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Joe has the ability to manifest quantum reflections of himself, although he would never use quite those words. He would be more likely to describe it as "Well, I guess I can just make more of me..."

In effect, with a moment’s concentration, Joe can generate an exact duplicate of himself. Then the existing two copies can split again, and then again, ending up with eight identical Joe O’Malleys. Each duplicate is in all ways the same as Joe, but with one difference; they all share a mental link with one another that, in effect, gives them one shared mind. The original Joe hasn’t quite made the connection that when he has his entire crew out, things just make more sense and life’s problems become that much easier to get a handle on...

M&M2e Stats

PL: 4 (75 pp)

STR: 16 (+3), DEX: 12 (+1), CON: 14 (+2), INT: 22/8 (+6/-1), WIS: 22/8 (+6/-1), CHA: 14 (+2)

Bluff (+2), Climb (+3), Concentration (+6), Electronic 4 (+10), Mechanical 4 (+10), Carpentry 4 (+10), Diplomacy (+2), Disguise (+2), Drive 4 (+5), Escape Artist (+1), Gather Info 4 (+6), Handle Animal (+2), Intimidate (+2), Streetwise 4 (+10), Notice 4 (+10), Search (+6), Sense Motive (+6), Stealth (+1), Survival (+6), Swim (+3)

Equipment (3), All-out Attack, Elusive Target, Teamwork ()


  • Duplication [4],
    • Extra: Survival [4],
    • Extra: Geometric Duplication [4],
    • Feat: Mental Link,
    • Feat: Progression (7 dupes)
  • Distributed-processing , INT & WIS (+2 per existing dupe) [14],
    • Flaw: Only when duplicated [14],
  • Equipment [total 10 points],
    • Motorcycle [9 pts],
    • Leather Jacket [1 pt],

Attack 3 [Unarmed +3 (Bruise)], Defense 13 (11 flat-footed), Init +1

Toughness 3 (3 flat-footed), Fortitude 4, Reflex 4, Will 6

Abilities 12 + Skills 6 (24 ranks) + Feats 6 + Powers 34 + Combat 12 + Saves 5 – Drawbacks 0 = 75 / 75


Joe O'Malley is not the sharpest tool in the shed, but he is a good man who tries to make Rust City a better place. Up until he changed, you could find him fixing the washing machine of old Miss Johnson, or maybe he would be trying to keep furnace running at St. Mary's grade school.

Now, when he is with his Crew, he has many ideas as to how he can really begin to change things for the better, but as just Joe O'Malley he still struggles with putting those grand schemes into motion. The one thing that is obvious to him is that there are a number of people and institutions in Rust City that stand in the way of making it a better place.

Physical Appearance

5'11" with a stocky, football player's build, Joe is not quite what you would call handsome. Growing up in Rust City ages a person pretty fast and his nose has been broken one too many times. His shortish black hair usually looks like a comb was absently dragged through it, and the fact that it's often pressed down under his motorcycle helmet doesn't help matters any. Joe's general everyday wear consists of worn work-boots, carharts, a t-shirt and a hoodie. His main distinguishing article of clothing is his black motorcycle jacket that he has with him at all times.

Heroic Motivations



  • History: ???
  • Origin: ???



  • Kate O'Malley: Joe's older sister and only surviving member of his immediate family. Sarah is a waitress at one of Rust City's greasy-spoon diners.
  • Shamus O'Malley: Joe's uncle. Somehow involved in a shady protection racket, and often tries to convince Joe to give up his "chump handy-man job and take a step up in the world". The only thing Joe really knows is that his uncle is part of the problem, not the solution.
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  • St. Mary's Church and School: Almost a gesture of futility in the oppressive gloom of Rust City.
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