Shadowwalkers: Factions

Mortal Factions
Mortal factions aren't actually "factions" in the same sense that supernatural factions are, but as organizations with specific goals and ideologies they function in much the same way as their supernatural counterparts in regard to PC interactions.
NTPD is mostly a positive force in the city at large, keeping the peace and serving to keep any number of things running smoothly in an emergency, but not all of them are on the up and up. Some are corrupt or on the take. Some are compromised. Some are there for the power of the position. But most are just folk.
Very few cops know about the supernatural world around them, and there is no organized unit dedicated to dealing with it at this time.
Like any other decent sized city, New Trinadad has its fair share of crime. Of the gangs that infest the city, only a few are big enough or organized enough to be a threat beyond their own neighborhood.
Criminal gangs and organizations will be named and detailed below as encountered (or during chargen if appropriate to a particular PC).
The Church
The Christian identifying population of New Trinadad is roughly 1/3 Catholic to 2/3 various Protestant denominations (including non-denominations) that together make up aboput 75% of the total poopulation with the bulk of the rest of those being atheist in leaning and a small percentage affiliated with various other world religions*.
Not all places of worship are aware of or effective against the supernatural, while some unlikely little plces of worship are supernatural powerhouses.
Individual places of worship and personages will be named and detailed below as they become relevant in game (or during chargen if appropriate to a particular PC).
* These statistics are in keeping for the area of the United States and Canada that this fictional city occupies. PCs should feel free to spiritually associate/identify however they like.
Supernatural Factions
The Motley
The Motley is a loosely organized collective of assorted species lycanthropes and changelings who make it their business to patrol the city's main park and New Trinadad campus after hours.
Jacksaw Pack
Wererats of the Underground led by a 12 yo girl called the rat king
The Bloodline
Loose assortment of really old vamps
The Jade Court
Vamps of the south pacific
The Sidhe
Highest fae of the seelie, unseelie, and wild fae
The Adepts
Council of mystics
Coterie of Baron Samedhi
Voudon priest and his minions