Lieutenant Commander Doctors Danielle Auden Garamond Vanderkemp

Player: User:The Inmara game: Star Trek: Mercury
Doctors Danielle, Auden, and Garamond Vanderkemp are a trinary plural system assigned as ship's counselor to the Mercury. They currently hold the rank of Lieutenant Commander. As a highly cooperative system, they've opted to act as a single entity legally and have asked Star Fleet to evaluate them and keep their records as if they are a single individual, or a corporate entity. However, they prefer to socialize as individuals, and introduce themselves according to everyone. They do take responsibility for each other's actions. They have doctorates in Psychology and Xenoanthropology.
Informally, Danielle (she/her) is the one who acts as ship's counselor. Auden (they/them) holds most of their Xenoanthropology expertise, and will act as cultural attache when called upon to do so. And Garamond (it/its) is their "id monster" and likes to party. Incidentally, Garamond is well versed in Star Fleet regulations and does everything it can to help the rest of the system to avoid breaking them.
- Danielle needs reading glasses, which they all wear on the top of their head for ease of grabbing when she needs them. The others don't need them. It's a nuerological thing Danielle chooses not to get fixed, because disabilities don't always need to be cured. It's a statement.
- Danielle also tends to have an easy, happy, quiet voiced demeanor.
- Auden usually has a spacy look and doesn't know how to control the volume of their voice when they are infodumping.
- Garamond has an excellent poker face, but tends to hunch over when fronting, and has an impish grin it can flash that neither of the other two system members can immitate.
- All three have distinctively different voices. Danielle's is soft and motherly. Auden's is a bit more nasel and slightly lower register than Danielle's, definitely androgynous. Garamond can immitate both of them perfectly, but drops to its snarky, smokey low notes when revealing itself. The system's overall singing range is barritone.
We'll fill this out more later, as we develop their background further.
"I am not exactly your mom..."
Danielle (ship's counselor), knows everyone's stories and is usually the person to go to for any sort of help. She's kind and friendly and rather astute and pretty good at solving problems. Especially social problems. But she's not you mom. But she's not not your space mom, either. Any time Danielle is fronting, we'll use this distinction, whether it fits the situation or not.
"OK, so..."
Auden (cultural attache), tends to drone on, but they know a lot about whatever they're talking about. So long as it's not human culture. Ask them anything about alien cultural practices and you'll get an answer, in the form of a lecture. You'll have to tell them to stop. Not so good about doing things with their knowledge, though, that's Danielle's job. Any time Auden is fronting, this is the distinction we'll use.
"By the letter"
Garamond (id monster), largely exists to make sure the system's base needs are met. And one of those needs is to not get in trouble. So, as it goes looking for fun, it knows all the regulations to follow to avoid getting in trouble. If anyone wants to know if what you're all doing will get you in trouble, ask Garamond. It will even tell you how to keep doing it "safely" and "legally", and then join in! In other words, it's really good with the letter of the law, but not necessarily the spirit of it. And that's specifically Star Fleet law. It doesn't care about anyone else's rules. Whenever Garamond is fronting, this is the distinction we'll use.
Discipline | Focus | |||
Command | ![]() |
Filing The Right Paperwork | ![]() |
Conn | ![]() |
Security | ![]() |
Engineering | ![]() |
Science | ![]() |
Xenoanthropology | ![]() |
Medicine | ![]() |
Psychology | ![]() |
Medicine Talent
- The Counselor's Advice
When in a scene with another player character, can exchange up to 3 pp with that character. The player must agree to receive or give the plot points. Take 1 anxiety stress for every PC beyond the first you make the exchange with for that scene.
Open Talent
- To Be The Bigger Monster
When dealing with an unruly and dangerous subject, increase Anger stress by one in order to reduce Afraid stress by one. Spend a plot point to reduce Afraid stress by two.
- Access to Crew Personal Records
- Proto-Holodeck Equipment designed to use with The Box for Psych purposes
- 1XP… when you step aside for someone else who has better expertise in the moment (this may include headmates)
- 3XP… when a crew member utilizes an asset that you created in addressing a crisis
- 10XP… when you help a deeply estranged person connect with their surrounding culture OR when you assist them in asserting their independence
- 1XP… when you manage to talk at length about what you know in the service of solving a problem
- 3XP… - when you reference something important you learned from a previous scene that you were in
- 10XP… when your knowledge plays a critical role in saving the day OR when your admission of ignorance averts total disaster
XP: 0
Spent XP
- a talent?
- maybe a focus
- the sky's the limit