Running Sheet Fitz William
Fitz William
- BA in Religious Studies.
- MA in History
- PhD in History.
- Captain-USA Marines-Vietnam
Total:19 =8 Stats+9 Powers+20 Skills+0 Items +0/0 allies/Enemies +5 Stuff +6 Storage
- in Stats
- x (x) in Powers
- in Skills
- (x) in creatures/Items
- 0 in Allies (0/0)
- Stuff
- First Game Advancement-Trip the Shrine of St Carbini-5 Pips-Spent
- 1 Pips Clericism
- 2 in Strength toward Amber Rank
- 2 in Endurance toward Amber Rank.
- Second Game Advancement-From the Sigil to the Flight from Fort Garland to the Apple Orchard. 10 pips.
- Sigil-two forms-Human & Magical creature
- Raise STR & And to 2.
- 10 pip Signature piece. Joins with Reggy, Chris, and Fitz fro a N&N item. 40 pip item.
- Psyche:3
- Strength:2. Chaos(10) +5 FG Advance +2
- Endurance:2. Chaos(10)+3. FG Advance +2
- Warfare:1
Powers {9}
- 2 Fort Garland Sigil of Avalon; Basic Imprint: Low Order Inscription; Lily Lake/Ft. Garland, CO; Change World.
- High Order Spell Slots (2): Holder Frame (no need to Cast)
- Low Order Spells Slots (5): Holder and Casting Frame.
- (3) Avalon Shape Shifting; Specific Alternate Forms ONLY:
- Gained assaying the Ft. Garland Sigil of Avalon.
- Forms: Dwarf(True Form), Human, magical creature
- 5 Low Order Sorcery Sorcery in Jeweled Amber
- Highest Priority of Low Order Magic
- Low Order versions of High Order Sorcery Spells
- Less power overall; less intensity, effectiveness, duration.
- This is NOT a Low Order Magic System, such as; Magery, Wizardry, Listery, etc.
- 1 Low Order Clericism-Following of Heavy Metal-Non-denominational. 20th level.
- Cantrips, 4-Firsts, 3-Seconds, Thirds, Fourths, Fifths. 2- Sixths & Sevenths. 1-Eight & Ninth.
- 1 Ritualism-Native American Hippie New Age
- Framework: Low Order Inscription; Basic Imprint; Fort Garland Sigil of Avalon
- High Order Sorcery Spell Slots (2): Holder Frame; no need to Cast.
- [Empty], [Empty]
- Low Order Sorcery Spell Slots (5): Holder and Casting Frame.
- Invisibility (good for a Low Order Sorcerer. the main difference between High and Low versions is duration)
- Giant Slap (good enough to shut doors but not kick open strong doors. But it could play hell with a table setting)
- Cardiac Arrest (a killing spell for High Order but for Low Order it is mainly a massive chest pain distraction unless someone has heart problems)
- Defensive Shield (as a Low Order spell is mainly useful against Low Order Magic, but its a must)
- Single Wound Healing (stops a single wound from causing someone to bleed out. The size of the wound is important. A High Order version will stop almost any wound short of decapitation)
- High Order Sorcery Spell Slots (2): Holder Frame; no need to Cast.
Skills {20}
Allies & Enemies {0/0 = 0}
- 2 Raphael
- 1 Abbess at St. Cabrini's
- 2 Victor
- 1 Unknown
Items {10}
- Signature piece-Use 6 pips in storage and 4 GS for 10 available pips for a signature piece
Shadows {}
- 5 Good Stuff
- 1924 Born Chicago, Ill.
- 1939 Joined Marines. Age 15
- 1947 Musters out of marines as a Master Sergeant. Enters University of New York. Age 23
- 1950 Graduates Ba.
- 1952 Masters.
- 1954 PhD. Professor History.
- 1960 Washington park Beatniks.
- 1964 Ken Kasey-Hippie Trip
- 1967 Woodstock. Altmont
- 1968 Democratic Convention Age 44
- 1980 Full Professor-University of Texas at Austin.
- 2000 Age 76 Retirement. Teaches Junior College classes variably as well as taking semesters in High School teaching History and government. Takes community college classes for fun.
- 2016 Texas. Age 92-Starts traveleing with Rodak and the Arco boys hoping to die on the road, ode to Jack Jack Kerouac. In Fort Garland at the time of the Change.
- 2021 Leaves Fort Garland. Finds Medalion of Mesob-Crowd Goes Wild.
Medalion of Mesob
- Shadowwalking: The power to shadowwalk in all the levels of the Shadowlands
- Immortality: Istari Immortality
- Improved physical attributes: Raises a human to chaos rank stats. He was already at Chaos. Had partials to raise to Amber. Givving him Amber Rank
- Immunity to illness: Complete immunity to sickness
- Immunity to magic used by the undead.
- Immunity to lycanthropy
- Regeneration
- Immunity to poison.
- Clean Body: The Power to clean a body of dirt and grime. To remove all bodily refuse emptying bladders, digestive systems and stomachs. It causes all pores to empty of retained oils.
- This power can be used in two ways. Causing all material to disappear or causing all material to eject violently from the body. If used as an attack it reacts with the target's psyche and if they lose it distracts them for at least a minute.