Pirates of the Baltic Sea:Niklas Lindgren
Niklas Lindgren
Ability Scores
Strength: 9 (-1)
Dexterity: 14 (+2)
Constitution: 12 (+1)
Intelligence: 14 (+2)
Technology: 17 (+3)
People: 12 (+1)
Age: 36
Hit Points: 21
Saving Throws: Fort +1, Reflex +2, Mind +4
Tool Proficiencies: Hacker’s Device, Repair Tools, Disarming Kit
Armor & Weapon Proficiencies: Light Armor, Helmets; Melee Weapons, Pistols, Submachine Guns, Shotguns
Language: English, Swedish, Finnish, German, +2
Origin's Traits (Regular Joe)
(+2 People, +1 Dexterity, +1 Technology); +2 proficiency skills of choice and 1 tool proficiency of choice
Class Traits (Hacker/Robomancer)
- Hit Dice: d8
- Starting Proficiencies:
- Armor: Light armour, helmets
- Weapons: Melee weapons, pistols, submachine guns, shotguns
- Saving Throws: Mind
- Skills: Hacking, Computing, Stealth
- Exploits (Saving throw: DC 13; Botnet max uses: 4):
- Overcrowded HUD (1 creature): Failure: Blinded for 3 rounds; success: nothing (Bxn)
- Tracking: Hacks a creature’s device/augment to: (Bxn)
Gain information about creature’s vitals
Deal an extra 1d6 damage when hitting with a weapon attack
Always know its location
Track another creature if current one’s HP reduced to 0 (Bxn)
- White Noise (max 3 creatures): Failure: Deafened for 2 rounds; success: nothing (Bxn)
- Healing: Heals 1d8+3 HP (Axn; 2 uses per short/long rest)
- Redistribution: Use unspent hit dice to add to damage roll (Rxn)
- Hacker Specialty: Combat Hacker
Robotics Proficiency: Gain proficiency in Robotics and Mechanics
Robotic Companion: Canine Mech
Background: Corporate Drone (IT Support; 1 term); Technician (Mech Repair; 2 terms)
Money: 186,000 ₩
Athletics -1
Intimidation -1
Acrobatics +2
Sleight of Hand +2
Stealth +4
Vehicles (Land) +2
History +2
Investigation +2
Gambling +2
Religion +2
Navigation +2
Tracking +4
Perception +4
Engineering +4
Streetwise +2
Computing +5
Medicine +3
Robotics +3
Hacking +5
Vehicles (Aircraft) +3
Mechanics +5
Bureaucracy +1
Deception +1
Performance +1
Persuasion +1
Presence +1
Sense Motive +1