Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk
The current year is 597 CY.
100 or so years ago, the Mad Mayor Zagig achieved apotheosis and became a demigod in a ritual he conducted in the dungeons below Castle Greyhawk. In the process of doing so he captured and imprisoned nine other demigods, taking a piece of divine essence from each. One of these demigods was Iuz, the half-demon son of the Witch-Queen Iggwilv and the demon prince Graz’zt and he (and the other demigods) remained imprisoned below Castle Greyhawk after Zagig ascended and departed the Material Plane as the newly divine “Zagyg” to serve in the court of Boccob, Archmage of the Gods.
None of this was well known until perhaps 30 years ago when the wizard Mordenkainen and his adventuring companions (primarily Riggby the cleric, Mordenkainen's apprentice Bigby and the fearless warrior Robilar, though other companions came and went as well), after years of exploring the ruins of Castle Greyhawk, found Zagig's Prison and the imprisoned demigods. Eventually, in 570 CY, realizing that sooner or later the binding magic would fail, Mordenkainen devised a plan to slay the worst of the imprisoned gods: Iuz. At his behest, Riggby, Robilar, and one of Robilar's henchmen made their way to the Prison and dispelled the magic barrier keeping Iuz bound, intending to slay him.
Unfortunately, just a moment too late, Tenser, Bigby and the warrior Neb Retnar teleported in, planning to stop Iuz from being freed, fearing that the whole plan was too risky. The two groups, after some momentary confusion, realized that the die was cast and they must band together to kill Iuz, but even that moment of hesitation was too much, and Iuz regained enough of his power to escape certain death in the clutches of Bigby’s notorious crushing hand by plane shifting to the Abyss. That magical warp freed the additional gods (as far as anyone knows) and caved in many of Castle Greyhawk’s deepest dungeon complexes. After it was all over, Iuz swore vengeance upon the adventurers who had attempted to kill him, dedicating a portion of his eternal rage to plotting their destruction.
Twenty-seven years have passed. To the west, in the not-so distant city of Verbobonc, Riggby has escaped Iuz’s vengeance by dying of natural causes in his twilight years. His body now travels by sacred procession along the Western Road toward Greyhawk.
Additional History
After the gambit of freeing, and attempting to slay, Iuz failed, word of Lord Robilar’s role in the demongod’s release spread quickly, and he took the brunt of the blame. Local magistrates sacked his castle west of Greyhawk, scattering his dragons and exiling him from the city. Feeling remorse over his role in what happened, Mordenkainen formed the Circle of Eight, an organization of wizards dedicated to "preserving the balance", though some members (like Tenser) argued for a more active role in combating evil. Meanwhile, Iuz wasted no time in re-establishing his rule in Dorakaa, and in 582 CY, a series of small, regional conflicts erupted into continent-wide war, thanks to Iuz's machinations. This war, known as the Greyhawk War, or the Great War, would rage for two years, from 582 to 584 CY. Eventually a peace treaty was negotiated and was due to be signed in the Great Hall of the City of Greyhawk, but treachery almost overturned it and threatened to destroy the Circle of Eight in one fell swoop.
When the wizards Bigby, Tenser, and Otiluke inspected the building that would house the treaty event, they discovered an elaborate magical trap meant to destroy the assembled ambassadors and dignitaries. The archmage Rary, the only member of the Circle whose magical prowess matched that of Mordenkainen, then emerged from the shadows to congratulate his allies on their foresight. His schemes thwarted, Rary lashed out at his friends, slaying Tenser and Otiluke and gravely wounding Bigby. Worse, Mordenkainen soon received word that his greatest friend, the fighter Lord Robilar, had sacked the slain wizards’ strongholds and destroyed their clones and soul objects, preventing their return to life. Then Robilar departed to the Bright Desert to serve Rary and his quixotic empire of the sands. However, Rary and Robilar had failed to discover a clone Tenser had hidden away on Celene, one of Oerth's moons, and in the month Goodmonth of 585 CY, Tenser was restored to life.
The Flanaess
The Ruins of Castle Greyhawk
City of Greyhawk
- S: Slum Quarter: The poorest section of town, made up of ramshackle houses and destitute commoners.
- T: Thieves' Quarter: The other section of the Old City, along with the Slum Quarter, and slightly better off than its poorer neighbor, but not much more so.
- A: Artisans' Quarter: A sleepy district (relative to the other parts of the city) where most of Greyhawk's finest artisans live and work, as well as the guildhalls that represent them.
- F: Foreign Quarter: The only quarter of the city where non-citizens are allowed to own property.
- R: River Quarter: A boisterous district of taverns, brothels, and gambling dens that caters to those who work the wharfs just outside the gates, and the travelers who arrive by river.
- C: Clerkburg: The quarter that swarms with students from the dozens of colleges, universities and academies, that have made Greyhawk one of the foremost cities of learning on the continent.
- G: Garden Quarter: The second richest district of the city, home to many ennobled heroes, made-good prospectors, acclaimed artists and artisans, retired adventurers, and other nouveau riche.
- H: High Quarter: The richest part of the city, filled with magnificent mansions that sit atop a low rise that makes them visible from most of the city.
The Green Dragon Inn
River Quarter
- The Green Dragon: The Green Dragon Inn is located in Greyhawk’s River Quarter, along a wide street crowded with rivermen, cutthroats, and thieves. At night the two-story stone building comes alive with activity, the sound of boisterous laughs and the sight of flickering windows attracting custom from all quarters of the city. Most of the shabby clientele are locals, Dockway bully-boys or bargefolk looking for cheap drinks and good atmosphere. The Dragon provides the latter in quantity, for its proprietor does little to quell light violence and overtly encourages enthusiastic drinking and carousing. Weapons and armor are allowed (and a wise precaution). It’s a dangerous place but a friendly one, as long as no one harms the staff.
- City Watch Station: The River Quarter City Watch station sees as much traffic as any drinking hole in the district, and thanks to its inhabitants, the building and especially its cells reek of the smells that characterize the district. In this atmosphere, the trail of surly vagabonds standing in the front of this squat two story stone structure across the street and just down the block from the Green Dragon Inn looks no different from any other.
- Hauld's Apothecary: This small shop run by a portly, mustachioed fellow, has rows and rows of potions and magical unguents lining the walls. The affable, somewhat clumsy merchant barely fits behind the crowded desk, always nearly bumping over a leaking jar of this or shattering a glowing bottle of that.
- Dark Moon Monastery: A sprawling estate of white stone arches and enclosed courtyards overlooks the River Quarter from the small bluff supporting the Nobles’ Wall. In the shadows of its manicured campus dwells an order of fighting monks and mental adepts who seem always to be training for something.
- Pirthan Estate
- The Lore of the Lake: A bewildering array of stuffed creatures dangles from the low ceiling of this workshop located below street level. Visitors must take care lest they run eye-first into the preserved beak of a slain stirge or the spiny frill of an Abbor-Alz quillbeast.
- Onella's Palms
- Geeridan's: The bright blue awning of this two-story building stands out among the staid store fronts along the north side of Cargo Street. The cavernous showroom within contains a dizzying array of products from markets across the Flanaess, all offered at reasonable prices. The weapons and armor section—highly picked over by the district’s adventurers—leaves something to be desired, but the stock of standard gear makes this one of the most popular general stores in the city, and certainly in the River Quarter.
- Low Seas Tavern: The shabby façade of the Low Seas Tavern marks the north face of a small square at the center of Cargo Street. One must descend a short case of stairs to reach the establishment’s front door, which lies a few feet below the level of the street. The sounds of boisterous good cheer echo up to the square at all hours of the day.
- Nulligan's Trove: Northwest along Cargo Street, where the broad avenue intersects with the Strip, a short alley loop known as the Open Close is home to a collection of idiosyncratic shops and galleries. With its green continual flame torches and firebeetle ichor-infused sign, Nulligan’s Trove is the most unusual offering on an unusual block. A businesslike balding merchant named Penander Nulligan runs the curio shop, which offers a small selection of magic items for sale to the district’s adventurers and wealthy sea captains docked in Greyhawk’s Wharf District.
- Khellek's Tower: The witty, willful wizard Khellek, chessmaster of the Green Dragon Inn, owns a black stone tower on the bluff overlooking Cargo Street, not far from the gate to the Wharf District. During daylight hours that do not find him otherwise occupied, Khellek entertains visitors interested in purchasing arcane scrolls or spellcasting services.
- River Quarter Mission
- Redacted: A nondescript multiroom home.
- Geld's Maps: Geld's Maps is in a refurbished old manor house on the corner of Horseshoe Road and Cargo Street, at the eastern end of the River Quarter. Geld's small office, just off the three-story structure’s main entry, holds a wide variety of regional maps.
- Beovar Dwursen: Human Warblade 5/Anointed Knight 4
- Zhenis: Human Fighter 1 psion 3 Soul Knife 3 Soul Bow 2
- Kangorox: Dwarf Duskblade 9
- Daniel Carter: Elan Vitalist 9
- Cacophony: Lesser Cansin Artificer 8/Cloistered Cleric 1
Syvis: Human Dread Necromancer 8Nember: Human Binder 8Oonagh: Human Sorcerer 8
Unsplit Loot
- 6,852 gp (-300gp for Kangor)
- 1 potion of Cure Moderate Wounds
- 1 badge and key (from giant in ruined temple)
- Bone Orb engraved with a Labyrinth (500 gp)
- Electrum Bell set with a single flawless Blue Diamond (1000 gp)
- Fine Steel Censer engraved with Draconic Scales (1500 gp)
- Gilded Wooden Cup engraved with Runes (600 gp)
- Jasper Scepter engraved with a Labyrinth (1300 gp)
- Porcelain Plate adorned with Silver and a Castle in relief (1300 gp)
- Oil of Bless Weapon
- Ghost Shroud
- Fanged Ring
- Full Plate + 1
- 11 pp
- 2,579 gp
- 1 sp