Into the Wild Woods: Serdek Bingol
Many temples have, in addition to clerics, holy warriors whose purpose is not to convert but to protect, to eliminate threats, whether reactively or proactively. These warriors usually train in remote monasteries and temples combining religious fervor with the skills of war. They often hire themselves out as elite bodyguards to royalty and other important personages. One such type of protector is the dervish. Lightly armored, mobile, and capable of entering a battle trance, dervishes are the elite of their god’s warriors.
- Human Dervish L7
- XP: 60,000/100,000 (+5%)
- Alignment: Lawful
- PC
- List any titles or holdings
- STR 14 (+1, open doors 3-in-6)
- INT 08 (basic literacy)
- WIS 16 (+2 magic saves)
- DEX 13 (+1 AC, +1 missile, +1 initiative)
- CON 16 (+2 HP/level)
- CHA 05 (-1 NP reactions, 2 max retainers, Loyalty 5)
L1: 3 skills + INT, L3, L5, L7, L9, L11, L13
- Languages
- Basic literacy
- General Skills
- Athletics/Acrobatics (Skilled) 9+
- Athletics/Climbing (Skilled) 9+
- Deception/Intimidation (Skilled) 9+
- Deception/Sense Motive (Expert) 3+
- Healing (Skilled) 8+: On a successful roll the character heals 1d3 hp to a wounded target. Can be used once per day per person. This skill can also be used to treat those with the following ongoing conditions. A character with the Healing skill can treat a maximum number of patients with ongoing conditions at any given time as follows: Proficient 2, Skilled 5, Expert 8.
- Diseased. Takes one week to treat, less one day for each skill Rank. If successful the target is cured of non-magical disease.
- Poisoned. Takes one turn to treat, less two minutes for each skill Rank. If successful the target is no longer poisoned.
- Injury. On a successful roll the target heals at twice the normal rate (normally 1d3 hp per day of bed rest).
- Class Abilities
- Restricted to leather armor; cannot use shields. May use any melee weapon, but no ranged weapons.
- Cleave up to 7x/round
- Enter a holy trance 2/day, gaining the effects of a bless spell for 6 rounds (+1 bonus to attack/damage, +1 bonus to saves vs magical fear)
- One-weapon fighting style: +1 bonus to attack
- At L7, may create potions; L9 scrolls; L11 magical items associated with dervish magic
- Turn undead as L7 Cleric - Roll 2d6: Destroy L1-L4, Turn L5-L6, L7 on 7, L8 on 9 (spellcasting undead or those with 8 or more HD may make a Save vs Spells to avoid being turned or destrpyed). On a success, roll 2d6 to determine number of HD affected.
- Initiative: +1 bonus when wearing leather or lighter armor
- Add WIS bonus to AC when wearing leather or lighter armor
- At L9, may build a monastery
- Knacks
- L1: Toughness (d8)
- L5: Self-improvement primary (CON)
- L9
- L13
- AC 16 (+1 leather, +1 Dex, +2 Wis)
- HP 53 (7d8 HD + 14)
- Movement Rate
- Initiative Modifier +2
- Attacks (For the below, write in what it is. Like, "Two-Handed Sword: Stats."
- sword +5 to hit, 1d8+1
- spear +5 to hit, 1d6+1, Brace
- Cleave: up to 7 times
- Saves: +2 vs magic saves (wis)
- Death/poison 07
- Wands 08
- Paralysis/Petrification 10
- Breath attacks 12
- Spells/rods/staves 10
L1: 2/day, L2: 2/day, L3: 1/day, L4: 1/day
- L1
- Command
- Cure Light Wounds x2:
- Detect Evil
- Light
- Protection from Evil
- Remove Fear
- Resist Cold
- Shillelagh
- L2
- Barkskin
- Bless
- Detect Magic
- Know Alignment
- Hold Person
- Holy Chant
- Resist Fire
- Spiritual Weapon
- L3
- Cure Blindness
- Cure Disease
- Detect Invisible
- Dispel Magic
- Locate Object
- Mirror Image
- Remove Curse (reversible)
- Striking
- L4
- Cure Serious Wounds
- Detect Lie
- Exorcise
- Neutralize Poison
- Protection from Evil 10'radius
- L5
- Atonement
- Commune
- Cure Critical Wounds
- Divination
- Flame Strike
- Insect Plague
- Quest
- Gear, Armor, Weapons: Total Encumbrance. Don't list party treasure here. That's what the ape is for on the front page. This is to keep track of those things that are relatively permanently staying with your character.
- +1 leather
- sword
- spear
- horse
- 4300 gp
mercenaries, 700 gp/month
- 2 platoons (12 men each) mounted archers (360 gp/month) [riding horses, shortbows, AC 10]
- 1 platoon (12 men each) heavy horsemen (240 gp/month) [warhorse, plate mail, lance, sword, AC 16]
- 1 armourer (100 gp/month)