Northwest Of Nowhere, A Red Markets Campaign

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In which we follow the exploits of the Taker crew TBD on their journey to better the lives of the Lost and those that call the enclave, Lazy-B Ranch, home.



The Takers

Taker Template
A as Carver
B as Oracle
C as Packrat
D as Whisper


Takers at a glance
Crew Budget and Portfolio

Optional Rules in Effect

  • Basic Refresh - Use Refresh as needed, no rolls required.
  • Default Rolls - Unskilled attempts are possible. Roll your potential or less on 1d10 to Succeed. You cannot Critically Succeed on a default, but roll a second 1d10 to confirm Crit Fails.
  • Lucky X - Takers may use Will to redirect a hit to a piece of gear. The gear and all of its upgrades are destroyed.
  • What If the Dice Don’t Meet? (Boom version) - If the negotiation isn’t Heads Up at the end of Negotiations, the closing Leadership roll will bring the dice together regardless of spaces in between.


Lazy-B Ranch


  • The Co-Op - Conglomeration of local farmers and ranchers that have collected into an enclave near Las Cruces, NM
    • Major Export - Sustainable food production
    • Major Import - Skilled maintenance (mostly from Sky High)
  • The Armory - Former US Army as leadership. Located at the historic Deming Armory in what used to be Deming, New Mexico. Eight blocks away is the more modern former National Guard Armory.
    • Major Export - Weaponry and Ammunition
    • Major Import - Food and Water
  • The Heap -
    • Major Export - Raw materials (lots of scrap metal)
    • Major Import - Food and Water

Jobs So Far


Still Available

People and Places


