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Adoptive son of the world's greatest hero, legacy to a champion from another dimension! Omega-Boy may yet emerge from the shell created for him by his father Gauntlet to become Kid Centurion but in the now he is the iron lad of justice!

M&M2e Stats[edit]

PL: 8 (120 pp)



Physical Appearance[edit]


Battle Tactics[edit]


Heroic Motivations[edit]

(Seeks Justice, Seeks Thrills, With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility, etc)


(who do you believe in or are you loyal to)

History & Heroic Origin[edit]

The Centurion fought with Omega over freedom city. It was believed that he parished in that fight. He was last seen obliterated in a flash of terminus energy as he riped the Omega symbol from the very chest of the dieing Omega.

Little did anyone suspect Centurion was not dead.. once again the Terminus energy cent him hurtaling through the cosmic windows of the multiverse. However little was left of our hero only a few twiasted remains.. yet by some twist of cosmic fate the Terminus energy that once gave him his powers in the first place worked to begin bringing his remains to life again...

John Dee AKA Guantlet was dispatched to the Arctic Circle to investigating the strange waves of energy that had been detected as building there. A strange cosmic radation only speculated about by super scientists called terminus energy. As he approached the strange energy reached some sort of a crux point and with an explosion like blossoming of energy it tore a whole in space time... when the light faded Guantlet found a large creater cracling with terminus energy... at the center of the creater he found a twisted shell of gold metal and the remains of some sort of indenitfying flag of an omega symbol.. sheltered in the cacoon of protective metal was a small blond blue eyed baby.

John Dee took the child home with him and soon fell in love with him and adopted him. The scientists of his company did what they could to absorb the radition from the babys body. But it was found that the terminus energy kept building within him and that one day it would reach critical levels and would kill the child for it was increasing in gradual and minute increments but the increase was exponential.

John experimented with the strange metal and found that he could use it to siphon off the energy from his son and use the force to power a super suit. So he began building his son a set of power armour. Meanwhile he wanted his son to enjoy as much of a normal life as possible so chose not to tell him till the time was Right.

Jake grew up with a loving father surrounded by his fathers many friends and colleagues. Littled did Jake suspect that his many aunts and uncles weer infact his favorite super heros. Jake grew up an ordinary boy. His father tried to get him to take martial arts but his heart was never In it so he paid little attention.. though he did have a certain finess for Boxing and joined his schools jounier boxing league. His father wrote a cool super hero role playing and strategy game for him based on the real world super heros and villains and Jake would often play this game with his friends dreaming day dreams of epic heroics.. never realy suspecting any such destiny lay before him..

At age 15 everything changed... The terminus energy reached such a level that John Dee decided it was time for his son to don his armour before the radiation started having lethal consquinces.. and thus was born OMEGA BOY...

Jake has been a super hero for 1 year now and though he is youthfuly enthusiastic in his attempt to live up to his fathers legacy he is nervious and concerned that he may never be able to fill his fathers shoes...

Little does jake Suspect or his Fathe know that the Terminus energy that was investing his childlike body so long ago would have progressed to rebuild him fully as the Centurion had it been allowed to reach critical mass. To this day it is true the only thing proventing jakes transformation once again into the Centurion is that his suit absorbs to much of the Terminus radition for it to reach the nescary critical mass to trigger the change... What fate awaits our young hero reborn?

Who can know...

3x3 NPCs[edit]


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V&V meets M&M in ... "PROJECT VIGILANCE"