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Flying Unicorn, Miniaturized Prototype - or F.U.M.P.​


Ancestry | Homunculus | Seasoned

Traits: Construct, Very Small, Darkvision, Horn, Fearless, Extradimensional Space


Agility D8a.png || Smarts D6a.png || Spirit D6a.png || Strength D6a.png || Vigor D12a.png

Derived Stats

Walking Pace D4a.png / Flying Pace D12a.png Running D6a.png || Parry D6a.png || Size - D3b.png || Toughness D8a.png (3)


Athletics D8a.png || Notice D6a.png || Stealth D4a.png || Fighting D8a.png


Sylvan (Native) | Common D6a.png | Elven D6a.png |


Very Small - Very Small races (Size −3) have a maximum Strength of d6. They subtract 3 from their Toughness and damage rolls (melee, ranged, magic, etc.) Gear made for Very Small characters weighs and costs a quarter the listed value. Reduce the Min Str for Very Small Armor three die types (minimum d4).
Construct - Constructs are artificial beings made of inorganic material. They add +2 to recover from being Shaken, ignore one level of Wound modifiers, don’t breathe, and are immune to disease and poison. Wounds must be mended via the Repair skill. Each attempt takes one hour per current Wound level and ignores the “Golden Hour.”
Darkvision: The species can see in the dark a short distance, ignoring all illumination penalties and up to 2 points of penalties from invisibility or similar powers within 10" (20 yards) distant.
Horn: Natural Weapon, d4+Str damage
Fearless: Homunculi are immune to Fear and Intimidation.
Extradimensional Space: Pocket dimension roughly equivalent to a normal-sized person's backpack.


Improved Extraction:



Scale Barding (3)


Horn - d4+Str-3; Natural Weapon; Add +4 damage at the end of one Fighting action in which it Runs, moves at least 5″(10 yards), and successfully hits with its horn.

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