Misthel 'Mist' Windsong

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High (Moon) Elven Wizard (Bladesinger)

summary, three lines max, there is more space at the foot


Level: 1
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Ht: 5'4"
Wt: 110lbs
Size: Medium
Speed: 30 feet
Appearance:Long red hair kept in a pony-tail, green eyes. He wears a mask that covers the top half his face (bridge of his nose and cheek bones to his hairline) supposedly to hide some nasty scarring.
  • STR 8 (-1) Save (-1)
  • DEX 16 (+3) Save (+3)
  • CON 13 (+1) Save (+1)
  • INT 16 (+3) Save (+5)
  • WIS 12(+1) Save (+3)
  • CHA 10 (+0) Save (+0)

Skills & Proficiencies

Skills (Proficiencies in bold):
  • Acrobatics (Dex) +
  • Animal Handling (Wis) +
  • Arcana (Int) +5
  • Athletics (Str) -1
  • Deception (Cha) +0
  • History (Int) +3
  • Insight (Wis) +3
  • Intimidation (Cha) +0
  • Investigation (Int) +5
  • Medicine (Wis) +1
  • Nature (Int) +3
  • Perception (Wis) +3
  • Performance (Cha) +0
  • Persuasion (Cha) +0
  • Religion (Int) +3
  • Sleight of Hand (Dex) +3
  • Stealth (Dex) +3
  • Survival (Wis) +0
Passive Perception: 13
Proficiency Bonus: +2
Tools:Musical Instrument (flute) (+2)
Weapons & Armour:

long sword, short sword, long bow, short bow, dart, dagger, sling light crossbow, quarterstaff

Languages: Common Tongue | Elven |Goblin|Orc


AC 13 | HP 7 | Hit Dice 1d6 | Initiative +3

Weapon To Hit Damage Range/Reach Weapon To Hit Damage Range/Reach
Short Sword +5 1d6+3 5' dagger +5 1d4+3 5' 20/60
longbow +5 1d8+3 150/600 XX +X XX XX
  • Common Action:
  • Common Action:
  • Common Action:
  • Common Action:
  • Common Action:


Spell Slots: L1 | 2 || L2 | 0

Spell DC: (8 + Prof 2 + Stat 3) 13

Spell Att Mod: (Prof 2 + Stat 3) +5


Mending: Description
Green-Flame Blade: Description
Booming Blade: Description
racial: Prestidigitation: Description

Spells Prepared (Stat 3 + Lvl 1 = 4)

Feather Fall, Mage Armour, Disguise Self, Sleep


Magic Missile
detect Magic
Feather Fall
Mage Armour
Disguise Self


War Caster -Advantage on Con Saves to Maintain Concentration on spells

-Can Perform Somatic Components with weapons/shield in one or both hands -If oponents movement provoke Opportunity attack then can cast a spell with casting time of 1 action and targetting only that opponent instead of opportunity attack

Name Description

Racial Features (Race)

Darkvision: See 60' in dim light as if it were bright light and see in darkness af if it were dim light
Keen senses: Proficiency in Perception Skill
Fey Ancestry: have advantage on saves against being charmed. Can't be magically put to sleep
Trance: does not need to sleep. Instead can meditate deeply for 4 hours and get teh same benefit of 8 hours sleep
Cantrip: Prestidigitation
Languages:speak, read, and write common
Ability score increase: +2 Dex, +1 Int
Elf weapon Training: Long Sword, Short sword, long bow, and short bow
Extra language: speak read and write Orc

Class Features (Class)

Domain/Oath/Pact etc xxxxx
Deity: xxxx
X -
Feature - X/rest
Subheading: Description
Subheading: Description

Background Features (Far Traveller)

Wanderer from Evermeet

Proficiencies: Insight, Perception, Musical Instrument (Flute)
Feature - Description
Personality Trait: xxxx
Ideal: Adventure: I'm far from home, and everything is strange and wonderful!
Bond: I'm fascinated by the beauty and wonder of this new land
Flaw: I pretend not to understand the local language in order to avoid interactions I would rather not have



0 gems
0 pp
8 gp
0 ep
0 sp
0 cp


Short sword 10 gp 2lb
dagger 2gp 1 lb
long bow 50gp 3lb



Gear Spellbook -- gp 3lb(Class feature cost 50gp to replace) Short sword 10 gp 2lb dagger 2gp 1 lb component pouch 25 gp 2lb traveler`s clothes 2gp 4lb, explorer`s pack 10gp , -includes --backpack 5lb --bedroll 7lb --mess kit 1 lb --tinderbox 1 lb --10 torches 1lb (each) --rations (10 days) 2lbper day --waterskin 5 lb (full) --hempen rope strapped to side (50ft) 10lb quiver (20 arrows)1gp 1lb long bow 50gp 3lb



Magic Items



Mist was born on Evermeet into a family with a long history of producing bladesingers to protect their island homeland. And like the many generations of his family before him he, too, became a bladesinger. Unlike the many generations of his family before him, he grew disatisfied with the isolationist policies of his homeland and wished to travel the (supposedly) chaotic world and aid those in need.

His father disapproved (to put it mildly) with his ideas so, one night, he snuck aboard a trade ship (arranged beforehand with the captain) and fled his homeland with what he could carry.

He wears a mask to ostensibly to cover some horrific scarring (many who see his assume he is using magic to disguise the scars) but in reality it's becaue he doesn't know how to use a disguise kit and doesn't want to keep casting Disguise Self everyday which is what he had been doing with every town he'd visited previously until he acquired his mask. His name (and nickname) is just the most recent identity he has adopted, in an effort to throw off potential pursuit, since leaving home

