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Clementine Cole :: Harrowed Widow Hellbent on Revenge

Sir, I kindly request that you retract your hand from my person. If you persist, I shall be compelled to remove it from yours.

Ancestry :: Human

Ancestry Features: Adaptable


Agility * || Smarts || Spirit || Strength + * || Vigor *

Derived Stats

Pace || Run || Parry || Size || Toughness ()


Athletics || Common Knowledge || Fighting || Notice || Occult Persuasion || Stealth


Cursed - Major - Clementine made a deal with some otherworldly power. This, unfortunately, negatively affects her and those around her in subtle ways. +1 GM Bennie.
Driven - Minor - Clementine is consumed with the desire to meet out justice upon those who slew her family.
Mild Mannered - Minor - In life, she was always calm and collected. She almost never raised her voice and, when she did, nobody took her seriously. Unfortunately, that trait has followed her into undeath.
Bad Luck -Major - During Clementine's travels she has been Jinxed. Benny refresh -1.

Abilities Edges and Powers

Veteran o' the Weird West - Begin play at Seasoned (four advances).
Undeath - +2 to Toughness and Spirit rolls to recover from Shaken, ignore additional damage from Called Shots except to the head, ignore 1 point of Wound penalties, doesn’t breathe, immune to disease and poison, doesn’t Bleed Out, and is only permanently slain by destroying the brain.
Decay - Smells of death, -2 to cooperation of animals. Smell can be masked by "pickling" through alcohol.
Dominion- Constant struggle for control with the Manitou.
Let out the Devil - +d6 to all trait rolls and damage rolls for next 5 rounds. Roll on Dominion Table.
Food & Drink - must eat a pound of meat - fresh or carrion - per day.
Sleep - Requires 1d6 hours of rest every 24 hours.
Counting Coup - gain a power by absorbing essence of nearby supernatural creature.
Unclean Abomination! - Always counts as supernaturally evil.
Supernatural Attribute: Agility, Strength, & Vigor - Supernatural Attribute immediately improves any one attribute by two die types (e.g., a d12 becomes d12+2). This Edge may be taken up to five times, once for each attribute. This increases the limit for that Trait (and any linked skills) a like amount.
Death Mask - Use of this Edge allows a Harrowed to appear as she did when she still drew breath, negating others’ Unfriendly attitudes and the Harrowed’s innate –2 Persuasion penalty. Death Mask is an action to activate but doesn’t require a Trait roll. Once activated, the Harrowed can keep it up as long as she likes. The effect is a minor illusion, so if the Harrowed is Shaken, Stunned, or suffers one or more Wounds, he must make a Spirit roll at −2 to keep the disguise active. Detect arcana automatically sees through this effect, and a successful dispel removes it.
Fast as Death - +3 Pace; increase running die one step.
Brave - +2 to Fear checks and –2 to rolls on the Fear Table.
Improvisational Fighter - ignore the -2 penalty for using an improvised weapon.


  1. Death Mask
  2. Brave
  3. Fast as Death
  4. Improvisational Fighter


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Armored corset (light) | Armor: +2 | Min. Str: d6 | Weight: 5 | Notes: Torso, Reduce damage from bullets by 2
Armored hat (light) | Armor: +1 | Weight: 2 | Notes: Head, Reduce damage from bullets by 2
Blouse, Skirt, and Sensible Boots
Compact sewing kit
Engraved gold locket with a faded photo of her and her husband on their wedding day
Trashy romance novel - note, this is actually an occult book she's studying, but she swapped out the outside cover.
Several days worth of booze for "pickling" in a satchel
Extra clothing in her baggage.


For years, Clementine Cole was a proud housewife on a reasonably prosperous ranch. Her husband, two boys, and one daughter, all lived a modest life, but a happy one. They read the good book, respected their neighbors, and were respected in turn. That all changed when her husband and his best friend were clearing stumps from the property with dynamite and discovered gold. A flurry of interest later, and everyone and their mother wanted to buy the property out from under them. Cody was proud, having worked most of his life to secure the property, and denied them all.

Then, late one night, a gang of robbers attacked, murdering every single one of the Cole family. None survived, including Clementine.

When she opened her eyes once more, she thought, "Could it be that all of this was merely some dreadful dream?" Looking down, however, still showed the ragged hole through her stomach of where she'd been shot while trying to shield her children. A rage kindled inside her unlike anything she'd ever known in her former life, and, using a completely new set of "tools", went on the hunt for those who'd done her, and her beloved family, wrong.

Worst Fear

With her soul already damned, her family already rotting in the ground, and her killers still at large, Clementine can scarcely conceive of a worse fate than the one she is living. That is, except for giving in to the manitou. She doesn't know what misery and misfortune it would reap unto the world, but she couldn't bear to be responsible for it.

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Personal Motivations

  • Maintain her humanity - the manitou residing within her wants nothing more than to drag her into depravity before claiming her body as its own.
  • Avenge her family's murder - including any who had a hand in it
  • Care for the world's needy children - the Weird West is replete with orphans.
  • Locate the Rotten Catfish Gang in Coffin Rock, Colorado. Determine what, if anything, they had to do with her family's murder and make them intensely and briefly regret it.

Improvised Weapons

LIGHT: Metal beer stein, fist-sized rock, pistol (as a club). | Range: 3/6/12 | Damage: Str+d4 | Min Str: d4
MEDIUM: Bowling ball, submachine gun (as a club), wooden chair. | Range: 3/6/12 | Damage Str+d6 | Min. Str: d6
HEAVY: Head-size rock, metal chair, duffel bag full of guns | Range: 3/6/12 | Damage: Str+d8 | Min. Str: d8
VERY HEAVY: Parking Meter (50 lbs) | Range: 3/6/12 | Damage: Str+d10 | Min. Str: d10
EXTREMELY HEAVY: Large Rock (100 lbs) | Range: 3/6/12 | Damage: Str+d12 | Min. Str: d12
RIDICULOUSLY HEAVY: Boulder (200 lbs) | Range: 3/6/12 | Damage: Str+d12+1 | Min. Str: d12+1
STUPENDOUSLY HEAVY: Lamp Post (400 lbs) | Range: 3/6/12 | Damage: Str+d12+2 | Min. Str: d12+2
The GM can adjust the damage down a level or two if the item is softer than the examples above, like a duffel bag full of money. Or a Squishy corpse...