Navero Ep1

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From Sat May 12 11:28:56 1990
Path: uci-ics!jarthur!dparsons
From: dparsons@jarthur.Claremont.EDU (Daniel Parsons)
Subject: Navero XLII
Keywords: Navero, of the Correct and Unalterable Way
Message-ID: <7126@jarthur.Claremont.EDU>
Date: 12 May 90 05:50:20 GMT
Organization: Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA 91711
Lines: 829

Re: Navero and friends
Subject: Last posting

As some of you know by now, I will be graduating very shortly, and thus will lose my computer accounts and net access. This means I can no longer post, and I must bring my account of the adventures of Navero to a halt. It has been really fun posting this, and I wish I could complete the run up to the end of the campaign, but I will not be able to do so, as by my calculation it would require over 100 postings. The party went from 1st up to 9th and 10th level, and the campaign ran for 3 years, real time. There is simply too much to tell.

There are far more things to tell about, so I would like to present a selection of the better moments from that latter years of the campaign. They are not in order, and may be moved about if I ever regain net access and decide to continue the story.

(Editor's note: He actually restarted the story some time later, which is the subject of The Second Story, coming soon...--Lord Knockwood the Mad)

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   . . .            The Mighty Mace of Self-Destruction    -=--=--=--=-
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                                  Lord Daniel,


We had gotten out of the dwarf mines and asked a friendly friar we met if he knew where the Orb of Spheres was. He said he had heard it was in this evil temple to the east (which just happened to be an enemy of his own religion, as it turned out.) We went over to investigate, and while we were camped in the woods outside the temple grounds, a huge hairy hill in banded mail walked up to our campfire.

Hill: "Hello!"

All elves: "AHHH!" (Assorted weapons drawn.)


Hill: "Aw, cute little elf-persons. Can I sit down here?"

Navero: "Uh, who are you?"

Hill: "My name's Serga. I won't eat you."

Dania: "...uh, sure, fine. Just stay over there."

Serga was a half-ogre fighter with a huge sword and not much cash. The player illuminated us on his background. Once upon a time, there was a baby. It was much worse than other babies: for one thing, it was larger. It came in the wake of an Ogre raid on a human village. The mother died in childbirth, and her family left it out to starve. A kindly and sickeningly good elven mage who lived nearby took in the repulsive little foundling, and tried to raise it as best she could, teaching it manners and social graces, as it was obvious the child was going to have a rough life. Serga moved out on coming of age, and tried to open a restaurant; it was a spectacular lack of success. Taking some advice shouted at him to heart, he decided to put his talents to work in a more suitable way, and became an adventurer.

Serga did not get treated well by the elves, who regarded him with much distaste (the humans thought he smelled, but were mostly indifferent.) We went on to the temple, and were attacked by a pair of Slaad.

The Sladd were tough; one got killed after a lengthy battle, and then the other vanished. Seconds later, a delayed-blast Fireball went off in the middle of the party. Dania, Kortul, Navero, and Kory made their saves and dived out of the main blast radius for half damage. Razuli and Meth failed, and were both killed. Serga failed his save, took the blast at ground zero, and lived. The Sladd reappeared, and Serga jumped it and hacked it bits and then jumped up and down on the bits until they didn't even go squish any more. Pretty good for a 3rd level character.

After it was over, Navero healed Serga's wounds.

Serga: "Hey... you did something nice for me... No one's ever done anything nice for me..."

Navero: "Well, uh.."

Serga: "FRIEND!! THANK YOU!!" (Big hug!)

Navero: "urkkk!" (Ever been hugged by a half-ogre?)

Serga: "Oh, sorry."

Navero (after a short break to heal a collapsed lung) chipped out an epitaph for Meth and Razuli in a rock and gave last rites for the bodies.

Meth's ghost: Say, dearest dungeon master, what will happen when Navero gets a whiff of the remains of Meth's wonderful lungs?

Game M: (Evil grin) Gee, I don't know. Make a save vs. poison, Navero.

Navero: (Flubs it, of course.) "What's that funny smoke? Err..."

Meth's ghost: I have succeeded in my life's quest to get Navero stoned!

Game M: Yes, all the gods are very impressed. You are now the new demi-god of illegal pharmaceuticals.

(Navero's head gently implodes and he wanders around hallucinating.)

Inside the temple, we found a monk named Lao Tsu, Ken's replacement for Meth Crystal. Lao was from a far eastern land, and had suddenly appeared in this part of the world, and had no idea why he was here. Lao and Navero almost immediately got into an argument.

Lao T: "As Confucius say, 'Grasshopper is to sparrow as falsehood is to zen.' War and fighting have place."

Navero: "But war is something to be avoided! No one is happy when people are getting killed and in pain. We should help each other."

Lao T: "Help others? Impediment to the path to true self. All move towards their own destinies, as sun to west and smoke to sky."

Navero: "But a person alone cannot succeed at accomplishing anything of great value. A society is made up of many people working together."

Lao T: "Why this stress on accomplishment? What is to be accomplished that will not be balanced? No; your karma is your only concern."

Navero: "But we should at least try to do good for people. If we don't, the world will be pulled the other way by evil people."

Serga: "You sound right. But you sound right. Maybe you're both right!"

Navero: "But we can't both be right."

Serga: "Well, he says he comes from someplace else, far away. Maybe he's right over there!"

After all this, we went through a LONG dungeon crawl culminating in a fight with Dania's old master from Swamp Keep. He had the orb, so we waxed sorely pissed and sent it off to the snake lords.


After Razuli and Meth died, Kory remained as the party's sole clown. He did not like the position very much; people kept telling him to shut up, especially Dania. Tiring of this party and especially of its resident witch, he got a potion which rendered him immune to alcohol from an alchemist, and dosed himself with it when we had another drinking contest. Naturally, he had no problem drinking the other party members under, except for Navero, who did not drink. Navero got drugged milk. Each party member got a different form of his revenge, depending on how well they had treated him.

Serga got a hallucinogen. He wandered about the town in a happy daze, bowing to the pretty ladies and remarking on what a lovely shade of paisley the sky was.

Topash had mostly ignored Kory. He woke up in a tree.

Lao got sewed into his gi, with a plentiful supply of itching powder.

Kortul woke up with his armor on backwards. It was flexible enough for him to get out of, but it wasn't easy. Immediately after, he went looking for Kory to give him a piece of his mind.

Kortul: (Stomping down the street, sees Serga.) "Where's the bard?"

Serga: "Hmm, hmm hm hmm... Oh, hi! With those antlers I almost didn't recognize you. They're very nice."

Kortul: (?)

Serga: "But I do think the tentacles and melting eyeballs are a bit much."

Kortul: (Almost, but not quite, smiles.) "Hmph." (Resumes stomping.)

Dania woke up naked and tied spread-eagle in front of the main doors of the main temple of Gothard. The words 'Used Virgin' had been painted across her... you know. It was still quite late at night, so there were only a few pedestrians out on the street. Her only hope was that the watch would be told before a priest noticed...

Priest: (Walks out of the doors.) "Hello. I am a priest of Gothard."

Game M: Dania, make a saving throw vs. magic at -4.

Dania: (... makes it!) "Hi! Cut me down. Please?"

Priest: (Cuts her down) "Will there be anything else?"

Dania: "Do I have to make another saving throw?"

Game M: "Nope. You can do whatever you like."

Dania: "..... Oh, hell. It's vacation time."

Navero had been nice, so why he got what he did is a mystery to me.

Navero: (Wakes up tied into a bed with two naked nubile young females.)

Female: "Hi, tiny heiny."

Navero: "Huh? AAHHHH!!!"

(Out in the streets, Serga is told by someone that his good buddy friend Navero is in terrible danger, and needs to be rescued at this address. Serga charged into the perfumed and sumptuous house, stomped on the bouncer, and charged upstairs to save his dear friend from imminent doom.)

Serga: "I'll save you! I'll save you from these... beautiful young women?"

Females: (Stare in shock and horror at Serga.)

Navero: "HELP!"

Serga: "Where are your shining white vestments, o holy priest?"

Navero: "Help, help, they were going to...."

Serga: "You're kinda cute. Where'd you get that whip?"

Female: "NO! NO! There are SOME things I will NOT do! HARRY YOU BASTARD I'M GONNA..." (Stomps out.)

Navero: (In a fit of herculean mania he rips his bonds apart, grabs a blanket and breaks the 1-minute mile getting out of the area.)

Serga: "Wow! I never knew he could run that fast. I guess he was really inspired."

Kory Silvertongue was not seen again for a long time. We heard lots of rumors of an obnoxious elf with golden eyes, singing hilarious songs about a bunch of bumbling idiots wandering around getting into trouble, and people would remark that we bore a startling resemblance to them. We, of course, knew nothing about these people, but if you could just give us the current whereabouts of that stupid bard...


We were going through a dungeon. Kortul had picked up a cursed bastard sword, and everyone was pretty beat up. Serga was at the front of the party to soak up damage (he had a new suit of plate armor) and opened a door into a room with polished stone walls. Serga couldn't see anything, so he opened the door all the way, to reveal a Greater Basilisk that had been hiding behind the door.

Basilisk: (Looks at Navero, who naturally fails his saving throw.)

Serga: "RAAARRGHH!!" (Charges in, kicks the basilisk in the throat and gets a strangle hold on it's neck.)

Party: (Everyone rushes in and starts beating on the basilisk.)

Basalisk: Hey, leggo! You're not supposed to do that!

Serga: (Slams basilisk's face into the polished, reflective wall.) "Look at that, you +&@$#&^@&*!" (It doesn't work. He contents himself with strangling the thing.)

Dania: "OK, I got a scroll that'll work for Navero. Wait a second..."

Navero returned to the land of the living to find a half-ogre staring into his face with a worried look.

Serga: "Are you alright?"

Navero: "I think so..."

Serga: "Good! Priest-friend!" (Hugs Navero)

Navero: "urrkkk!" (Ever been hugged by a half-ogre in PLATE armor?)

Serga: "Sorry." (Serga never hugged any of the elves. Dania was real good at making things go BOOM! but she'd probably break like a twig...)

There was nothing in the room, so we continued on.

Game M: "OK, you open the door onto the next room, Serga. Inside, you see two rust-colored creatures with long feelers and propellors on the ends of their tails. They see you and bound towards you happily."

Serga: (Those sound like...) "NO!!!!" (A panicking half-ogre backpedals through a party of elves. I shall leave the sound effects to your imaginations. The door is slammed.)

Kortul: (Shucks armor, goes in with cursed sword. The rust monsters eat it, and Kortul gets 100 xp. for clever thinking.)

Dania: (Goes in with her staff to beat the rust monsters to death so we can get through. They cry piteously and hide in the corners.) "Aww... I can't do this. How are we gonna get through here?"

Kortul: "Tie them up."

The rust monsters were eventually tied up and fed an old battle axe, and we went through the room safely. They seemed happier, and so did we.


Actually, Navero fumbled far to often for there to be any sort of comprehensive list of all the times he flubbed it. It's not that Navero had poor ability scores - they're quite good, actually - but somehow he managed to fumble to-hit rolls and saving throws more often than the rest of the party combined. This was always a source of great confusion to him. I did very well when rolling for Kortul, so it obviously wasn't ME. As a result, failed rolls of any sort came to be almost synonymous with poor Nav; even when he succeeded, it was usually a mixed blessing. I think that Navero's few critical hits should illustrate what I mean.

(A fight with a lot of gnolls in a big dungeon.)

Navero: "Go away you evil nasty smelly icky things!" (Fumbles.)

Game M: (roll roll...) Navero, roll to hit yourself.

Navero's first ever critical hit.

Game M: OK... you hit yourself in the, um...

Navero: Let me guess. The groin.

Game M: Yes. For x2 damage.

Navero: (Drops with a shriek and hears no more. The gnolls don't attack him, as they are too busy laughing. Serga came over and killed them.)

Serga: "Are you alright, priest-friend?"

Navero: "eep!"

Serga: "Maybe you should stay out of the front lines."

Dania: "Well, we keep telling him that. You OK, Nav?"

Topash: "Ah, Navero. He of the Bulging Backpack, with his mighty mace of self-destruction. I feel ever so secure with him around. (Breaks into song.) A grazing mace, how high the shriek..."

(Much later. Navero has been drained by a vampire, but a spreading empire has declared his religion illegal, and he must seek a restoration outside of the faith. The only ones available are some priests of Poseidon, who charge a bundle.)

Priest: "Well, how do you feel? Do you feel the power of the god flowing through your every fiber?"

Navero: "I feel seasick..."

Game M: Navero, roll less than your constitution on a d20 to avoid nausea.

Navero: (Rolls a 20, of course.)

Game M: Navero, roll to hit the high priest of Poseidon.

Navero's second ever critical hit.

Game M: Oh, my... Well...

Dania: Bazooka-barf!

Topash: Right into his face!

Game M: Yep. Then he turns to his assistant and throws up on him. The assistant then looses it, and they both collapse very sick.

Navero: "ooog..." (Wobbles out.)

Navero's third (and last) critical hit was not nearly so interesting; he hit an Umber Hulk in the arm and crippled the limb. Of course, he was 8th level, and if your character doesn't begin to show some signs of competence by that point...


Our DM was pretty good with NPC's. At one point we were conscripted into an army, and got stones embedded in our foreheads; they were some kind of mind control mechanism. We escaped the domain of the controlling wizard into the domain of another wizard (Duke Desmod, actually. He nearly killed us, as we weren't about to call on THEM.) and the stones ceased to function. We then fled into the wilderness to try and find a way to get rid of them.

(We are wandering down a path, very upset with life in general, when we hear something scuffling in the bushes. Kortul goes to investigate.)

Kortul: (Jumps out in front of an old druid dragging a body away.)

Druid: "Oh, hello, you startled me! I, eh, I was getting this man, uh, you see, cause he has this strange stone in his forehead, there, and Oh you have one too, uh, hum."

Topash: "Hail, father, we are travelers who have unfortunately been taken and controlled against our will, by a man who implanted these."

Druid: "Oh, mind control, yes, I see. Would be likely. Would you all like to come to my house while I have a look?"

(We all go to his house. It is a small wood dwelling in a clearing, with a large garden and many beautiful flowers. The Druid took the dead body inside while we waited outside. Serga admired the flowers and butterflies, Topash communed, and Navero petted the Unicorns, which ran away from Dania. Then we were invited in. The body had been laid on the table, with the head cut open to reveal that the stone was a spike driven deep into the lower centers of the brain.)

Topash: "That looks serious, father. Do you know how it might be removed?"

Druid: "Well, just pull it out, my boy, don't be an ass."

Dania: "He means without killing the patient."

Druid: "What? Oh, you mean for you, yes... Hm. Let me look in my books, so many things in books. Look, here's a recipe for making a tasty soup from the tail feathers of a roc, a diamond, and 12 feet of twine... Hm... removal, removal..."

Dania: "Maybe that book over there titled 'Secrets of the body.'"

Druid: "Oh, yes. Hmm... Ah, here is an account from Geriatrix the younger on the surgeons of the eastern continent. You might give them a try. This is more up their alley, I believe."

Kortul: "Long trip."

Druid: "Yes, they do live rather a long ways away."

Navero: "Is there anyone here who might know?"

Druid: "Hmm... nope, no I don't think so."

Topash: "Well, I suppose we'd better go, then. Perhaps on the way over we can make some soup from the tail feathers of a roc."

Druid: "From what? Yuck, why would you want to do that?"


Navero would often go out into any town we stayed in at night, to heal the sick and comfort the dying and otherwise waste spell points on the NPC's. One particular town we stopped in was a real rough sea coast town, where we had already been attacked several times; Kortul had also killed a young nobleman who insulted him, and we weren't sure when the body would be discovered.

Navero: (To assembled group.) "I'm going out for a while. I'll see you in the morning." (leaves.)

Topash: "Should we let him go out alone?"

Dania: "Right. I'll follow him and make sure he's alright." (leaves.)

Topash: "I'd better go as well." (leaves.)

Serga: "He's my friend! I better go." (leaves.)

Kortul: "Hmmm..." (leaves.)

And so, Navero went walking down the rough avenues of the town, with the rest of the party trailing behind him single file to make sure he didn't get hurt. Sure enough, he was soon accosted by three rakish young gentleman.

Rake 1: "Well, hello! A man of the cloth! Or is it a choir boy?"

Rake 2: "So hard to tell. Shall we have him sing, then?"

Navero: "Greetings, sirs! I am acolyte Navero of the Correct and Unalterable Way, here to spread the devotion and aid those in need. I come in all humility to your fair town to honestly help as my faith allows. Who might you be, gentlemen?"

Rake 1: "We might be just about anyone, might we? But we are, I suppose, in some need of, ah... curative magic?"

Rake 3: "I do think so. Will you come drink with us, boy?"

Navero: "Certainly! I have some water right here!"

Dania: (Walks up) "Sure, we'll come with you! Right, Nav?"

Rake 3: "Oh, I see you are quite devoted to your charges, dear cleric. Is this your little girl, then?"

Rake 1: "Little girl? Are you blind? Do not her outstanding characters and virtues leap out to the eye? I would hardly call this one little, my good friend."

Rake 3: "Oh, I must apologize, dear... lady."

Dania: "Right."

Navero: "Doesn't anyone want any water?"

Rake 2: "Well, there is one thing. The girl."

Rake 1: "Ah, yes. Oh, gentle priest, we have a great need of you. A woman, in our acquaintance, is ill with some... chemical imbalance, and suffers o most mightily. We have tried to comfort her in her hour of great need, but alas, I fear she needs you."

Rake 3: "Oh, she needs you o so very much."

Navero: "Where is she?"

Rake 1: "She awaits upstairs at this inn. Go to her, mighty priest. Let your holy staff do its work."

Navero: "I will. It was good of you to tell me. Thank you."

(Upstairs at the inn, one door is ajar. Inside, in a dimly lit room, a woman lies on a bed. She is nude, and breathing very heavily, thrashing about on the bed like a wild animal.)

Navero: (looks in) "Hello?"

Woman: "Uhhhhhrrrr..." (Looks to door, eyes Navero hungrily.)

Dania: "Looks serious, Nav. Think you can handle it?"

Navero: "I'm afraid I must. There are no others here who can."

Woman: "I feel hot whats happening uhrrrRRR...." (Starts clawing Navero's garments.)

Dania: "That's for sure. Good luck, Nav."

Navero: (Uses staff of curing to cure poison.)

Woman: "Uh... what?! AHH!! Get out!" (Slams door)

(Navero goes back downstairs, Dania laughing to herself behind. In the inn common room, one of the rakes greeted them.)

Rake 2: "Uh... I'm sorry. Jeofri gave her something, he said it'd be fun, and we, uh, took her up, and, uh..."

Navero: "Uh, I think I see. It was a very bad thing you did."

Rake 2: "Yes, holy father."

Navero: "Uh... don't do anything like it again." (leaves.)


Navero: "Hey, he called me holy father! Can he do that?"

Dania: "Why not? Sure, he's older than you, but you're the cleric. You just hit 8th level, remember?"

Navero: "Wow..."


While on a long boat trip to the eastern continent to look into the small matter of surgery, the characters finally got a chance to sit down and relax for the first time in about 4 levels. We were sitting up in Dania's cabin, except Navero, who was curled up in his own bunk. Navero was seasick for the entire trip. (Why do people come up with spells like Gorgar's Spell of Tactical Nuclear Devastation, but no Cure Seasickness?) At this point, the party had shrunk to Navero, Dania, Kortul, Topash, and Serga.

Topash: "... we're past pirate waters, and the Sea Dragon is dead, and the captain says we'll be there in 2 or 3 months, smooth sailing."

Dania: "Two or three months with nothing to do. Shit."

(Pause. Everybody sits and stares at each other.)

Dania: "Haven't had that for a long time."

Topash: "Yep."

(Longer pause.)

Serga: "Why did you become an adventurer, Topash?"

Topash: "I'm not. I travel with you because it is convenient, an excellent way to discover sources of imbalance."

Serga: "You mean adventures?"

Topash: "Well... yes, I suppose."

Kortul: "Which makes you adventurer."

Topash: "Well, yes. Hm. Why are you an adventurer, Serga?"

Serga: "Not much else I can do for a living. I tried opening a food place, but it didn't work."

Dania: "Ha! Don't doubt it; they'd probably think there were eating people, or, er..."

Topash: "Tactful this evening, aren't we?"

Dania: "I'm sorry..."

Serga: "Never mind, it's OK. I'm used to it. What I really want is to get a nice house somewhere with a garden, maybe a gardener, with flowers and butterflies, and lots of nice songbirds."

Dania: "Somehow, I can see that. You'd probably have the house sized to you, of course."

Serga: "Well, I'd keep some normal furniture for guests. I wouldn't make you sit in a chair sized for me, little magic-user."

Dania: "Thanks. I'd feel like a kid again."

Topash: "Why are you out here, doing this?"

Dania: "Hmm... Well, when I started, I'd gotten kicked out of home by my father. He caught me in bed with a drow. So, I just want enough money to buy a castle bigger than his. The best revenge is living well."

Topash: "Did you like your father?"

Dania: "No. He was a paladin for the Paths of Light, and he was always somewhere else, killing dragons or something. I got a Holy Avenger for my 16th birthday. I think I disappointed him, he wanted a son. Mom ignored me; she was always either diddling in magic or dancing in the woods with her flaky relatives. Mom and dad didn't get along too good."

Serga: "That's sad! Didn't they spend time with you?"

Dania: "Not much."

Topash: "So that's all you wish to do? Just do well enough to spite your parents? Surely you must have some long-range goals, a household, children..."

Dania: "Children? Me?! I don't think so. I'd probably be a lousy mother. Sometimes I think I'm too much like my own mother, and I can't see myself devoting myself to some kid. Besides, what would you guys do without me, huh?"

Kortul: "Go out, have fun without you?"

Dania: "Ha! I can just see myself, 8 months gone, running after you guys, 'Hey! Wait for me!' Damn, I'd miscarry on a horse."

Kortul: "Hmph."

Dania: "What about you?"

Kortul: "Simple. Get money, get fame, make my name. Go back, set up a house and start family. Raid, or farm, or herd, as needed to live. No intention of adventuring permanently. Only masochists go out, get beat up for a living."

Topash: "This is just a means to an end."

Dania: "That's kind of sad. What about us?"

Kortul: "Want to get married?"

Dania: "WHAT!?"

Kortul: "Me neither."

Topash: "Why don't we declare this a group marriage and go live at Serga's?"

Kortul: "Only one woman."

Dania: "Hey, I don't mind."

Serga: "You sure?"

Dania: "Uh, well, er, uh..."

Kortul: "Ha!"

Dania: "It's not funny."

Topash: "Would Navero perform the ceremony?"

Dania: "I kinda doubt it. He is a little less... uh, he's a little less than he was when we first met, but he's still kind of innocent."

Topash: "Yes... So much has happened."

Dania: "Yea. Remember when you tried to get Kory out of that trapper?"

Topash: "Yes. Remember when Meth Crystal drugged the Night Hag?"

Serga: "When did that happen?"

Dania: "Long time ago. I don't think you ever met him."

Serga: "Well, he died, but that's all I ever saw of him. Are you still mad at Kory?"

Dania: "Huh? No, not much."

Serga: "I just want to find out what he put in my drink. Maybe bounce him off a wall or two."


Dania: "What are we gonna do?"

Kortul: "Get out of latest mess. Go back. See what next mess is."

Dania: "What do you think these surgeon people will do?"

Topash: "No idea."


Dania: "What about when there aren't any more messes?"

Topash: "We'll make some more, just like always."

Kortul: "Take care of that when needs be. Getting late."

Dania: "Yea. Good night, all."

Topash: "Good night."

Player Character Gallery:[edit]

Navero, Priest of the Correct and Unalterable Way[edit]

9th level human cleric, Neutral Good. (Survived)

5' 9", 160 lbs., curly brown hair, big blue eyes, 21 years old at campaign's end. Died 3 times, resurrected 3 times. Only character to ever be resurrected. Sweetest person in the party, everybody took care to look out for him. Some possessions: Staff of Curing, Ring of Truth, Mace +2

Dania Couliari[edit]

10th level 1/2-wood elf magic user, Chaotic Neutral. (Survived)

4' 9", 80 lbs., straight dirty blonde hair, green eyes, 47 years old at campaign's end. Impressive vocabulary. Screams to get attention or to make her feelings known. Has been most hated and most loved party member in the campaign. Only woman. Some possessions: Staff of Thunder and Lightning, Bracers of Defense AC:4, Ring of Levitation

Rourk Ravensbane[edit]

3rd level drow cavalier, Chaotic Good. (Killed by vampire)

5' 2", 120 lbs., dead white hair, red eyes, 168 years old at time of death. Affectionately known as "Helmet head" due to his reluctance to remove his helmet. Bloody arrogant, a very good drow. Some possessions: Two bastard swords, Plate mail of great ornament


5th level human fighter, Chaotic Neutral. (Killed by a Sladd)

6' 0", 175 lbs., straight brown hair, brown eyes, age unknown. Prime party irritant until Kory showed up. Made many crude sexual jokes. Coined term "Helmet head." Did some of his best material when with Kory. Some possessions: Longsword, +1, +4 vs. Reptiles, Ring of Gronk Control

The Assassin (name unknown)[edit]

1st level drow assassin. Left game almost when it started.

Kortul, son of Korgur[edit]

9th level human fighter, Chaotic neutral. (Survived)

6' 3", 230 lbs., long straight black hair, brown eyes, 31 years old at campaign's end. Seldom spoke, then in clipped sentences. Sneered a lot. Strongest and ugliest person in party until Serga showed up. Some possessions: Two-handed Sun Sword, Cloak of flying, Ring of Free Action


4th level dwarf thief, Neutral. (killed by undead poodles)

4'7", 135 lbs., brown hair, black eyes, age unknown. Lost and confused most of the time, a quiet personality who did not get on with all the bitching normal to the campaign. Some possessions: Standard lockpick set, standard leather armor, short sword

Kory Silvertongue[edit]

5th level elven bard, Choatic Neutral. (Left party)

5' 1", 105 lbs., silver hair, golden eyes, 256 years old when he left the party. Seldom took anything seriously except his own abilities. Silliest, most annoying party member. Several other members have expressed a strong desire to kill him. Some possessions: Harp of the Bards, Leather armor made from Red dragon wing, Longsword, +2, luck blade

Topash Raycin[edit]

11th level elven druid, True Neutral. (Survived)

5' 0", 95 lbs., black hair, grey eyes, 202 years old at campaign's end. Very calm and unperturbable, took being a druid very seriously indeed. Slight weakness for good puns, but thankfully not very fast at coming up with them. Some possessions: Bracers of defense AC:6, Boots of Striding and Springing, Scimitar +5

Meth Crystal[edit]

5th level thief, Chaotic Insane. (Killed by a Slaad)

5' 7", 145 lbs., flax brown hair, brown eyes, 25 years old at time of death. Very interested in recreational activities. Race unclear. Very responsible and never overindulged, but did come up with some interesting, informative uses for his equipment. Some possessions: All declared illegal under the narcotics act of 1967.

Serga Teratis[edit]

9th level half-ogre fighter, Chaotic Good. (Survived)

7' 11", 400 lbs., dirty black hair, purple eyes, 20 years old at campaign's end. Strength 18/00, Comeliness 2. Weakness for pretty things, liked flowers, songbirds, and children playing. Also easily upset, tendency towards truly awesome violence. Some possessions: Field Plate +2, Bastard Sword +2 (intelligent), Ring of Blinking

Lao Tsu[edit]

6th level human Monk, Lawful Neutral. (Left party)

5' 5", 150 lbs., bald, black eyes, 30 years old when he left the party. Horrible accent, quoted obscure eastern philosophers, got on Navero's nerves a lot. Thought Dania looked repulsive because her feet hadn't been bound. Some possessions: Acme head razor, tonfa, gi with itching powder in it

(Editor's Note: Don't worry, folks, the story does continue! --Lord Knockwood the Mad)