Paradise City:Dave Kline Got Murdered

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The Setup

Paradise City, U.S.A.. 4 A.M.. Your vidphone buzzes insistently. On the screen, the psychedelic advertisement for Nettek Communications morphs into the smiling face of Jenny Darwin. The fixer is immaculate, as always. “Got a job for all of you” she announces brightly, apparently having called several people at once. “The client is very insistent on meeting you immediately. Café Roche, Seventy-Ninth Street, in the Downtown zone. I need you there within an hour”. She leans forward, causing her mouth to slide off-screen at the bottom of the phone. “The offer is $200,000 for each member of the team! Minus my fifteen percent, of course”. She straightens, her face pulling back into full view, and brushes some imaginary lint from her collar. “Do I land you guys the big money or what? Looks like I’m getting a brand new car this month after all. Easiest deal I ever made in my life – the Johnson had no idea what he was doing in negotiations” she grins proudly. “All he knows is that daddy got murdered and now he wants some justice, whatever the cost. All you have to do is find the killer. And the best part of the deal is, if you don’t want to kill them back, you can just hand them over to the cops and the money is the same! I am so good, I amaze even myself!”. She looks at her watch. “Now you have fifty-five minutes” she says.

The PCs

Jacob Alexander

Player: Toras, Age: 28, Height: 6'4", Build: Athletic, Points: 170, Background: Wastelands

STR 10 [16] DEX 13 [14] (60pts, 1 cyber) IQ 14 (80pts) HT 11 (10pts)

HP 11, Will 14, Per 16, FP 11

Cyberware: Cybernetic Arms (Unnatural, Str 16 ( 3), Dx 1), Cybernetic Legs (Unnatural, 2 kick damage, 100% Move and Jump)], Dataplay Socket, Cellular Link, Fear Block ( 4 Strong Will, Overconfidence), Painkiller (High Pain Threshold, no feeling).

Advantages: Cyberware 10pts, Combat Reflexes 15pts, (Background: Wastelands) Talent (Area Knowledge (Central Waste), Driving, Survival (all non-urban), Tracking and 1 to all mental skills with the specialization “Central Wastes)

Disadvantages: Code of Honor: Chivalrous -5 (Don’t let women or children suffer), Delusion: Dead Man calling -5 (Dead Man Calling is a minor but quirk delusion. He will occassionally get calls from members of his old squad. Just keeping in touch, never able to make it into paradise. The trick is, none of them made it back from their last mission. He's talking to dead air and a loop in his own cellular system), Enemy: Street Gang -10pts (Powerful, Hunter. They are Tenth street slashers, some of the most brutal -punks this size of the Aslyum. Jacob has always had a bit of problem with those who pick on the weak. Saw a couple of them trying to rape a woman in the alley and kicked the shit out of them. And that was just the first time they clashed. He thinks their scum, and certainly wouldn't mind the chance to put them in their place. So naturally things got worse, Enemy: Enemy Sniper (powerful, hunter) -10pts, Impulsive -10pts, Sense of Duty: Squad -5pts.

Skills (30pts): Area Knowledge [Central Wastes] 15, Armoury/TL 9 14 (2pts), Brawling 14 (Background), Camouflage 14 (1pt), Computer Operation 15 (2pts), Computer Programming 14 (4pts), Driving 14 (1pt, Background), Electronic Operations -Cyberware 13 (1pt), Electronics Repair -Cyberware 13 (1pt), Engineering -Cyberware 12 (1pt), First Aid 14 (1pt), Guns -Pistol 14 (1pts), Guns – Rifle 14 (1pts), Interrogation 13 (1pts), Karate -Muti Ti 15 (8pts), Jump 14 (1pt), Observation 14 (2pt), Savoir-Faire (Central Wastes) 14 (Background), Stealth 14 (2pts), Survival (Central Wastes) 14 (Background), Tracking 15 (2pts, Background), Tactics 14 (4pts).


Ironstate Minuteman 10mm Rifle (Dam 9d pi , Acc 4, Range 1300/5800, Wt. 10/1.2, RoF 3, Shots 12 1(3), ST 10t, Bulk -4, Rcl 3, $2700, LC 3) 60 rounds.

Orono Bushi 15mm auto pistol (Dam 4d 2 pi , Acc 2, Range 250/2700, Wt. 4/0.2, RoF 3, Shots 11 1(3), ST 12, Bulk -3, Rcl 4, $1000, LC 3) 50 rounds.

Armor: Ballistic Vest (DR 12 vs piercing and cutting / DR 4 vs other damage, Flexible, LC 3)

Other Equipment: First Aid Kit, Flash Light, Backpack, Zippo Lighter, Repelling Gear, Urban Cammoflage.

Transport: Sedan.

Description: Jacob started out as pretty average. Brown hair cut in military buzz, hazel eyes, and average build. Not exactly someone you'd remember. He is usually in fatigues of some sort, nothing military issue but they just feel more comfortable. Along the back of his neck is where they hid his Datajack and Cellular uplink. His arms and legs are pretty much solid crome and more massive than his form suggests that they should be. The basic structures the same, but they are larger and metallic with no effort made to match definition.

Adrian Griffon

ST: 10, DX: 12, IQ: 13, HT: 10

HP 10, Will 13, Per 13, FP 10

Basic Lift 20 lbs, Damage: Thrust 1d-2, Swing 1d, Basic Speed: 5.75(6), Basic Move: 6

Cyberware (All Natural): Chip Slot /w Pain Editor Chip, 8 lb flesh holster in torso, Two Bionic Ears w/ Sound Editor and Volume Cutout, Speedware 1 ( 0.25 Speed), Cyrberflex: Run 2 ( 4 to Running Skill).

Advantages: Basic Speed 0.25, Charisma 1, Patron (Web of friends and contacts all over the city with Current Affairs (Crime, 20 pts), Talent: Ear to the Street 2 (Area Knowledge, Current Affairs (any street), Streetwise) [10 pts], Westside Nation Background [Streetwise, Urban Survival, and 1 to all Mental skills that have the specialization (Westside Nation)].

Disadvantages: Code of Honor (Defend old gang in the Westside Nation, the “Nine Blades”) [10 pts], Dependents: Neighbors. (Street Kids, Elderly Couple, Pair of Prostitutes). [20 pts]

Skills: Accounting 11 [1], Area Knowledge (The Asylum) 13(15) [1], Area Knowledge (The Browns) 13(15) [1], Area Knowledge (The Church Hill Area) 13(15) [1], Area Knowledge (The City Dumps) 13(15) [1], Area Knowledge (Downtown) 13(15) [1], Area Knowledge (The Firepits) 13(15) [1], Area Knowledge (The Habitats) 13(15) [1], Area Knowledge (The Southside Jungles) 13(15) [1], Area Knowledge (West Hollywood) 13(15) [1], Area Knowledge (The Westside Nation) 14(17) [2], Brawling 13 [2], Computer Operation 13 [1]m Current Affairs (Crime) 15(17) [4], Diplomacy 13 [4], Driving (Automobile) 13 [1], Driving (Motorcycle) 14 [2], Fast-Draw (Knife) 14 [4], Fast-Talk 13 [2], Guns (Pistol) 13 [2], Guns (SMG) 13 [2], Holdout 13 [2], Jumping 12 [1], Karate 13 [8], Melee Weapon (Knife) 15 [8], Research 14 [4], Running 10(14) [2], Stealth 13 [4], Streetwise (The Asylum) 12(15) [1], Streetwise (The Browns) 12(15) [1], Streetwise (The Church Hill Area) 12(15) [1], Streetwise (The City Dumps) 12(15) [1], Streetwise (Downtown) 12(15) [1], Streetwise (The Firepits) 12(15) [1], Streetwise (The Habitats) 12(15) [1], Streetwise (The Southside Jungles) 12(15) [1], Streetwise (West Hollywood) 12(15) [1], Streetwise (The Westside Nation) 13(16) [2], Urban Survival 12(13) [1]


Machine Pistol: Daisho Jackal 9mm Machine Pistol (Dam 3d pi, Acc 2, Range 160/1800, Wt. 2.5/1, RoF 10, Shots 30 1(3), ST 9, Bulk -2, Rcl 3, $500, LC 2)

Combat Pistol: Glock 90 10 mm (Dam 3d pi , Acc 2, Range 280/2000, Wt. 2.5/0.7, RoF 3, Shots 20 1(3), ST 10, Bulk -2, Rcl 3, $540, LC 3)

Holdout Pistol: AMT Insurance .25 (Dam 2d pi, Acc 1, Range 100/1200, Wt. 1/0.2, RoF 3, Shots 18 1(3), ST 6, Bulk -1, Rcl 2, $240, LC 3)

Combat Knife: Large, Vibro, Super-Fine. (Sw 1d (5) Cut, Th 2d (5) Imp. LC 3)

Holdout Knife: Small, Super-Fine. (Sw 1d-1 (2) Cut, Th 1d-1 (2) Imp. LC 4)

Armor: Ballistic Vest (DR 12 vs piercing and cutting / DR 4 vs other damage, Flexible, LC 3)

Transport: Motorcycle.

Other Equipment: Business Cards, Mobile Phone  ???

History: Adrian grew up on the streets of the Westside Nation, his parents were killed in a gang war when he was twelve and he has been surviving on the mean streets ever since.

Not particularly strong he was quick and smart, this saw him picked up by the (insert gang name) as a runner for them. Mostly tasked with delivering small quantities of drugs to the gang’s customers he soon came to know his way around the local streets and then the rest of Westside.

Soon after he found a mentor in “Blade” a local street tough who was an expert in martial arts and deadly with a knife. He became the father figure in Griffon’s life and taught him a lot about surviving on the streets.

Being an inquisitive and friendly sort he soon developed a number of friends and contacts around Paradise’s seedier side. His bosses within the gang soon came to see his ability to move relatively freely throughout the city as a blessing and promoted him to do courier work of a more legitimate nature.

Griffon used this opportunity to make more contacts around the city. He had an idea of how one day he would be able to get out of the courier business to become an information broker.

At around age 23 Griffon began his career as an information broker, he found he could find out all sorts of interesting things about people in all sorts of places. He has had many opportunities for blackmail but has yet to resort to the darker side of his business.

Currently Griffon operates out of and old apartment building which he shares with a group of street kids, an elderly couple and a pair of prostitutes. He considers them his people and does what he can to look out for them.

Eren Kajian

ST 10, DX 10, IQ 14, HT 10

HP 10, Will 14, Per 17, FP 10

Basic Lift 20 lbs, Damage: Thrust 1d-2, Swing 1d, Basic Speed: 5, Basic Move: 5

Cyberware: Pattern Recognition Audiovox, Anti-Toxin Glands, One level of Adrenal Cut-Outs, Chipware Socket.

Advantages: Charisma 2, Voice, Talent: Eastgate Background. [Administration, Computer Operation, Law (Paradise), Research, Savoir-Faire (Corporate), 1 all “Eastgate” skills], Talent: Smooth Operator 1 [Acting, Carousing, Diplomacy, Fast-Talk, Intimidation, Leadership, Panhandling, Politics, Public Speaking, Savoir-Faire (Corporate), Sex Appeal, Streetwise), Talent: Street Savvy 2. (Area Knowledge (Urban), Streetwise, Survival (Urban)).

Disadvantages:, Overconfidence 10, Addiction 10

Skills: Acting 13(14) [1], Area Knowledge (The Asylum) 14(16) [1], Area Knowledge (The City Dumps) 14(16) [1], Area Knowledge (Downtown) 15(17) [2], Area Knowledge (Eastgate) 14(17) [1], Area Knowledge (The Habitats) 14(16) [1], Area Knowledge (West Hollywood) 14(16) [1], Beam Weapons (Pistol) 10 [1], Brawling 11 [2], Carousing 14(15) [1], Computer Operation 14(15) [1], Criminology 14 [2], Diplomacy 13(14) [2], Electronics Operation (Surveillance) 14 [2], Fast-Talk 14(15) [2], Holdout 13 [1], Law (Paradise) 12(13) [1], Lockpicking 13 [1], Observation 17 [2], Photography 13 [1], Research 15(16) [4], Savoir-Faire (Corporate) 15(17) [2], Search 18 [4], Shadowing 13 [1], Streetwise (Downtown) 14(16) [2], Streetwise (Eastgate) 14(17) [1], Streetwise (The Asylum) 13(16) [1], Streetwise (The City Dumps) 13(16) [1], Streetwise (The Habitats) 13(16) [1], Streetwise (West Hollywood) 13(16) [1], Survival (Urban) 13(15) [1]


Non-descript Sedan, dark colours.

Daisho XP electrolaser pistol (Dam 1d-3 burn and HT-4(2) aff, Acc 4, Range 40/80, Wt. 2.2/0.5, RoF 3, Shots 180(3), ST 4, Bulk -2, Rcl 1, $800, LC 4) with 5 spare power-packs.

Mahara Rangi 9mm pistol (Dam 2d 2 pi, Acc 2, Range 150/1900, Wt. 2/0.7, RoF 3, Shots 18 1(3), ST 9, Bulk -2, Rcl 2, $800, LC 3) with 5 spare magazines. Collapsible Baton

Suitcase with smart clothing, Sunglasses with variable lens, zoom and photography functions, Cellphone (Larger, more functional variety), Laptop and back-ups, 5 grams of high quality MDMA, Sensitive Audio-Recorder with Sound Editor and Micro-Microphone, Fibre-Optic cameras, Toolkit with power drill and 'standard content'.

Transport: Eren has his dark sedan, pretty much of a time that wouldn't look to out of place in any company employee fleet.


Eren is of average height, and vaguely Eastern Mediterranean appearance: he could be Turkish or Armenian or Lebanese or more likely just another long term citizen of Paradise City, from parents who were long term citizens of Paradise City, from parents who were... At any rate, he has black hair and dark eyes, and likes to keep himself well shaven, although he sometimes has a tendancy to forget when working; a patina of stubble tends to indicate interest and engagement with the job. While he varies his clothing depending on the social situation, his dress will always be described as smart. He has a pair of shades he uses for camera work and so on, which he habitually wears when on the job, but doesn't really affect much else in terms of ornament. Those same shades serve to disguise sleep deprived eyes...

Anvil Sampson

Name: Dave “Anvil” Sampson

Point Total: 170, Height: 190 cm, Weight: 97 kg, Age: 28, Player: Jim Lawrie.

ST 12 (20) DX 12 (40) IQ 12 (40) HT 12 (20)

HP 12(17) (0), Will 12 (0) Per 14 (6) FP 12 (0)

Basic Lift 29 lbs., Damage: Thrust 1d-1, Swing 1d 2, Basic Speed: 6, Basic Move: 6

Advantages: Combat Reflexes, Background [Sydney. 1 point in Area Knowledge (Australia), Area Knowledge (Sydney), Brawling, Streetwise (Sydney), Survival Urban, 1 to any Streetwise, to Survival (Urban) and to mental skills with the specialization (Sydney).]

Disadvantages: Code of Honor: Animosity with the Police (10) Code of Honor: Code of Honor: Use Non-Lethal Means if Possible (10). Enemy (Police, Occasional) (5)

Cyberware: Interface Jack w/ Weapon Link 3 (Semi-Natural), Cardiac Jacket (Semi-Natural), Organ Web (Semi-Natural, Chest, 5 Extra Hit Points, DR 1, Limitation: Tough Skin), Adrenal Cutouts 4 (Semi-Natural, 2 to Fright Checks), 2 Chipslots (Semi-Natural)

Chips Owned: Ambidexterity Chip (Semi-Natural), Skill Chip (Demolition 2, Semi-Natural), Skill Chip (Disguise 2, Semi-Natural), Skill Chip (Lockpicking 2, Semi-Natural), Skill Chip (First Aid 2, Semi-Natural), Reflex Chip (Driving (Automobile) 1, Semi-Natural)

Skills: Area Knowledge (Australia) 12 [1], Area Knowledge (Downtown) 12 [1], Area Knowledge (Sydney) 12(13) [1], Brawling 12 [1], Diplomacy 10 [1], Disguise 11 [1], Driving (Automobile) 11 [1], Electronics Operations (Security Systems) 11 [1], Fast Talk 11 [1], First Aid 12 [1], Gunner (Cannon) 12 [1], Gunner (Machineguns) 12 [1], Gunner (Rockets) 12 [1], Guns (Grenade Launcher) 12 [1], Guns (LAW) 12 [1], Guns (Light Machinegun) 13 [1], Guns (Pistol) 14 [2], Guns (Rifle) 13 [1], Guns (Shotgun) 15 [8], Guns (Submachinegun) 13 [1], Interrogation 11 [1], Judo 13 [8] {Arm Lock 15 [2], Breakfall 15 [2]}, Lockpicking 12 [2], Melee Weapon (Shortsword) 11 [1], Observation 13 [1], Professional Skill (Demolitions) 11 [1], Search 13 [2], Stealth 13 [4], Streetwise (Downtown) 12 [1], Streetwise (Sydney) 13 [1], Streetwise (Church Hill) 12 [1], Streetwise (Towers) 12 [1], Survival (Central Wastes) 12 [1], Survival (Urban) 12 [1]

Weapons Owned:

Stun baton (Dam sw cr / thr cr with HT-5(2) aff, Reach 1, Parry 0, Cost $200, Wt 1, ST 5)

2 x Battlegloves (Dam 3d cr, Reach C, Parry 0, ST 8, DR 12, Wt. 6, $300, LC 3)

Orono Bushi 15mm (Dam 4d 2 pi , Acc 2, Range 250/2700, Wt. 4/0.2, RoF 3, Shots 11 1(3), ST 12, Bulk -3, Rcl 4, $1000, LC 3)

Oni Model 2 20g Shotgun Pistol (Dam 1d 1 pi-, Acc 1, Range 40/100, Wt. 6/1, RoF 3x9, Shots 12(3i), ST 12t, Bulk -3, Rcl 2, $950, LC 3)

Orion Badman SMG .45 (Dam 2d 1 pi , Acc 3, Range 190/1750, Wt. 10.2/2.2, RoF 8, Shots 30(3), ST 11t, Bulk -4, Rcl 3, $300, LC 2)

Elton-Sellars H7H2 12g CAWS Shotgun (Dam 1d 2 pi-, Acc 4, Range 50/125, Wt. 12/2, RoF 6x9, Shots 60(3i), ST 12t, Bulk -6, Rcl 2, $6000, LC 1)

Britt Wentworth 40mm Underbarrel Beanbag Launcher. (Dam 2d cr to 4d cr depending on setting, Acc 1, Range 75/150, Wt. 3.5/0.5, RoF 1, Shots 6(3), ST 11t, Bulk 0, Rcl 2, $500, LC 3)


12 rubber pellet grenades (Dam 1d cr, Radius 2 yrds, Fuse 2, Weight 0.5, LC 3), 12 gas-bang grenades (Dam 1d-5*, Fuse 2, Weight 0.5, LC 3)

Armor Owned:

Combat Helmet. (DR 18 vs piercing/cutting, otherwise 12, LC 2). Includes HUD, respirator, sight and hearing protection).

Ballistic Suit (DR 12/4 for body and limbs, vulnerable to blunt trauma, Wt. 6, LC 3)

Ballistic Camouflage Suit (DR 12/4 for body and limbs, vulnerable to blunt trauma, Wt. 7, LC 3). 24 patterns camouflage library. Includes an integral load bearing web and climbing harness.. The fanny bag contains the ascenders, rappel kit and thin-line.

Traumaplates - greaves, kneepads and elbowpads ( 23 DR, 9 Wt, LC 2)

Smart Goggles. Includes Thermograph, Targeting Array, Light Intensification, Polarization, Clock, Compass and Range Finder.

Misc Owned:

Pouch /w 20 ziplok cuffs Pepper spray x 5

Anvil's Apartment in The Towers:

Anvil's flat is a crappy little habmod on the 36th floor of one of the Hunsaker Towers, a low rent vertical slum with over 120 floors of desperation designed for corporate workers. Anvil's not with the Company anymore, so his rent has skyrocketed now that he doesn't get his company rebate and he's been moved into one of the least desirable interior habmods next to the coolant ducting. His flat is by turns just too cold or just too hot, but usually not more than one or the other per day. The moisture, is however, constant and it's either beading on the walls or steaming in his breath. The decor is u-boat chic with the obligatory flickering strip light and grimy built-ins. Only three things really are different from normal habmods of this type. On one wall is secured a heavy code-secured weapons case with battered yellow/black diagonal stripes running across it. The built in closet with smoked perspex front has a patched suit of armour hanging in it, it's a Hostage Rescue Team SWaT rig. Finally, Anvil's private police licence hangs on the wall over the weapons case. Otherwise, there is no personality in this tiny room. It's like a hangar for a human. When you fall from grace in the corporate world, this is where you land. Not too bad compared to the streets, but close enough to the comfortable corporate world so that you can press your face against the glass and look in. Furniture is simple, a double bunk is built into one wall. A nook with a U-seat is opposite it. There is a sink and a tiny but noisy refrigerator, but no method of cooking. The toilet/shower cubicle is next to this.

Vicki McMillan

Player: Illegible Smudge, Age: 21, Height: 5'4", Weight: 130 lbs, Build: Slim/Petite, Points: 170, Background: Church Hill

ST 12 (0)DX 15 (100) IQ 12 (40) HT 12 (20)

HP 12, Will 16, Per 12, FP 12

Basic Lift 29 lbs, Damage: Thrust 1d-1, Swing 1d 2, Basic Speed: 7 (5 pts), Basic Move: 7

Cyberwear: Hard Reflexes: Balance, Long Vibro-Claws (Semi-Natural), Aggression Booster, Wired Reflexes (Semi-Natural), Fear Block, Light Tattoo: Gang Symbol

Advantages: Combat Reflexes [15], Background: Church Hill [0], $60k of Cyberwear [12], Talent: Street [0], Attractive [4]

Disadvantages: Shyness [-10], Miserliness [-10], Wealth: Struggling [-10], Impulsiveness [-10], Greed [-15], Addiction: Cigarettes [-5], Dependent: Her girlfriend Krystal (Loved One x2, 50% or less, 9 or less)[-10], Sense of Duty: Her former gangmates [-5], Bad Temper [0], Overconfidence [0]

Skills: Acrobatics 17 [2], Area Knowledge: Church Hill 12 [0], Area Knowledge: Downtown 12 [1], Brawling 16 [0], Climbing 17 [2], Computer Operation 12 [1], Dancing 17 [1], Electronics Ops: Security 14 [8], Fast-Draw: Pistol 15 [1], First-Aid 12 [1], Guns: Gyroc 15 [1], Holdout 11 [1], Intimidation 14 [2], Judo 14 [1], Jumping 17 [2], Karate 18 [8], Lockpicking 14 [8], Merchant 10 [2], Observation 12 [2], Pickpocket 14 [2], Stealth 17 [4], Streetwise: Church Hill 10 [0], Streetwise: Downtown 10 [1], Shadowing 12 [2], Urban Survival 12 [1]


Vibro-Claws (Dam 2d 2 (5) cut / 2d 1 imp (5), Reach 1/C, Parry 0, Cost $5000)

Ironstate Riotgun 15mm (Dam 6d pi , Acc 1, Range 1900, Wt. 1.5/0.7, RoF 3, Shots 6(3), ST 6t, Bulk -, Rcl 1, $70, LC 2)

Armour: Ballistic Vest (DR 12 vs piercing and cutting / DR 4 vs other damage, Flexible, LC 3)

Other Equipment: Light Intensification Contacts ($300/neg), Electronic Lockpick ($1500/3 lbs), Lockpicks ($50), Belt Holster ($25), Wristwatch ($20), Zippo Lighter ($25)

Transport: Vicki tends to use public transport such as the subway for the most part, or else goes on foot if the distances are not too far. I don't see her owning a car. When with the team, she rides in Jacob's sedan.

Description: Slim and petite but intense looking young woman with shoulder length glossy blue hair. She habitually wears a leather jacket and urban camouflage pattern cargo pants with sneakers, clearly identifying herself as a gang-member. Her eyes are bright Frodo-blue and she seems to oscillate between being withdrawn and suddenly hostile and confrontational when people get too close. Those who look carefully can just make out faint silver threads of circuitry running beneath the skin and note that her fingernails appear to be made of stainless-steel.

Retired PCs