Ynder The Heretic

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Ynder, the Penitent Heretic

Heritage: Drow
Class: Heretic
Calling: Pentient
Active Beats:
(Minor) Teach someone the value of your order's philosophies.
(Minor) Repair something physical - a bridge, a door, a wall, etc. - that someone needs
A young, thin drow dressed in ragged clothes unto which he has stitched on icons of eyes and charms to the Moon goddess, marks of his faith. A colorful scarf poking out from being tucked into his pocket, a habit from being from up spire where the risk of light is more present then down closer to the heart. When he is in in any area where the authorities may be he is always sure to wear his pair of dark glasses, when down in the heart though he takes them off revealing his pitch black eyes, a sign of His Glorious Lady's favor. He is unable to ever be still, constantly moving even when he is sitting down. He periodically shaves his head and his hair is currently about two finger widths long. When he is preoccupied with thought he runs his hand through his hair.

Resistances Stress Protections Fallout
Blood 1


A devotional candle that burns with a silver flame (d6 religion)


Spireblack Brazier (unlit Kill d6, lit: Kill d8, obscuring, dangerous) Small collection of Half-sten Horror sensationalist pulp literature, Brightly colored headscarf and dark glasses.

Skills, Domains and Abilities

Skills Knacks Domains Knacks
Compel Cursed
Delve Desolate
Discern Haven
Endure Occult
Evade Religion
Hunt Technology
Kill Warren
Mend Wild


Not Yet: our willpower, fuelled with guilt, is legendary. Once per session, activate this ability to avoid suffering negative effects from Blood or Mind fallout for the remainder of the situation.

Ministrations: You offer solace and calm in a world of chaos. Once per session, lead your allies in a service of praise to the Moon Beneath (how you practice your faith is up to you). All player characters who took part can remove one Minor Blood or Mind fallout, or downgrade one Major Blood or Mind fallout to Minor, at the end of the service. If you perform this service whilst on a delve, add +D4 to the delve’s resistance.


Oath of Sagacity You have learned one of the secret names of Three-Fold Damnou, and when you speak it aloud your enemies are struck senseless by its power. The name of the Goddess functions as the following weapon: (Kill D6, Spread, Debilitating, Maddening, One-Shot).


Incandescent Communion In the tear between worlds, She blessed you with night-black eyes that resonate with Her Eternal Light. Gain the Cursed domain. You can see in total darkness as though the area was illuminated by candle-light.

Liar's Burden: The moon beneath does not tolerate the wicked words of sinners. Gain the Discern skill. If you suspect an NPC is lying to you, roll Discern+Religion. On a success, if they were lying, they mark D4 stress; their mouth streams with blood as though they had attempted to chew on broken glass

The Left Hand of the Goddess: The faithful are a bountiful garden, and it is your task to excise disease and corruption at the root. Gain the Kill skill and +1 Blood Protection.

Background, Bonds, and Notes

  • When Ynder was six years old the Goddess spoke to him. She did not give him direction or enlightment, or anything the young dark elf could understand. But she spoke and he loved her. He ran away from home soon after, joining a temple dedicated to Our Glorious Lady, the Aelfir approved version of the Goddess. But it wasn't enough for him, he wanted to worship his Goddess in all of her glorious forms. He always asked questions, sought out new lore, until the one day he bought a forbidden book from a man who he should not have trusted. His temple was raided soon afterwards, and while he managed to escape his teacher was not so fortnuate and was killed for a crime he didn't know his student had commited. Driven by shame and hatred down to the Heart, he seeks to spread the word and love of Damnou.