STM: Erin "Mac" MacAran
Commander Erin "Mac" MacAran
You absolutely can set a replicator to replicate phaser fire.
First In / Last Out Mac's duties as commander of the Mercury are broad and varied, but first and foremost she feels responsible for the safety and welfare of those around her.
Strong Charm of the Law Mac's got a silver tongue and she knows how to use it.
Mac of All Trades There's not a lot Mac hasn't been trained in to one degree or another.

Command leadership, negotiation, coordinating and motivating others
Conn piloting, navigation, starship operations, and space travel procedures
Engineering building, designing, repairing, and maintaining technology
Medicine knowledge of ailments, injuries, stresses, and treating those maladies in a wide range of species
Science theoretical and practical study of scientific fields, both physical and social
Security use of force, threat analysis, intimidation, infiltration, strategy

Agency Everyone should be free to do what they will and responsible to the consequences of what they do.
Crew Family is family; love em or hate em, you stick up for em.
Discovery Mankind cannot explore an infinite universe. But we will likely die trying.
Logic I'm no vulcan, but I question everything.
Passion A cool and steady hand is better than a hot head.
Peace Violence should never be a first resort.
De-escalate When you are actively trying to de-escalate a volatile situation, take or step up a point of stress to step up or double Command for an action.
Against All Odds When pushing stress, step it down if the action is successful.
Agent Saboteur Spend a PP to step up or double Engineering when attempting to make a machine or system do something it is NOT supposed to do.

This One Time at Band Camp
- 1 XP . . . when Mac brings up a prior experience involving unorthodox engineering
- 3 XP . . . when Mac helps someone through an overwhelming situation using her experience as a crew member from past tours
- 10 XP . . . when Mac completely flips a seemingly impossible situation using a discipline other than Command OR causes an impossible seeming situation by any action.
It's Lonely at the Top
- 1 XP . . . when Mac engages socially with a crew member or passenger in a way that makes rank a null issue
- 3 XP . . . when Mac helps one of her crew or passengers resolve an issue outside the purview of her position as commander of the Mercury
- 10 XP . . . when Mac allows one of her crew or passengers help her through a situation without hiding behind her rank
Mac came up through the ranks as an engineer, but a near disastrous tour under Captain Isib Ch'tharan on the Vizhini changed all of that. Mac couldn't say if the ridiculously high tech assault could have been avoided, but it was brutal. Once they were boarded, many, many of her crewmates died.
It was small comfort that she proved an academy thesis that she never was allowed to test. You could, in fact, program a replicator to replicate phaser fire, and if you bypassed the serving restrictors you could do so on full auto.
She and several others had held the mess until the captain finally made his fateful bargain.
When she was finally exchanged back to the federation after being marooned on a hostile world for several months, and had gone through mandatory debriefing and counselling, she had stepped down from her post and gone back to the academy to study Command and earn her stripes and her yellow shirt.
She was more than happy that her first command was to be over a small, quiet science vessel.