A Gift of Blades
"Damn, that's a long list..." Hsuan Lin looked in dismay at the list she'd compiled over the past week in Celeren. Seventeen organizations and individuals given names such as "Overzealous Immaculates", "Super Creepy Lady in Black", "Pathetic Wannabe Wyld Hunt", and "Tough Old Guy that Smells like the Sea" filled a sheet of cheap paper. For just a second, she thought about crumpling the paper up, and throwing it on the fire. That might actually be more of more use than what she had originally planned.
She stood, and streched, muscles tired from sitting and scheming in her cramped little room on the poorer side of town. For the past few months, she had been travelling from town to town. At first, it was just because she could- and because none of the places she visited was Nexus. But eventually, the newness wore off and boredom set in. And then one day, quite by accident, she found a way to both never be bored again, and attempt to repay the one who set her free.
Thus the list.