Neximus Delmirev
Back to The Fightin' Fables
Race (...) Class (Oath, Domain etc)
summary, three lines max, there is more space at the foot
- Level: 1
- Alignment:
- Ht: X'XX"
- Wt: XXlbs
- Size: Medium
- Speed: 30 feet
- Appearance: xxxxxxxxxx
- STR 10 (+0) Save (+0)
- DEX 10 (+0) Save (+0)
- CON 10 (+0) Save (+0)
- INT 10 (+0) Save (+0)
- WIS 10 (+0) Save (+0)
- CHA 10 (+0) Save (+0)
Skills & Proficiencies
- Skills (Proficiencies in bold):
- Acrobatics (Dex) +
- Animal Handling (Wis) +
- Arcana (Int) +
- Athletics (Str) +
- Deception (Cha) +
- History (Int) +
- Insight (Wis) +
- Intimidation (Cha) +
- Investigation (Int) +
- Medicine (Wis) +
- Nature (Int) +
- Perception (Wis) +
- Performance (Cha) +
- Persuasion (Cha) +
- Religion (Int) +
- Sleight of Hand (Dex) +
- Stealth (Dex) +
- Survival (Wis) +0
- Passive Perception:
- Proficiency Bonus: +2
- Proficiencies
- Tools:
- Weapons & Armour:
- Languages: Common Tongue | ... |...|
AC 1X(1X) | HP X | Hit Dice 1dX | Initiative +0
Weapon | To Hit | Damage | Range/Reach | Weapon | To Hit | Damage | Range/Reach | |
XX | +X | X | N/A | XX | +X | XX | XX | |
XX | +X | X | N/A | XX | +X | XX | XX | |
XX | +X | X | N/A | XX | +X | XX | XX |
- Common Action:
- Common Action:
- Common Action:
- Common Action:
- Common Action:
Spell Slots: L1 | X || L2 | 0
Spell DC: (8 + Prof 2 + Stat x) 1X
Spell Att Mod: (Prof 2 + Stat X) +X
- xxx: Description
- xxx: Description
- xxx: Description
- Source: xxx: Description
Spells Prepared (Stat 3 + Lvl 1 = X)
- One, Two, Three
- Domain: One, Two
- Name
- Name
- Name
- Name Description
- Name Description
Racial Features (Race)
- Name: Description
- Name: Description
- Name: Description
- Name: Description
Class Features (Class)
- Domain/Oath/Pact etc xxxxx
- Deity: xxxx
- X -
- X
- Feature - X/rest
- Subheading: Description
- Subheading: Description
Background Features (Background)
- Proficiencies: Skill, Skill
- Feature - Description
- Personality Trait: xxxx
- Ideal: Name: xxx
- Bond: xxxxxxx
- Flaw: xxxxxxx
- 0 gems
- 0 pp
- 0 gp
- 0 ep
- 0 sp
- 0 cp
- Weapon
- Weapon
- Weapon
- Armour
- Shield?
- Backpack 5lb ?
- xxxxx Xlb
- xxxxx Xlb
- xxxxx Xlb
- xxxxx Xlb
- xxxxx Xlb
- xxxxx Xlb
- xxxxx Xlb
- xxxxx Xlb
- xxxxx Xlb
- xxxxx Xlb
- xxxxx Xlb
- xxxxx Xlb
- xxxxx Xlb
- Clothes, xxxxx Xlb
- Item Xlb
- Item Xlb
- Item Xlb
- Item Xlb
- Item Xlb
- Item Xlb
- xxxxxxxxx
Magic Items
- xxxxxx
- xxxxxx