A minor squiggle created by Tolknor of York.
Plymouth is a squiggle created in the Shade Amber that developed into the Realm of York connected to the Toasian Sway. The general history is that Tolknor used the Shade gem of the Jewel of Judgment in an attempt to create a Pattern. Somehow he failed and the squiggle of Plymouth was created with 2/5 the power of a full pattern in that Shade. Sometime afterwards Tolknor created York. In time the Koob War occurred and the shade of Amber in that realm was destroyed. The Yorkian Shade remained since a Shade pattern and a Shade squiggle existed in it.
Realms and Governance
Plymouth has 17 tiers each with several hundred of shadows.
Each Tier has its own government and they give a general attendance to the Congress of Plymouth.