Kintsugi (WIP)
Background: Drone Jockey
Skills: Drive-2, Exert-0, Fix-0, Perform-0, Program-1, Shoot-0
Role: Drone Pilot/Street Artist
Stats: Strength Dexterity Constitution Intelligence Wisdom Charisma 8 17 8 18 (Prodigy) 10 14 (changed) +0 +1 +0 +3 +0 +2
Contacts: Corper, last contact a minor argument over different ideals, I'm a relative or childhood friend; known them since I was young; met them when I covered up a minor mistake they made; they can acquire useful street information
Street people/ganger/criminal; last contact I did a favor for someone important to them; there is/was a romantic relationship; we go back a long way; I met them when I pulled them out of a fight or disaster; can give me a safehouse for a while
Friend contact related to art
Edges: Prodigy (Intelligence) Voice of the People (Level 2 Pop Idol; additional Friend Contact related to art) Foci: Drone Pilot 1: Gain Drive and Fix as bonus skills; start with Remote Control Unit cybersystem installed; free drones and weapons and fittings worth no more than budget on p. 18 Pop Idol 2: Gain Perform as bonus skill; 1/week mobilize ~100 fans/level and deny involvement; gain up to $2000/level if mobilizing them for merch or donations Backstory: Appearance: Short-Term Goals: Long-Term Goals: