G2W: Arthan
- Main Page; Gateway to the West:Main_Page
- Name: Arthan
- Class: Partial Expert/Partial Mage
- Level: 1
- XP: 0
- Max HP: 6
- System Strain: 0/12
- Spells: 1/1
- Age: 20
- Languages: Common (native), Trade Cant, Sargine
- Background: Scholar
- Strength 12
- Dexterity 14 (+1)
- Constitution 12
- Intelligence 15 (+1)
- Wisdom 12
- Charisma 11
Other Stats
- Movement Rate: 30'
- High Mage Effort: 1/1
- AC: 11
- BAB: +0
- Attacks:
- Staff: 1d20+1 to hit, 1d6+1 dmg, Shock 2/AC 13
- Dagger: 1d20+1 to hit, 1d4+1 dmg, Shock 2/AC 15, Rng 30/60
- Saves:
- Evasion: 14
- Mental: 15
- Physical: 15
- Luck: 15
- Administer-0 (BKGD)
- Connect
- Convince
- Craft
- Exert
- Heal
- Know-0 (BKGD)
- Lead
- Magic-0 (CLASS)
- Notice-0 (FOCUS)
- Perform
- Pray-0 (BKGD)
- Punch
- Ride
- Sail
- Shoot
- Sneak-0 (FREE)
- Stab-0 (FOCUS)
- Survive
- Trade
- Work
- Trapmaster L1
- Once per scene, reroll any failed saving throw or skill check related to traps or snares.
- Given five minutes of work you can trap a portal, container, passageway, or other relatively narrow space with foot snares, caltrops, toxic needles, or other hazards. Non-lethal traps cause the first victim to trigger it to lose a round of actions while dangerous ones inflict 1d6 damage plus twice the character’s level, with an appropriate saving throw for half. Only one such improvised trap can be maintained at a time. More fearsome traps may be laid with congenial circumstances and the GM’s permission.
- Armsmaster L1
- You can Ready a Stowed melee or thrown weapon as an Instant action.
- You may add your Stab skill level to a melee or thrown weapon’s damage roll or Shock damage, assuming it has any to begin with.
Magic Powers
- Arts
- Arcane Lexicon: Commit Effort for the scene. For the rest of the scene, you can read any script that was not intentionally obfuscated or encoded by its writer. Extremely esoteric or nonhuman scripts may not be comprehensible this way; the “plain meaning” of the text might be utterly foreign to human logic.
- Spells
- Max Level: 1, Spells Prepared: 2
- 1st Level:
- Apprehending the Arcane Form: The mage opens up their mind to the presence of occult energies. For fifteen minutes per character level, they are capable of seeing active magical effects, curses, enchantments, or other dweomers as colored auras or patterns of light. They may identify magical items and get a one-sentence description of their purpose or most significant powers, and may get more sophisticated answers with successful Wis/Magic skill checks at difficulties of 8 or more depending on the subtlety of the enchantment. Mages with prepared spells are visible to the caster, though which spells the subject might have prepared is not knowable. As a side effect of this spell, the ambient thaumic currents cast enough quasi-light to allow the caster to see normally even in perfect darkness.
- Imperceptible Cerebral Divulgence: The mage focuses on a visible living creature within 100 feet per caster level. For the rest of the scene, they immediately receive an impression of the target’s surface thoughts and interests, understanding them regardless of any lack of a shared language. The caster may ask one question of the target’s memories per caster level, but doing so risks breaking the spell; the target can make a Mental save before answering each question and the spell ends if the save is successful. These questions can only query memories, not compel any exercise of judgment or extrapolation. This spell is very subtle in its casting,and can be invoked without any visible gestures or audible incantations.
Class Abilities
- Quick Learner
- When you advance a character level, you gain an extra skill point which may only be spent on gaining or improving non-combat skills or raising attributes. You may save this point to spend later if you wish.
- Arcane Tradition - High Magic
- Readied: (3/6)
- (2) Daggers (Str/Dex, 1d4 dmg, Shock 1/AC 15, Rng 30/60, Enc 2)
- Staff (Str/Dex, 1d6 dmg, Shock 1/AC 13, Enc 1)
- Clothes, Common
- Backpack
- Stowed: (12/12)
- One man tent (1 enc)
- Blanket (1 enc)
- Bedroll (1 enc)
- Lantern (Enc 1)
- Tinder box (Enc *)
- (2) Flasks of Oil, 1 pint (Enc 1)
- Writing kit & 20 sheets of paper (Enc 1)
- Rations, 1 week (Enc 4)
- Waterskin (Enc 1)
- Healers Pouch (Enc 1)
- Cartographer's Tools
- Money:
- 42 sp