Firefly: Reavers of the Rim - Character 5
Matrin Maximus Moody :: Fixer[edit]
"I mean, is it really a problem, or is it just lookin' that way cause you're lookin' at it straight-on?"[edit]
Physical d8 | Mental d6 | Social d10
Trained Skills[edit]
Influence d8
- Flattery d6
Know d8
- Criminal Culture d6
Move d10
- Sudden Firefights d6
Notice d8
Operate d6
Sneak d10
Survive d6
Trick d10
- Distractions d6
Untrained Skills
Craft | Drive
| Fight
| Fly
| Focus
| Labor
| Move
| Shoot
| Throw
| Treat
Prodigious Fiction d8 - Is it really a lie if everyone believes it?
- ☑ SFX, Hinder - Roll
Instead of
for 1 PP
- ☐ SFX: Born Liar - Spend 1 PP to roll your Trick skill and add it to your total once per scene.
- ☑ SFX: Blather - Step up or double Trick for an Action when you just keep talking. Take or step up an Annoying Complication after the roll.
Big Plans d8 - Always working the best angle.
- ☑ SFX, Hinder - Roll
Instead of
for 1 PP
- ☑ SFX: Milk Run - Spend a Plot point to turn a Complication into an Asset [implied: for the next roll].
- ☐ SFX: Did I Forget to Mention That? - Gain 1 PP when an important detail of your plan “slips your mind.”
Things Just Don't Go Smooth For Ya, Gambler d8 - Life sure seems to be a string of mishaps, mistakes, and misappropriations. But you’re still here, ain’t ya?
- ☑ SFX, Hinder - Roll
Instead of
for 1 PP
- ☐ SFX: Risky Business - If you replace your Skill die in a roll with a d4, you get a Big Damn Hero Die equal to that Skill’s normal die rating if you successfully set or raise the stakes.
- ☐ SFX: Trouble Magnet - Step up one of your Complications to reroll a die. On your next roll, both 1s and 2s count for Complications.
Signature Assets[edit]
twitchy instincts d6 "It ain't paranoia if it keeps you alive."
cowardice d6 "The first one to cover is the last one to get shot. Not my fault Joe was bigger than me."
Moody solves problems. Good thing, given how many he causes.
His kind are a dime a dozen on the Rim; fast-talkers who'll sell you on a used fluctuator just good enough to get you out into the Black before it coughs up its last breath. The trick to survival is talking faster'n your mark can think, and hightailin' faster'n everyone can shoot.
In the Unification War, Moody had a plum job at the space port on Hera where he'd sell Alliance traders some parts of questionable manufacture and then sell the Browncoats information on the ship's flight plan and how long it had before its internals gave out. Just helpin' out a ship in distress. Needless to say, Moody found himself on the Rim not long after a few too many of those offerings of assistance.