Last Emperor: Merit: Jury-Rig

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Jury Rig (3 dots)[edit]

Prerequeisite: Intelligence: *** (3), Crafts: *** (3), Repair speciality[edit]

Jury-rig allows the character an ability to rig emergency repairs to a damaged or broken device with surprising speed. This duct tape, bubble-gum, and zip-tie repair won't last for long, and will need to be undone and fixed properly later.

The chararcter may make a Intelligence + Crafts (repair) check in one scene, rather than 30+ minutes, restoring a number of structure points equal the the number of successes. This may allow an item to return to functionality until damaged again. The temporary structure points gained by the Jury-rig repairs is removed at twice the normal rate, each point of damage through the item's durability takes two temporary structure points.

Properly repairing the device in question now takes twice to four times as long to undo the temporary repair and fix the damage properly

Last Emperor: Merits list