Running Sheet Nala Moir Tral
Nala Moir Trall
Father: Moir Trall
Mother:Moir Tral
Children:Randal Moir Tral Zhenya
Description: Narrow face, beautiful. Pale green skin, dark green hair with braids of blond, blue, purple and black.
Hobbies: Many but mainly motorcycle racing.
- Lady of Rebma. Ex-Lady on waiting for Queen Moore of Rebma.
- Graduate of Rasak-Remba Recommended
- Grand Champion 1000cc class. Randal Planetary. 4 years.
- Grand Champion 135cc class. R.P.2 year.
- Grand Champion 200 cc Flat Chassis 4 Wheel. R.P. 2 year
- Randal Champion Mixed Martial Arts-100km or under.
- Randal Champion Duel Dagger-100km or Under
- The Akkal Solo-Stringed. Harp
- The Allah Ensemble: The Southern Waters group- Leader Vek Hendrake. 7 Awards.
Total: =59 Stats+ 50 Powers+ Skills+ Items +(+0/0 allies/Enemies) + Shadows+ Stuff +Storage
Statistics {59}
- Psyche: 11
- Strength: 19
- Endurance: 25
- Warfare: 4
Powers {50}
- (20) Regorian Basic Imprint. 8 Minor, 4 Major.
- 10 Mal at Reiss. 8 Minor or 2 Major
- 15 Sorcery
- 10 Limited Conjuration
- 10 Power Words
- 5 Dikost Sigil.
Skills {25}
- 2 Courtly Graces-Rebma
- 2 Courtly Dance-Rebma
- 1 Country Dance-Rebma
- 2 Randal Motorcycles
- General motorcycle
- 3 Stringed Instruments-Rebma Harps
- 2 Guitar, Violin, Bass.
- 1 Piano, Harpsichord
- 1 4 wheeled Vehicles
- 1 Airplane
- 1 Gliders.
Allies & Enemies {0/0 = 0}
Items {}
- Signature piece