Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk

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100 or so years ago, the Mad Mayor Zagig achieved apotheosis and became a demigod in a ritual he conducted in the dungeons below Castle Greyhawk. In the process of doing so he captured and imprisoned nine other demigods, taking a piece of divine essence from each. One of these demigods was Iuz, the half-demon son of the Witch-Queen Iggwilv and the demon prince Graz’zt and he (and the other demigods) remained imprisoned below Castle Greyhawk after Zagig ascended and departed the Material Plane as the newly divine “Zagyg” to serve in the court of Boccob, Archmage of the Gods.

None of this was well known until perhaps 30 years ago when the wizard Mordenkainen and his adventuring companions (primarily Riggby the cleric, Mordenkainen's apprentice Bigby and the fearless warrior Robilar, though other companions came and went as well), after years of exploring the ruins of Castle Greyhawk, found Zagig's Prison and the imprisoned demigods. Eventually realizing that sooner or later the binding magic would fail, Mordenkainen devised a plan to slay the worst of the imprisoned gods: Iuz. At his behest, Riggby, Robilar, and one of Robilar's henchmen made their way to the Prison and dispelled the magic barrier keeping Iuz bound, intending to slay him.

Unfortunately, just a moment too late, Tenser, Bigby and the warrior Neb Retnar teleported in, planning to stop Iuz from being freed, fearing that the whole plan was too risky. The two groups, after some momentary confusion, realized that the die was cast and they must band together to kill Iuz, but even that moment of hesitation was too much, and Iuz regained enough of his power to escape certain death in the clutches of Bigby’s notorious crushing hand by plane shifting to the Abyss. That magical warp freed the additional gods and caved in many of Castle Greyhawk’s deepest dungeon complexes. After it was all over, Iuz swore vengeance upon the adventurers who had attempted to kill him, dedicating a portion of his eternal rage to plotting their destruction.

Twenty-seven years have passed. To the west, in the not-so distant city of Verbobonc, Riggby has escaped Iuz’s vengeance by dying of natural causes in his twilight years. His body now travels by sacred procession along the Western Road toward Greyhawk.

The Flanaess

Map of the Flanaess

