Exploring the Halls of Arden Vul: sample-charsheet-sylvari
Celonar Kilvanir
Description coming soon....
- Neutral Level 1 Sylvari (Druid/Ranger)
- Alignment Goal: Correct an Imbalance
- XP: 2000/4000 (+5%)
- Traits: Merciful & Moody
- Secondary Skill: Bowyer/Fletcher
- Languages: Archontean, Sylvan, + 1 slot left open
- Strength 13 (+1)
- Intelligence 14 (+1)
- Wisdom 9 (+0)
- Dexterity 15 (+1)
- Constitution 15 (+1)
- Charisma 8 (-1)
- HP: 7
- AC: 13 (Unarmored AC: 11)
- Initiative Bonus: +1
- Bonus to reaction rolls: -1
- Movement: 120'(40')
Attacks/round: 1
Max Cleaves: 1
- Short Bow, +1, d6, 5'-50'/100'/150'
- Sword, +1, 1d8+1
- Dagger, +1 (+1 thrown), d4+1 (d4 thrown), 5'-10'/20'/30'
Saving Throws
- Death/poison: 12
- Magic wands: 13
- Paralysis/Petrification: 13
- Breath Attacks: 15
- Spells/rods/staves: 15
Racial Abilities
- Detect hidden/secret doors when actively searching, 2-in-6 chance
- Infravision 60'
- Immunity to ghoul paralysis
- Listening at doors, 2-in-6 chance of hearing noises
Class Abilities - Druid
- Divine magic as Druid (holy symbol, disfavour, magical research, spellcasting, using magic items)
- Identification - can identify all plants and animals and can discern pure water
- Path-finding - parties traveling with a sylvari have only a 1-in-6 chance of getting lost in woodlands
- Pass without Trace - From L3, can pass through natural environments without leaving any tracks. The character may also move through overgrown areas at normal speed and without impediment.
- Charm Immunity - From L7, are immune to the charms of fairies and Sylvan creatures
Class Abilities - Ranger
- Awareness - only surprised on a roll of '1'
- Foraging and hunting - a party with a sylvari succeeds at foraging with a 2-in-6 chance and finds prey when hunting with a 5-in-6 chance
- Pursuit - when the sylvari's party pursuing an opposing group in wilderness, the chance of evasion is reduced by 10%
- Stealth - in the wilderness, a sylvari has a 3-in-6 chance of hiding, and a 3-in-6 chance of moving silently
- Tracking - can identify and follow tracks
- Limited possessions - a sylvari may only keep wealth and possessions that can be kept on their person or mount. Excess must be donated to worthy causes (not other PCs!).
- Spells/day: L1 1/1 | L2 -/- | L3 -/-
Spells memorized
- L1: Faerie Fire
- L2: -
- L3: -
Encumbrance: 384 cn
- Leather Armor (200 cn)
- Backpack (80 cn)
- Dagger (10 cn)
- Shortbow (30 cn)
- Quiver w. 20 arrows
- Sword (60 cn)
- Torch
- Bedroll
- Hammer (small)
- Iron Spikes (12)
- Iron Rations (7 days)
- Rope 50'
- Sack (small)
- Tinderbox
- Torches (11)
Stashed (where):
- Waterskin (across shoulders)
- Coinpurse: 4 gp
- Factor (which factor): N/A
Hired Help
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A