Tome Robber: Star Voyages of the Zephyr - Petra

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Private Name: Iseldis Tanase
Apprentice Name: Red-55
Birth name: Dhyanna Julanar


  • Struggle d8
  • Discern d8
  • Conceal d8


Checked SFX are active.

Adventurer Scholar with a Sword d8 - short phrase in character voice

☑ SFX: Hinder - Roll d4 Instead of d8 for 1 PP
☑ SFX: I've Got a Bad Feeling About This: - Add your Adventure die to your dice pool when you do something ill-advised because your 'sense of adventure' made you do it
☐ SFX: Why'd it Have to Be Snakes? - Create a d8 Complication to add both your Struggle and Discern dice to your dice pool in a test, contest, or struggle that involves solving problems in an exotic locale

Undercover Reformist Red Wizard d8 - short phrase in character voice

☑ SFX: Hinder - Roll d4 Instead of d8 for 1 PP
☐ SFX: Comply, or Know Our Wrath - Spend a Plot Point and create a d8 Red Wizard-related Complication to force an Extra or Minor GMC to do your bidding on the strength of the Red Wizard reputation
☐ SFX: I Know What You Did - Spend a Plot Point to have kompromat on a fellow Red Wizard or one of their agents

Secretly a Romantic d8 - short phrase in character voice

☑ SFX: Hinder - Roll d4 Instead of d8 for 1 PP
☐ SFX: They Seem Nice - Gain 1 Plot Point when putting your trust in someone else lands you in a bad situation
☐ SFX: Seeing the Best in Others - Spend a Plot Point to step up or double your Compassion value in your pool for the duration of a test, contest, or challenge when you're helping someone who others discount


  • Adventure d10 - "Ruins contain answers to my questions, though they may not be the answers I want."
  • Ambition d8
  • Love/Compassion d8
  • Duty d6
  • Knowledge d6
  • Self-Preservation d4


  • Red Wizards d10
  • Lord's Alliance d8
  • The Zhentarim (negative) d8


added to Dice Pool Result

  • Safiya d8 (Headmistress of the Academy of Shapers and Binders) - "I've tied myself to someone powerful and supportive of my cause; but am I a friend or an asset?"
  • Eligos d8 [negative] (a rival transmutation student who has never let the competition go) - Trait statement
  • Eminent Larnobov d6 (saved from a rogue beholder) - Trait statement
  • Eminent Drocia d6 (immediate supervisor, parcels out missions and locations identified by his analysts) - Trait statement


  • Crew 2d6
  • Magic Items 1d6


Species: Human

Resilient Against the Odds
Activation: When you're up against the wall facing defeat, spend a PP
Effect: Turn a Complication into an Asset for two actions

Background: Orchard Farmer

Salt of the Earth
Activation: When demonstrating understanding and empathy for manual laborers
Effect: Double the Value die in the dice pool

Power Sets

Wandering Swordmage

Elemental Blade d10 (Attack Powers)
Swordmage Warding d10 (Durability)
Teleport d6
☑ SFX: Swordmage Aegis: Spend 1 PP to mark and teleport a foe or a protected charge to your side in combat or danger
Wanderer's Experience d8 (Enhanced Intelligence)

☑ SFX: Focused - If a pool includes a Swordmage power, you may replace two dice of equal size with one die one step larger
☑ SFX: Multipower - Use two or more Swordmage or Red Wizard powers in a single dice pool and step each power down by one for each additional power beyond the first
Limit: Conscious Activation - If taken out, asleep, or unconscious, shut down Swordmage. Restore Swordmage when you awake.

Red Wizard

Force Blasts d6 (Attack Powers)
Magic Resistance d8
Rigorous Schooling d8 (Enhanced Intelligence)
Transmutation d6

Complication/Asset: Red Wizard d8 ☑ SFX: Area Attack: Spend a PP to add a d6 and keep an additional effect die for each additional target past the first ☑ SFX: Magical Immunity: Spend a PP to ignore complications from magic Limit - Exhausted: Shut down any Red Wizard power to gain a PP. Activate an opportunity to restore the power.


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