Advancement For Tesara
Advancement For Tesara[edit]
15 Pips-general Adventures with Lord realmer and assorted side adventures in Adagalask-Spent[edit]
- 10 pips Chaos Warfare to Amber Warfare.
- 2 Pips to Endurance
- 3 pips to Basic Concord (3 from Realmer to Advanced Concord)
- (5 Pips From Realmer for partial Shape Change)
15 Pips-Rasak-spent[edit]
- 3 Psyche
- 4 Increase 2 Snikura daggers to Return to Hand and Combat Relfxes.
- 1 Slight of hand
Abilities gained at Rasak[edit]
- 5 Pips Warfare-Graduates reach at Least Amber Rank in Warfare
- 3 Pip Endurance-graduates gain at least Chaos Rank in Endurance with 5 pip toward Amber rank.
- 2 Pip Strength-Graduates gain at least Amber Strength
- 1 Pip Skill-Military Technology
- 1 Pip Skill-Military Command and Communications.
- 1 Pip Skill-Military Horsemanship
- 1 Pip Skill-Gymnastics
- 1 Pip Skill-Medical Training
- 1 Pip Skill-Cooking. Butchering. General gardening. Preparation. Cast Iron. Open Fire.
2 GS -Spent[edit]
- 2 pips strength
32 storage upon walking the pattern-spent.[edit]
- 23 saved after her 27 pip walking of the Coshaka Pattern.
Gained full pip is when she walked the full pattern
- 10 pips-unspent
- 10 pips-unspent
- 21 pips Service to the crown
Spend 89 pips-Feb-2024[edit]
- 1 Good Stuff
- Stats:63:psyche 10,str 20,Endurance 28, Warfare 5
- Sianka:14
- 10 Magical Van Reals Glasses