Impossibility PC1
A. Ellington Wynne
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d8
Skills: Academics d4, Athletics* d6, Common Knowledge* d6, Driving d4, Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Languages (German) d4, Notice* d6, Persuasion* d4, Shooting d8, Stealth* d4, Survival d4
Pace 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 6
Edges: Brave, Nerves of Steel
Hindrances: Overconfident, One Eye (right eye remains useful), Loyal
Wynne's Gear
Standard issue gear: Free
Survival Knife: $50
Pump Action Shotgun (including 50 shells and 25 slugs): $200
Leather Jacket: $100
Backpack: $50
Canteen: $5
Flashlight (x2): $40
Lighter: $2
Rope (Nylon, 20 yards): $10
Umbrella: $2
Aviator sunglasses and eyepatch: --
"The car keys.": N/A
Remaining funds: $91
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