My city of heroes

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Mutants and masterminds

De aquí en adelante aparecen los datos necesarios para la campaña de Mutans and Masterminds. La acción se desarrollará en la ciudad ficticia de San Angelo, una gran metropoli en la costa oeste con la sexta población más numerosa de los U.S.A. Hasta ahora ha sido una ciudad normal, como las de nuestro tiempo hasta que en 1992 se dió la tercera Singularidad (se cree que la primera ocurrió en 1936 y la segunda en 1982), la Singularidad es un agujero en el espacio-tiempo que crea un "flujo de radiación" que afecta a las propiedades fisico-quimicas de diversos compuestos dando como resultado que aumenten las mutaciones y se despierten poderes latentes.

Debido a la tercera singularidad un grupo importante de ciudadanos a manifestado una serie de poderes o capacidades sobre humanas que al parecer se encontraban latentes y que actualemente se están despertando.

Capítulo Uno

                                                                        A dreamy land of drawbridges, ferries, wandering waterways
                                                                    and morning mists, the fertile delta region contains 50 or more
                                                                    islands and more than a thousand miles of maze-like channels.
                                                                        The timeless bayou country has reminded more than one per-
                                                                    son of the Deep South.
       I heard something on the radio about it–someone’s                Water-skiers are a common sight on the delta, while the region’s
    threatening to blow up Oro Dam again? No, I’m not               striped bass, bluegill, sturgeon and black bass draw countless
    worried. The heroes will stop them.                             anglers. Houseboat excursions are also popular.
       They always do.
              –Mindy Rivers, 34, massage therapist                  THE FOOTHILLS
                                                                        The Gold Country, a forested region of gently rolling foothill
                                                                    country laced by rivers that pour down from the Sierra Nevada,
   Below the dam, the river flows through the downtown to           lies to the east of San Angelo.

its confluence with the San Angelo River, then continues on to Covered bridges, mining museums, swimming holes and ghost the delta and the Pacific Ocean. towns are just some of the sights, intermixed with an occasional

   The Del Oro River is not navigable above the confluence, but it  town or 19th-century hotel.

is popular with rafters. Whitewater enthusiasts prefer the much Several closed mines are found in the Gold Country, along more challenging stretches above Lake Oro, though. with a few active mining operations. The foothills are also home

   The San Angelo River flows down from the foothills east of       to some award-winning wineries.

town, heading west to the confluence. The river is navigable to the foothills, but most cargo ships now put in at the port, south of

                                                                    REGIONAL COMMUNITIES

the confluence. Wide and placid, the San Angelo River is popular for fishing, boating and water-skiing. While the city of San Angelo dominates the region, the county

   Both the San Angelo and Del Oro rivers can be unexpectedly       contains several small rural communities, two of which are also

cold, especially during the spring snowmelt, and have dangerous incorporated cities. currents. Several people drown on both rivers every year.


AREAS OF THE REGION A town of 12,000 people located near Lake Oro, Canfield re-

                                                                    lies on the nearby reservoir and California State Prison, Canfield,
   The landscape around metropolitan San Angelo contains some
                                                                    to underpin its economy.

locales of interest in and of themselves.

                                                                        Every summer, hundreds of thousands of people on their way
                                                                    to the beaches, marinas and campgrounds surrounding Lake Oro

THE DELTA pass through Canfield. Gas stations, swimwear shops, boat rent-

   The Del Oro River feeds into a delta leading to the Pacific      als and others capitalize on the traffic to snare some business.

Ocean at the extreme southern tip of San Angelo County. Restaurants, outdoors supply stores and bait shops also benefit.


                                                                         The quarry shut down in the 1960s, and the deep pit is now
  The state prison located just outside town provides a steadier
                                                                    filled by rainwater. It is a popular swimming hole for youngsters

source of employment. Prison jobs have supported some Canfield

                                                                    from nearby Marshall.

families for generations, and the town reciprocates with strong sup- port for the institution. Lightning Strike Mine: An abandoned gold mine in the hills

                                                                    around Lake Oro. The Lightning Strike Mining Co. operated the
  An incorporated city, Canfield is governed by its own five-per-
                                                                    mine for more than 80 years before the gold gave out in 1971.

son City Council. The city contracts with the San Angelo County Sheriff’s Department for law enforcement. The mine, a maze-like warren of tunnels and shafts, is closed

                                                                    to the public due to the numerous hazards, including cave-ins,

GARRETT’S LANDING unmarked shafts, pockets of poison gas and flooding.

                                                                         While the Lightning Strike Mine may be the most extensive,
  A sleepy delta town of 2,000 people, Garrett’s Landing lies
                                                                    there are numerous old gold mines in the foothills above the

along the Del Oro River as it makes its way to the ocean amid a


series of sloughs and islands. The town gained its name as an early shipping stop frequented by the colorful steamboat captain

                                                                        OTHER POINTS OF INTEREST

Quincy Garrett.

  Today, bait shops, general stores and filling stations are pretty        California State Prison, Canfield (p. 111)

much the height of the commercial scene in Garrett’s Landing. A Delta Community College (p. 114) few bars and restaurants compete to attract tourists returning from

                                                                           Delta Community Hospital

a day of water-borne fun on the delta.

                                                                           Marshall Airport (p. 64)
  Delta Community College is located just outside town, and a
                                                                           Marshall Community Hospital

small community hospital in town provides basic medical care

                                                                           San Angelo County Landfill (p. 77)

for delta residents.

  Garrett’s Landing is an unincorporated community governed
                                                                                LAYOUT OF THE CITY

by the county. MARSHALL The city of San Angelo got its start at the confluence of the San

                                                                    Angelo and Del Oro rivers. Now a sprawling metropolis, the city
  A rural community of about 15,000 in southern San Angelo
                                                                    has outgrown these early boundaries to cover an immense area.

County, Marshall anchors the vanishing farming heritage of San

                                                                         The actual city limits of San Angelo only enclose a portion of

Angelo County.

                                                                    the metropolis–about half the residents of urban San Angelo live
  The small town has an almost Midwestern look, complete with
                                                                    in unincorporated communities governed by the county.

a looming water tower emblazoned with the Wildcat logo of the

                                                                         Like most other West Coast cities, the population density of

Marshall High School football team.

                                                                    San Angelo is low compared to East Coast cities. High-rises are
  Agriculture and ag-related industry provide most of the jobs in
                                                                    really only found downtown, mostly in City Center, and mainly

Marshall. Tractor dealers, farm insurers, canneries and feed stores

                                                                    provide office space for businesses.

are just a few of the key businesses in town. Outside town are numerous dairies, along with some farmland and cattle ranches.

  The Marshall Airport, home to several cropdusters, lies on the
                                                                            San Angelo: City of Heroes describes every part of

edge of town, and the San Angelo County Landfill is just a few

                                                                         the city, from the downtown to the suburbs. Each

miles away.

                                                                         community is broken down into numerous neighborhoods,
  An incorporated city, Marshall has its own City Council and
                                                                         some of which are also described.

small police department. A volunteer fire department with a core

                                                                            But no effort has been made to describe every

of paid personnel provides fire protection. neighborhood in San Angelo—for one thing, there are

                                                                         hundreds of neighborhoods in the metropolis! More
                                                                         importantly for gamers, leaving parts of some communi-

POINTS OF INTEREST ties open allows GMs to create their own neighborhoods

                                                                         for specific adventures, PC backgrounds or other
  Canfield Indian Rancheria: A 20-acre reservation for Native

Americans found a few miles outside the town of Canfield. About

                                                                            Future Gold Rush Games products set in San Angelo

30 families from various tribes live on the rancheria in a collec-

                                                                         may also provide details on new neighborhoods.

tion of modest houses and mobile homes.

                                                                            On a slightly different neighborhood-related topic,
  Unemployment and poverty are serious problems for many
                                                                         San Angelo is home to people of almost every ethnic,

rancheria residents.

                                                                         national and religious background imaginable. A few
  The state established Canfield Indian Rancheria in 1923 for            neighborhoods, such as Chinatown (see The Dragon’s

homeless Native Americans of any California tribe. A united council Gate: San Angelo’s Chinatown), have become identified elected by residents oversees the rancheria. with people of a particular background.

                                                                            This does not mean that everyone in Chinatown has a
  Residents are discussing opening an Indian casino, featuring
                                                                         Chinese background, however. And it certainly doesn’t

card games and bingo, to provide jobs and bring in revenue to

                                                                         imply that every Chinese or Chinese American person in

upgrade living conditions at the rancheria. The proposal has nearby

                                                                         San Angelo lives in Chinatown.

residents worried about increased traffic.

  Clavell Quarry: A closed granite quarry near the town of

Marshall. In its heyday, the operation provided granite for the construction of several city landmarks, including California State Prison, Canfield, and the San Angelo County Courthouse.


- Azteca


- Dynamo

- Lotus