Outside the Bear's Cave
Part 1: Celeren

On rocky promontory north of Celeren, Tepet Ejava contemplated the winter sea. Her eyes misted as she watched the towering gray waves smash against the shore, over and over again. Farther south, the wooden docks of the city were filled with the battered fleet of the Vermilion Legion. Not a single ship was whole; all bore tattered sails, shattered prows, stove planks or splintered masts.
"General Tepet..." the voice called from behind her. She did not turn. "You asked that I report to you if you were forced to land in the Marukan..."
Iselsi Sherem approached at knelt, two paces behind her and one pace to the left. Ejava shook her head once, blinking her eyes, then gripped the hilt of Thorn and spoke. "Then report. What have you discovered about the anathema that have conquered this land?"
"Little personally." Her voice rasped from behind the delicately carved jade mask, her head bowed slightly forward. "I was just making some headway when I got too close to one of their agents. Rather than compromise the mission..."
"Yes?" The Roseblack's eyes narrowed.
"...I was forced to spend three weeks under a salt marsh." Iselsi Kedem's voice was even and flat. "Their warlord came to the city with a pair of heretic monks, and I was forced to go into deep cover. Fortunately, while I was there, I found a pair of contacts to support my efforts."
"Who are?"
"The first is an exiled leader of the territory. He'll be meeting with you in a few days; he's apparently met their chief in combat. The second should be here shortly to report to you directly."

Tepet Ejava's red locks, torn by the wind, blew across her eyes. "Iselsi, I lost a full dragon of some of my best men to the sea. Even the Family never managed that in a single day. It will be just like the Battle of Futile Blood all over again."
Iselsi Sherem was silent.
"The Mask will grind us into meal on land or sea. Grandfather was right."
The spy's cloaked head dipped slightly lower. "If the situation is, in fact, so dire, then perhaps you might accept unorthodox solutions?"
"You think I haven't considered it, that Ledaal Kebok Omeger isn't hounding me over it day and night? After this devil's bargain with Lookshy, and that message... but what choice do I have? If I ally with Lookshy... or even those devils... can I ever return to the realm? I can barely keep those tonsured hotheads under control as is..." She paused, then grunted a laugh. "You can keep that under your mask, Iselsi."
"He's here."
The Roseblack turned to see a second figure approaching along the promontory dressed shredded black cloth that floated about him in tatters, feathered by the breeze. His figure was slim, his face cold but with high spots of bright color on his cheeks, and shock of crested black hair on his head. He gave the general a deep bow and whispered, "Good morning, young wood dragon. I understand you wish to know more about the Solar Exalted that shepherd the Marukan?"