rolls[edit]
Danger Level ranges from 0 to 3 and modifies many rolls in these tables. It starts at 0, at the first dungeon egress you encounter. All rolls on the tables are a single six-sided die.
Egresses (roll +DL)[edit]
1 behind a barrel in the basement of the Happy Ass tavern
2 a simple ladder down the hole in an alley of convenience
3 stairs seem to lead into the basement of Idim's Holy Temple - but not really
4 a pale green door between Grimshow's Curiosity Shop and Eddle's Heirlooms for Cheap
5 a portal that connects the catacombs into an empty attic of an abandoned tavern
6 under the second bridge built across the river Nals
7 a side door from the executioner's passage out of the abandoned Imperial Tower
8 a door into the City Armory - bolted on both sides
9 a large cabinet in the Harsh Lady's dining room
Scenery (roll +DL, twice - lower roll takes precedence in conflict)[edit]
1 plain room with rocky floor and stone block walls
2 mossy walls
3 low ceiling
4 wet walls
5 water on floor
6 debris on floor
7 stagnant air with a foul odor
8 sourceless red glow of heat (each time you enter, add 1 item of "Hot" to load and remove all items of "Cold")
9 frigid (each time you enter, add 1 item of "Cold" to load and remove all items of "Hot")
1 dead end
2 left and ahead
3 left and right
4 ahead and right
5 left right ahead
6 transition
Events (roll +DL)[edit]
1 Denizen
2 Discovery
3 Nothing
4 Nothing
5 Hazard
6 Denizen
7 Discovery
8 Hazard
9 Denizen
Transitions: roll +DL[edit]
1-2 egress
3 DL -1
4-7 DL +1
8 egress
9 DL -1
Discovery (roll +DL)[edit]
1 skeleton + weapon (1-2: dagger; 3: sword; 4: axe; 5: spear; 6: two-handed weapon (counts x2 items))
2 skeleton + armor (1-2: leather; 3-4: shield; 5: chain (counts x2 items); 6: helmet)
3 tablewares (1-4: base metal; 5: silver or gold (worth a bag of coins); 6: unbroken glass (worth 2 bags of coins))
4-5 artwork (1-3: carved wooden figurine; 4: scrimshaw; 5: brass statuette; 6: silver or gold) (worth 1 bag of coins)
6 artwork (1-3: carved wooden figurine; 4: scrimshaw; 5: brass statuette; 6: silver or gold) (worth 2 bags of coins)
7 enchanted item (1-3: gemstone jewelry; 4: lucky coin; 5: weapon; 6: wand) (roll on Maze Rats tables for effect)
8 cursed item (1-3: gemstone jewelry; 4: unlucky coin; 5: weapon; 6: wand) (roll on Maze Rats tables for effect)
9 1-3: weapon; 4-6: armor
Denizens (roll +DL)[edit]
1 Vagrants (roll:: 1-3: 1, 4-5: 2, 6: 3) (DS 8 each, mendicant and threatening)
2 Swarms of spiders (roll +DL:: 1-3: 2, 4-5: 3, 6+: 4) (DS 8 each, territorial)
3 Giant rats (roll +DL:: 1-3: 2, 4-5: 3, 6+: 4) (DS 7+DL each, defensive and skittish)
4 Lost child (DS -, frightened and homesick, came to explore / hide from bullies / run away)
5 Ring of thieves (roll +DL:: 1-3: 2, 4-5: 3, 6: 4, 7+: 5) (DS 7+DL each, armed with clubs and knives, territorial, secretive, and aggressive) *roll twice for treasure
6 Lesser vampires (roll +DL:: 1-3: 2, 4-5: 3, 6-7: 4, 8-9: 5) (DS 10, life stealing, prowling and hungry)
7 Sentinel bat (DS 8, evasive, leaves room on the first missed attack, if it escapes roll twice for denizens in next room)
8 Leech armor (2 Load, +3 Armor; -1 Skulker and Erudite; DS 10 Dangerous Action to remove)
9 Ancient vampire (DS 13, life stealing, cruel and scheming) + retainers (roll twice again for denizens)
life stealing on a successful hit (players fail a roll), gains 1 Health (this does not change DS)
Hazard (roll +DL)[edit]
1 hidden hollow spot in floor (each person roll +Skulker or +Erudite v DS 8, each time passing through room) - on first failed roll, tumble and take damage then the spot is known and no more rolls required
2 steps slippery when wet (each person roll +Skulker v DS 8) each failed roll, tumble and take damage
3 spiderwebs (to cut through, fight as opponent DS 8 that deals no damage) - each failed roll, roll for a Denizen attracted to the commotion
4 pressure plate (first person roll +Erudite v DS 8) - failure triggers silent alarm - roll twice for Denizens in next room
5 closed portcullis - opening it closes a portcullis behind you; to open either one, highest Brute rolls v DS 8
6 withered human bodies hosting fungal fruiting bodies (roll +Brute v DS 8+DL) - on failed roll, take no damage but add the amount of failure to your Load as Spores; can be removed by medical or magical treatment
7 hidden tripwire (first person roll +Erudite v DS 10) - on failed roll, trigger swinging hammer that damages person behind you
8 one-way hidden door - entering increases DL by 1
9 entrance to Ancient Vampire's resting place