Back Issue Bin - Arc 7

In the comic industry, a one-shot is a piece that is created as a pilot comic or stand-alone story. Many creators publish one-shots to test a possible new story, or to express information that would not fit with the story arc of a multiple-issue series, particularly a long-running regular series...
As the world swirls with events concerning the beings called both Survivor and Godlike this story arc focuses on each of our heroes. Devoting an entire issue to each hero in the aftermath of the nightmare they've just faced in Seattle. Much of the Survivor's time has been devoted to larger goals, sacrificing their direction for the greater good - Now it's time to look into the lives of each as they slow in the wake of recent events.
This arc is an experiment in roleplaying to FOCUS full attention on each player character for the next four issues. During each session the focus character's fellow players will aid their story by playing non-player characters and even their own characters when encountered. This is a reflection of who the individual PC is as well as a focus to point their personal direction.
To best accomplish this there are some rules:
- the other player's goal is to help the spotlight character's story, the real goal is to have fun helping and watching as your fellow player is spotlighted
- the spotlight character will be asked (privately) prior to the game the areas they would like to explore during their issue
- events and plot points will continue as normal surrounded by the events the PC wants to focus on
- the timeline will begin again at the same point for each player character at the beginning of their issue beginning when the team finalizes events in Seattle
- this is the time to enjoy and invest in personal character goals - for example: Jack might want to focus on finally building his body, Brian might want to get engrained in his new role as Vice President, Mandy might want to reconnect with her family/firehouse, Arthur may want to take time for his old "patrols"
issue # 37 :7
- "Arthur" , July 06, 2006.
- PREVIEW: ???
If I try really hard, I canstill remember when this all started for me. It wasn't when we woke up four years after Sep. 11th. It wasn't with the terrorist occupation and siezing of flight 283. It wasn't even the decision to get on the flight to California. For me, it started many years before. "Allright men, this is the deal, we have two groups incoming in to make this deal. We cannot move until we have confirmation of the merchandice. Two cases of enriched weapon grade uranium. Orders are no survivors. You know your positions, we have about an hour till they are supposed to arrive. Any questions?" "Yeah, why are we doing this? Isn't this more up Marine Special Ops' alley?" "Normally yes, but we just found out about this and there isn't anybody else in range. So this is is now a Ranger's mission. Yu, I need you to take position about 500 yards out and your priority is to make sure no vechicle gets out. We'll handle the cleanup." There is a well used phrase about the best laid plans not surviving the first contact with the enemy, and this was no exception. The truck with the Uranium was getting away and Yu's last shot tore through munitions in the cargo area. The resulting explosion spread the uranium everywhere and irradiated the whole site. Although we were told that our exposure was minimal enough and we should be fine...well, lets say that when they're wrong they're WRONG. And the proof of it showd up years later. Cancer. I thought i was the only one. And when I'm wrong...well,
We were sitting around the meeting table at The Hopewell Foundation when I was told of a visiter. My old friend Yu had come to see me and I was for the first time since we woke up I was truly horrified and shocked. Gone was the happy scarcastic fellow that I served with all those years ago. Standing before me was a dyng man. Gaunt, pale, bald, and with open sores, Yu was the image of a man in his last days. I brought him to see the others and ank for their help finding a way to cure him. Two others of my old unit had already died. Then to my horror, he fell to his knees and begged me to make him better. He begged me to forgive him for doing this to us, and to "make it better". It was all I could do to maintain even a semblance of composure. Furtunately the others were quick to jump in and promise help. I hadn't felt a rush of gratitude and kinship I hadn't felt since my Army days. Also there was guilt. Here I was, in perfect health and filled with this power, and my old buddies were falling apart around me. Not only could I not help them, but I realized with chagrin that I hadn't even though about them since we woke up.
This would have to change. Things in my life had to change. I was starting to believe the hype about us. I was liking my power too much, and was losing touch with my fellows. Well, there were some things I could do about that. And first on the list was Julie. I had to stop thinking like a movie or story, where it's cool and neat to have your secrets. It never works out like that in real life. If I wanted even a chance with Julie I needed to be totally honest with her. Yet even in that I proved to be ac coward.
I showed up at her house just before dinner. After saying hi to the kids and Julie, the door opened again and Arthur 2.0 walked like he owned the place. In that instant, time froze for the world...except for the two of us. The bastard started telling me how he and Julie were getting on and how she wanted a real man. But he would make me a deal. He'll "let" me have Julie and my Father, but I change my name and stop trying to be Arthur. In short, I had to abandon my identity and concede that he is the legitimate one. I couldn't believe it, I told him "No, thats not going to happen. I don't think you are welcome here anymore."
A2 grins at me and says "I think thats more Julie's call not yours."
The response seemed cold and hard even to my ears. "I wasn't talking about this house. I don't know how I ever thought you were me." After a few more disparaging remarks about Julie and me he left., saying that we were going to resolve this real soon. Disconcerted I excused myself to the bathroom before Julie could notice my expression. While cleaning up I saw a half used birth control pill package sitting on the sink. The implication of this was more than I could take. The thought of her and him...I couldn't even finish the image. I just sat there on the edge of the tub and cried.
My father was meeting us here fore dinner and cards later and was playing the slightly crazy old man routine to the hilt. After dinner while Dad cleaned up and the kids were in bed, I tookJulie outside to talk. I told her everything, well almost everything. She didn't need to know that Brian was the one that killed Maggie, she was upset enough with him as it was. I'm not the best speaker, nor am I the most diplomatic, and within a few sentances I said something wrong, and I knew it. Not knowing weather or not it would work I tried moving time back to just before I saying how I wanted to kill Daniel. It took many tries, but I finally managed to tell her everything without screwing up. Her response was more than I could have imagined. She simply took my hand and led me upstairs.
Next day I come downstairs to be greated by the smell of breakfast cooking and my father whistling merrily. I could have done without the smug look on his face. "Morning son. You and Julie seemed busy so I decided to stay and make sure the kids were ok, and take care of breakfast. He he." Great. I could have really done without this.
"Thanks Dad, but I need to get going, I have to talkto the guys about Yu and tying up some loose ends. I'll grab something quick." Back at the "Office" I was in for a whirlwind of revalations. I get hit with the triple whammy of Julie being pregnant, and everybody knew but me. And finally, DNA tests showed that Maggie was indeed my child, but with no explanation of how. I think my ability to be suprised anymore got a bit overloaded at this point. I was already a father? Did Julie know this part? I didn't think I was prepared to tell her this one yet. The next few weeks kind of blurred by. My other friends had crices that needed help including Brian's mother being taken hostage by Mongrel. I'll tell THAT story some other time. The biggest problem was Arthur 2.0's upcoming fight with El Cuchillo. I knew he didn't have the self-control to restrain himself and not do some major damage. So, while publicly I disapproved of the match, I was makingplans to take care of it. On the evening of the fight, I excused myself from my friends who were all watching on Pay-Per-View, and went down to the arens to have a few last words with A2. I tried to appeal to him to now go overboard and keep it a gentelmans match. He said that El Cuchillo threw down the challange to anybody, normal or Godlike and he was not going to hold back. That was what I was afraid of and ready for. When his back was turned, I dosed him with chloroform and left him in a locker. Putting on his costume and going out in his place I readied myself for anything. I held back to feel El Cuchillo out so as not to hurt him too much. The fight was almost dissapointing. He was tough and had good reflexes but in the end, he was just too slow. And as I finished the pin, everything fell apart. A2 Came out of nowhere and grabbed me growling "We settle this NOW!!" Then the world dissapeared.
Slowly everything came into focus, and I found myself sitting on top of a building on a sunny fall day. Looking around I saw that I was not alone. Sourrounding me was thousands Everywhere I looked there was me. And for some reason they were all looking at me. There was a chorus of voices all saying the same thing. "This is where it starts and ends. This is the fracture point. Only one of you can exist, we don't care which one but a choice MUST be made." I was confused until I looked off to my right and only then did i realize which building I was on. This was the North tower of the World Trade Center. Across the way was A@ standing amongst his own crowd of Arthurs. Off in the distance I saw what looked like a lowflying plane headed our way. "Oh shit. Not here, not now. This can't be happening."
"It IS happening Arthur!" Yelled A2. We're here because of you. If you had just let me take my life back over, this would never have happened. But we're here and I sure as hell am NOT going to let you have my life anymore!"
I shook my head and called back to him, "You know, before that day in Julie's house, I would have probably let you. I know this is not your fault an you have just as much of a right to live as I do...But after the was you talked about Julie and your Father and how you dismissed Yu, there is no way I would EVER let you loose in this world. Fine, this ends here. Goodbye Arthur!" And as one, we both ran twoards the edge and leapt into space. Impossibly, we crossed the distance between us and just as we collided, I could see the madness in his eyes. Then the world went white.
- Game Called: July 13, 2005, Cancelled.
- Game Called: July 20, 2005, Cancelled.
issue # 38 :7
- "1010,1,11,1011" (aka. "Jack") , July 27, 2006.
- PREVIEW: ???
- RECAP: ???
issue # 39 :7
- "Mandy" , August 3, 2006.
- PREVIEW: A quick set of days in the life of a Super heroine...
- RECAP: PROMETHUS: Mandy Smith's Stand alone issue
*DRAMATIZED: may not match atual events...
A golden hand passed the bronzed torch. It was unlit and cold, a statues parody of an artifact. The clear sky allowed the sun to illuminate the marble and stone that surrounded the assembly of Gods. Eternal eyes watched as the symbolic ritual, re-inacted in every relay race and in every olymic opening run, as the fire wreathed hand took the solid metal torch. Flame, alive with a purpose slinked snakelike along the dark iron skin. The glowing beacon, filled with the fire of Apollo was raised for all to see and be seen. The Gods of Olympus cheered as the avatar of Prometheus bore the cosmic sign of fire aloft. THe iron figure, female and garbed in flames as well spread her flickering wings and flew. Destined for Earth and the passing of fire to man, Backdraft...Mandy... took the torch and passed it to the lowlyest of the Greeks below, a simple shepard learned the ways of fire. Blessing and Curse, savior and sinner, the flame gathers to him, making him the first of many preists dedicated to the Olympian gods.
On the spot where the glowing figure of fire rested, where the grass never grew again, a spire of white marble with a pyimidal top was raised...
Mandy sat on the top of the lincolm memorial, horns and the sounds of the city a distant soundtrack in the background. She stared at the Washington memorial, seeing a pastoral grecian feild behind it for a few seconds.
Seemingly out of nowhere, Arthur Redford; aka slipstream, spoke, "You like the view too?"
"Yeah, it helps me think." "So what's up for today?" the former Special commando asked. "Don't know," Mandy replied, she casually lit a Clove cigarette for both of them with a finger, like a dime store illusionist. "But whatever happens today, I think we have the Gods watching." She smiled to him, "Better make sure your wearing clean underware." As they talked a glowing blue bubble decended from the heavens. Horizon, recovering from being the groups earstwhile leader, landed on the tip of the White marble monument. Mandy waved, and stood to recieve the man she followed with all the conviction of a loyal soldier. Arthur shook his head, fading out of the time stream to catch up with his own adventures. Brian motioned to Backdraft to "flame on" and come over to him. Just as she was about to set her things inside her norex firefighter's coat her beeper rang. Two alarm fire with possible resque required. She shruged and flew with all speed to the fire house. "Time to be a REAL hero", she thinks with a smile. She takes up her fire ax and heads to the back of the tanker.
THe blaze was intence and beautiful all at the same time. It reflected off the waters of the bay and illuminated the yacht. Two figures, a man and a woman, dangled off the stern. They were desperatly trying to reach the water but it was too high to saftly jump. Mandy took the Scene in with a long glance. A fire boat was on the scene, dowsing the buring pleasure craft with foam and water. A rapidly expanding oil and gas slick blossemed around the boat, making the reflections even more colorful as the destruction of fire make chaos reigned. A muffled sound of exploding gas rocked the yacht and pitched the larger of the two siloettes into the water. Backdraft lept into action. Moving out over the water, she gathered the winds about her and created a water spout. Drowning the flaming boat before the accedent became it's viking funeral, she then scooped up the man in the water. She stared into the eyes of her worst fear. Milos glared back and the silent contest of wills ended before it really began. She placed the man back on his now saved boat. He silently watched as she made sure the boat was completely saved, she then turned to back to the leader of Kings Farm. "Now we're even." She growls to the man. Milos smiles and mumbles as she flies away, "Not even close."
The Restuant was a bit to stuffy for Mandy's earthy tastes but it was nice to see clean silverware and a water boy to serve your every slightest whim. She tried desperatly to remember what the fourth little fork was for as her expected dinner partner walked in. Lt. James Bates, "Goat Boy" to his mates, was in his dress whites. Doffing his cap he walked over to the table with a shy smile. He tried not to look like a fanboy as he shook Mandy's hand. He wated for her to sit herself and like the gentleman and officer he was, he shuffled her chair for her. Takeing the opposite seat he looked at the menu. "Anything good here?" he asked. Mandy shook her head, "I have no Idea, but Brian recomended this place. I expect it to be..." She got a gleam in her eye, "Vice-presidential." A commontion started at the front of the resturant, amoung the moving mass of reporters and photographers a cadre of Secret Servicemen moved as a greek phalanx to the matre'd. Brian Jaffe, Vice president and Survivor, gestured to the horde of press. All but one officer removed the crowd, leaving him free to come and join them. James smiled and motioned to Horizon. "Welcome!" he shook Brian's hand and motioned to the front of the resturant, "quite the entrance there." Brian ruefully smirked, "My fans. I just can't go anywhere without my addoring entourage." They all chuckled. "THe reason I called you all here is to ask for some help." Goat Boy started to explain after the meal had began. "I have been given a mission. I am to train the next generation of pilots to keep up with all your peers." He looked at he plate for a moment, "It's well known that we are woefully under-prepared for this. So the president wants an anti-survivor element added to the training of the top guns and aces of the military." He looked back at Horizon and Backdraft. "I've been asked to talk to you as you are the Survivors allied with us." "I can help" Mandy volunteered. "I can show your hotshot pilots what it's like to fly and fight us." She frowned, "As long as we don't end up on the wrong end of it all and that weapon is aimed at our national enimies, that is." Brian nodded, "Yes, I have the presedent's word." Lt. Bates sighed and the tension that held his shoulders faded. "Thank you, Mandy." "Just send me the details so I can let my Brigade know." "No problem." Horizon watched as the details were laid out on the table, his attention deverted to a man walking bold as brass up to the table. The man pulled out a recorder and a badge, marking him as a member of the press. The symbol on the badge makes Brian frown, it's for "The SUN", a grocery store rag of questionable reputation at best. Mandy turned to leave and ran almost into the guy. "Matt Matherton, Sun. So, Mandy Smith, hobnobbing with the VP. Seems to be a personal friend, doing well for yourself?" He did not wait for any responces, just fired off a bullet-like sentance a second. "A real american hero, how does it feel to have gotten away with the murder of a child? And..." "This interview is over." Mandy stated flatly,fighting an urge to ignite right there in the resturant. Brian motioned to his security officer, a big bulky black man with a badge, a gun and a licence to kill to protect the vice-president. It turned bad for the reporter. The guard grabes for the reporter, in a slippery dodge the man started to shout out as the press outside mobbed to the opening doors. "Mr. Vice-President! Would you like to comment on your association with a suspected murderer? Does the admisistration now support child predators and murder!?" The Guard made the reporter disappear in the back as he screamed "WHERE IS THE FREEDOM OF THE PRESS NOW? JAFFE!! WHERE IS...". Mandy escaped in the confusion, a look on her face of pure pain and rage. Smoke softening her form as she marched out the door, shimering waves of heat distorting the cameras and video recorders.
Mandy, much later and cooled down, sat at home, got ready for Work. SHe picked out a pressed and cleaned set of basic uniform and started to polish her badge. She then heard the phone ring. It was Mothers day. With a sigh she settled in for her annual tongue lashing and answered the phone in the sanctity of her bedroom. "When are you going to settle down, dear. YOur not getting any older." "Yes, Mom." "Do you have a boyfriend, do I have a chance at getting ANOUTHER grand baby? ONe from you? Micky has a girlfriend you know, Micky." "No, Mom." "What about this thing in Georga. What would your grandfather think? what would your FATHER think? *Sniffle*" "Don't want to talk about it." "What do you have to say about your self?" "Mom." "Do you know how hard it is to remember your father without feeling like you have gone astray?" "MOM." "And don't even mention what the ladies down at the club say..." "MOTHER." "Oh, What am I going to do this christmas! I'll have to face all our-" "MUH-THER! I'm a SUper hero with fantastic fire powers and the skills of a goddess!" There was a very long pause."...Well that's not going to be a very good resume builder." Mandy slamed the phone down, almost breaking the handset. She heard child like giggling coming from the living room. She marched into the room that was dominated by a Large screen T.V., a marble topped coffee table, and a Beth snorting cereal through her nose in laughter. "DO NOT FIND THIS FUNNY!" Mandy shouted at her room-mate, the image of towering anger. "Pants" Beth struggled to speak between giggle fits. Mandy then realized she had left her well pressed pants on the bed.
The Fire house was decorated in all forms of christmas decorations, a descrete manger sat on the mantle of the fireplace in the crew quarters. A christmas tree sat with timer controlled lights in the corner, positioned so it could be seen from the street below. The table was decked out with red and green paper plates and plastic-ware. Plastic crystal sparkly fluted glasses held cider, juice and smoothies. It was time to get ready for the 52nd Annual Christmas Pig Burning/Roast and the preperations were in full swing. The Engines and ambulance had been parked outside, lights flashing in celebration of the night. Smoke billowed from behind the barricade of flourescent yellow metal and rubber as the roaster was on full burn. THe smell of roasting pig filling the station house. Mandy flew in through the open window left for her in the closet. SHe dressed in the spare outift that was there for her conviance and walked out into the party in full swing. Her companions: Sideslip, Horizon, and Merlin all waiting for her in the main rec room upstairs. Cheering could be heard down below and the four decended to the main floor. Mandy's older brother, Captain Gabrial Smith, was walking into the station house, a girl Mandy did not recognize on his arm. She was beautiful, dressed in a skin tight dress and bedecked with jewels.
"Attention! Everyone, HeY! LISTEN!" he shouted over the loud crowd of firemen, friends and family. "I'd like to introduce someone to you all!" He moved the woman to stand before him, and moved her hand up so all could see the gleaming rock on her finger. "This is Emma." He grinned near enough to split his face, "My fiance."
Mandy blinked and looked stunned. In the pregnant pause before the congratuary cheer from the assembled people, a whisper could be heard.
***** To be continued, in our next issue, TRUE BELEIVERS! EXCELSIOR!! *****
- Game Called: August 10, 2005, Cancelled.
- Game Called: August 17, 2005, Cancelled.
- Game Called: August 24, 2005, Cancelled - kevin was feeling icky, not well to GM).
issue # 40 :7
- "Brian" , August 28, 2006. (SPECIAL Monday game, postponed from Sunday)
- PREVIEW: ???
- RECAP: We open on the steps of the Capital Building with a crowd, a judge, a bible, Brian Jaffe and the words: "I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."
A month later, Brian is sitting behind his vice-presidential desk in the Old Executive Office Building, behind a mountain of paperwork and with an army of staffers. Vivian's on her way out the door for a vacation while Brian's facing a dizzying number of tasks and struggling to prioritize them (including demands from the Sudanese government to return Zaida) when he gets Julie Young on the phone - she wants to get another lawyer to represent her against Daniel, but Brian persuades her to give him one more chance. A minute later, Monica's voice rings in his head - she's ready to talk about their deal in Seattle and Brian arranges to meet her for dinner later that night.
Before that meeting, though, Brian has to talk to President Cheney. The gruff man seems almost disarmingly harmless - asking Brian to head up national Kwanzaa celebrations because of his Jewishness - but he also debates recruiting Godlike into the armed forces and having them take point in Iraq and Afghanistan and he deftly evades the Milos/Maggie "procedure" when Brian mentions it.
That night, Monica shows up in a little black dress, fully ready to do whatever it takes to get her parents back from Milos' clutches. Brian learns a little about where they're from (Southern California) and what they've done (amateur jazz pianist), but little that will help him in his search; he also manages to resist Monica's advances, at least for now. That's when Arthur, Jack and Mandy show up for a planned poker game and Monica slips out the back for secrecy. She (accidentally?) leaves her black purse behind, though, and Jack notices but comments only to Arthur, who rifles through the purse at super-speed. Brian asks for everyone's help finding Monica's parents.
Days later, Joelle calls Brian at the office: she's ready for their lunch date. Just one problem: Brian is supposed to meet with the North Korean Ambassador now, a man it's dangerous to keep waiting. Indeed, no sooner does Brian sit down with the man than he explains that, in three days, North Korea will publicly open its arms to the Godlike: serve in the Korean army and reap huge monetary rewards. Brian points out the foolishness of this plan, but the Ambassador is adamant: unless the US undergoes full nuclear disarmament, North Korea will announce in three days time. That's when Brian's private phone rings.
On the line is Brian's father: a godlike has taken his mother hostage in Maine. A quick call sends Arthur racing to the scene, while Brian returns to the North Korean Ambassador. "My mother's been taken hostage a thousand miles north of here," Brian says. "I made one call and there's already someone on the scene to deal with the problem. That's not the US Government, that's just me. I'm not someone you want to screw with." The Korean Ambassador is non-plussed, but only offers a minor concession: "Family is important; go and help your mother. We can give you three weeks to resolve this and speak with your President." Brian wraps his secret service agents up in his gravity field and takes off for Maine.
Brian lands and quickly surveys the scene - the police have surrounded his grandmother's house; his mother is inside, her hands melded around the radiator and bleeding from the stomach, with Mongrel standing over her, leering; Brian's grandmother is with EMTs outside; and Humans First is trying to get the whole thing on tape from the bushes. A quick call to Jack brings Merlin online and solves the last problem, while a second call has Mandy blazing a path to Maine. Arthur tries to slip The Knife into Brian's hand, but Brian shakes his head. "I want to do this legally," he says. "I want the bastard to stand trial." Arthur's reply is short: "I have no interest in taking him alive."
- Back Issue Bin - Arc 1: IN GOD WE TRUST
- Back Issue Bin - Arc 2: HOMECOMINGS
- Back Issue Bin - Arc 3: AMERICA'S MOST WANTED
- Back Issue Bin - Arc 4: HIGH COSTS OF WINNING
- Back Issue Bin - Arc 6: AMERICAN NIGHTMARE
- Back Issue Bin - Arc 7: IDIOSYNCRATIC ISSUES