Adventures in the Distal Provinces:Samandra
Samandra the Artificer
Refresh: 3
High Concept: The Artificial Artificer
- Invoke: Is an expert in arcane knowledge and capable of certain physical feats beyond normal human ability
- Compel: Her very existence is an insult to life itself and probably illegal under Imperial Law
Trouble: Unnaturally Unnerving
- Invoke: Can be very adept at intimidation
- Compel: People unconsciously find her off-putting
Phase One: Raised in a Tower Full of Books
- Invoke: Knows all of the things
- Compel: Doesn't have much experience living in populated areas
Phase Two: TBD
- Invoke:
- Compel:
Phase Three: TBD
- Invoke:
- Compel:
Great (+4) Arcana
Good (+3) Crafts, Lore
Fair (+2) Investigate, Notice, Physique
Average (+1) Athletics, Provoke, Stealth, Will
Physical O O O
Mental O O O
Mild [2]: _________________________
Moderate [4]: _____________________
Severe [6]: _______________________
Library in a Bag: You don’t ever have to spend a fate point to declare that you have the proper tools for research using Lore, even in extreme situations ("Walking Library" Stunt from the Fate Core wiki)
Hand Enchanted Blades: Use Crafts instead of Fight for Swords when using weapons you have created yourself ("Personalised Weaponry Engineering" Stunt from the Fate Core wiki)
To Be Determined:
First Phase: Artificially created daughter of an Arcanist
Second Phase: To Be Defined
Third Phase: To Be Defined