Forgotten Freedom:Slaypaw

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Revision as of 02:41, 1 May 2007 by (talk) (Slaypaw)
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CN Tibbit 6 Rogue/ 7 Barbarian/ 11 Cleric

Slaypaw is a relatively young tibbit, but she has a taste for fighting. It doesn't have to be lethal, she just enjoys it immensely. Her family threw her out when she killed another tibbit in a duel to first blood, hence the nickname. After that, she adventured for a while, but her entire party was killed in an illithid ambush. She got away by shifting to cat form and running off. She sneaked on the Forgotten Freedom on a whim, and hasn't had a chance to get off yet. She enjoys the company of Fluffy, Satnak's half-dragon cat, and the two scheme together to bring about the age of cats. Fluffy and Slaypaw are now in love, and they have four kittens.

Some of that is true (everything from arriving on the Forgotten Freedom onward), but most of it is just what she tells people. A lot of Slaypaw's past has been revealed recently. A group of lupins "convinced" (threatening the entire tribe she lived in) her to join her group, then used her to slaughter her tribe. They used magic to change her into a lupin. She adventured (under magical control) with them for a while, training as an evil cleric until she was freed by a beholder's antimagic gaze. She fled, fearing the sorcerer's magic.

She tried to live with another tribe, but her tribe's ghosts devestated the tribe's village and she was exiled. After this, she wandered, looking for a place where her tribe would not follow. She found the Forgotten Freedom.

Slaypaw's kittens are Rip, Tear, Shred, and Mittens.

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