Raise Dead

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- Main Page; Keep On The Borderlands

  • Range: 120'
  • Duration: permanent
  • By means of this spell the cleric can raise any human or demihuman from the dead. A 7th level cleric can raise a body that is 4 days dead. For each level above 8th, four days are added to this time. A raised character will be at 1 hit point and cannot fight, cast spells, use abilities, carry heavy loads, or move more than half speed. It will take two weeks of recovery, that cannot be aided by magic, before the character can perform normally again. The raised character must save vs. Death. On a failure, roll 1d8 on the following table (adding +1 for every three full caster levels above 7th) :
  1. Soul destroyed, cannot be raised by any means
  2. Resurrection fails, but can be tried again
  3. Horrific possession — the body rises, but is inhabited by a foul undead spirit
  4. Terrible inversion — what you have raised would be better put out of its misery
  5. Only part of the soul is dragged back, lose 1d4 levels
  6. Raised, but maimed, lose 1d4 from each of Con, Dex, Str
  7. Frailty, recovery will take months, not weeks
  8. Raised as normal, but the caster suffers -1 Con for 1 month
  • This spell may be used against one undead creature. A failure by the creature to save vs. Spells will result in it being destroyed.
  • The reverse of this spell is finger of death. It creates a death ray that will kill one creature. There is no effect if the creature makes a saving throw vs. Death Ray.