ST: Kil

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- Main Page; Sigma Tau Sector

  • System
    • Biohazard warning. Human miscible, breathable, mutated population. Large cities, infrastructure, but also seems fairly pastoral and low-density population. You suspect technology has regressed here, whether that is intentional or due to isolation is impossible to say at this point.
    • Five medium-to-large gas giants, one planet with life and a couple of atmosphereless rock planets close to the star. There's no indications of life outside the one planet
  • Kil
    • Kil has 3 natural moons and some additional orbiting asteroids. It seems likely that it had a good sized moon that was hit by a large object and broken into three smaller ones and fragments. It should give some interesting tidal affects on the planet, though they may largely equalize out, and the moon was decent sized but not large to begin with. The moon was broken millions of years ago, almost certainly before any kind of advanced life started to develop on the land. It takes only a bit of cursory scanning to show that. While the colonists have been here for a long time - hundreds or perhaps thousands of years - it would have been after the planet had developed it's own life in some complex form.
    • An old space port orbits the planet, but you get no life readings from it. You do get some residual communication from it. There appears to be a couple of interplanetary shuttles docked at it. There are a number of communications satellites too, but they seem more primitive. There's no sign of recent activity by people in space around the planet, just launched satellites. The station seems to sending only automated messages, primarily safety, distance, tracking, etc. messages used to manage day-to-day traffic coming and going from a star port. There is a solar array that provides background maintenance power, and probably would have powered things at one least enough to get started, but it's been damage and only provides a trickle of power to keep background operations going at this point.

There are three shuttles on the station. One shuttle can be made operational with a couple of weeks work, another can be with more time and savaged parts from the third. They're nothing special or exciting, but would get you around the system or to the planet, if you desired.

Other satellites in orbit about the planet are sending and receiving information (apparently part of the genetic experiment). They appear to be active, but there's little to suggest active human space flight around the planet. There's also nothing suggesting attempts to contact you to this point.

  • Inhabitants

The planet is inhabited by a human-creature cross that was a genetic experiment, so the people on the planet are mixed human and animals. Your observations suggest they do have decent technology, with modern cities, radio communications, and even the ability to put up orbital flights. However, this station wasn't built by them. It was constructed by a consortium of scientists to monitor the people below and manage people coming and going for work/scientific reasons. There's little sign of commercial development on a level that would interest more advanced societies of the time. When things went bad through the galaxy, this place abandoned to its fate. It maintained itself at some level all along, even though heavily crippled by numerous asteroid strikes over the intervening years. There's a very large asteroid field in this system that periodically lets loose. At one point, the shuttles had some ability to deal with incoming asteroids large enough to cause problems, but once abandoned, the outcome was inevitable.

The creatures are humanoid, almost certainly human base genetically, but they appear to have several "versions" that are mixed with different genetic materials, producing great variety. Overall, they look much like a human/other mammal mixture. It appears the original plan was to try to improve certain features - senses mostly. A side effect is many are hairy/furred all over, or splotchy, with great variety, and a lot of them have developed tails. The genetic experiments produced certain heightened features, but also a lot of side effects, including a loss of the ability to resist a number of human diseases.

The background research also shows that there was a strain of virus that had developed planet-side that humans who visited suffered high fatality rates from, while it was mostly dormant in the mutants below, at least those who survived the initial onslaught of the disease. It had very high initial casualty rates, and much like earth viruses would return every few years, mutated, and at various level of deadliness.

  • Political

It appears that nations have developed, with a fair amount of nationalism dividing them into several powerful alliances. However, a world-wide religion (the artifacts you jettisoned) is able to act as balancing power broker of its own. Additional research shows that the scientists who worked here had initially developed and inserted that religion which basically places "pure humans" as angelic, or similar, to those on the planet. It was done to try to be able to go down and move among them with some protection/awe in it, but also to maintain order with a central powerbase, originally controlled through the station.